June 9, 2001

june 9, #3 [stone temple pilots, "wicked garden"] well it’s 11:30

and we’re all just getting back from hickory park in ames, it was pretty cool.

lol. pete let everyone leave at 8:30 so we all decided to go to hickory park.

we just ate desert, but we took forever to eat it. i got to ride in a car

with neil, he’s one damn hot guy. he’s like 16 or 17 and in ROTC, damn good

shape, and really cute, he’s got these really cute dimples, i was flirting

with him in the car, and he was so flirting back, lol. it was great. yeah,

so i have to be up at 6:30 tomorrow so i’m going to bed. night all.

June 9, 2001

june 9, #2 [savage garden, "affiamat"] well it’s 4:00 and we’re

free tell supper. today really sucks, we were supposed to be completely done

by now, which almost everyone is. and we were going to get from 4 tell 11

tomorrow off, but pete is being an ass hole and has decided that we can’t

have tonight off so everyone has to stay in camp, which just plain sucks.

i really wanted to get out of here to get my laundry and stuff done tonight.

and to take a hot shower with water pressure and all that. yeah i really did,

but it looks like i’m not going to get to now. damnit. i haven’t gotten to

spend any time in my campsite either, but that’s ok. they were all over on

frankel today all day cause of the scouts over here on this ridge, all around

it’s been a productive day. pete’s still claiming that we are three days behind

schedule, but we aren’t everyone is ready to go for camp. we’ve got all the

evening programs figured out and stuff so yep all that’s ready to go. well

i’m going to go see about a shower, we just got done makeing the fires and

we had to haul alot of wood into the ampitheater. that’s not fun work.

June 9, 2001

june 9, [sting, "why should i cry for you"] well it’s 7:00 i should

be heading to flag raising here soon, but i was bored so i thought i would

write a short little something. last night was cool. i slept well. it’s a

bit chilly this morning but not to bad. today shouldn’t be all that bad either.

we have to finish plans for the evening programs and that should take the

rest of the day and stuff. yep. well i should be going.

June 8, 2001

june 8, #2 [soul decision, "no one does it better"] well today

has just been so awsome. omg, well it’s 10:20 and i’m just now getting back

for the evening. after i wrote the last one i went out and hung with my guys

at the pool that was really cool, they tried throwing me in, but they never

made it, but they still managed to get me really wet. then after supper we

had a staff meeting we got the evening programs all done out and stuff. that

was fun doing all the skits and stuff tomorrows going to be really busy though.

then after the meeting i went back to my packs camp site and hung out with

them, they had a ceremony there for all the new scouts in camp so i helped

them with that by singing songs and stuff. that was soo cool. and omg i travi

is so damn adorable, i really hope that if i ever have kids they are like

him. he’s so cute. to bad he’s only 10. roflol. no, seriously he’s really

adorable. i wish i could do cub scout camp all summer. that would be so much

fun. well it’s late, so i’m going to head to bed now. it’s going to be another

long one tomorrow.

June 8, 2001

june 8, [brian setzer, "since i don’t have you"] well it’s 4 and

we’re having free time. i got to hang out with my webelos tell noon then i

had to go and do BSA training. so that sucked i really liked my group. that

kid, his names travi, is so damn adorable. he was so cute this morning. we

got our staff shirts today, they are ugly, they have a huge smiley face on

the front that looks like the wal-mart smiley and on the back it says in HUGE

letters, "STAFF." they are really ugly, but they are better then

having to wear Class A’s all day. so yeah. there’s really not much to write

about now. i’m supposed to be working on Eagle Bound Olympics stuff, we have

to get two more games and cut to, don’t ask me why, that’s just what i was

told and that’s what we are doing. so yep. that’s it. i’m going to go see

if i can get that stuff done real quick and then go hang out with my cubs

for the rest of the time tell supper. laters.