March 29, 2001

March 29 #3. i bet you people didn’t realize how many different

time i update this in a day. i’m going to start doing it like this cause that

way it’s easier for people to see what they’ve read and what they haven’t

cause it’s nothing for me to upload this page 4 or 5 times a day. so ok on

to what i wanted to babble about, the CS department here is so fucking stupid

here’s an e-mail they just sent to everyone: To those

residence hall students who are running FTP services or Unix /Linux machines

The dormitory network connection agreement signed by students includes a statement

precluding the installation or use of server software without prior permission

from Computing Services. This includes FTP services, MS server functions of

Windows, and Unix/Linux variants. We’ve not policed this requirement in the

past. However, these installations are now placing the entire DSU network

at risk. Some of these applications contain large security holes. Last week

someone from outside the University exploited the security lapses on a student’s

Linux machine to hack into and initiate a denial of service attack on a machine

in Rumania. These attacks typically send large packets to the site under attack,

preventing it from communicating to the Internet. Unfortunately, these types

of attacks also consume our router and internet bandwidth, so very little

can come into or leave campus while the attack is underway. Yesterday we received

notification from BIT that entities from outside the University are trying

a standard well known buffer overflow attack to break into FTP servers on

student machines in the dorms. These attacks work by overwhelming the FTP

application with garbage commands. If the FTP server crashes, the hacker can

compromise the computer, take it over and initiate another denial of service

attack, erase files or whatever. Anyone running Unix FTP servers using WU-FTP Daemon should upgrade immediately. At least four unique security holes have

been identified in this package in the last six months. Most systems have

converted to the PRO-FTP Daemons because it is more secure and does not need

to be patched every month. By default most UNIX systems enable FTP services.

Unless you take steps to protect your computer and the OS, you continue to

risk it and the DSU internet connection. If you are running Unix/Linux or

a windows FTP client we ask that you notify Computing Services at 5675. We also ask that you ensure you have downloaded and installed the appropriate

security patches. Since we cannot continue to risk the campus connection to

the internet, failure to protect student machines in the dorms may lead to

a discontinuation of network services in the dorms. yeah, stupid fucks.

so i guess i’m going to have to call and tell them that i’m running Win2k

Server. but i’ve disabled all my ftp and iis stuff so they can’t get to bitchy

at me about it. they are just a bunch of BOFH’s, if you go like 1K over the

disk quota they disable your account and you have to wait 5 working days before

they will reinstate it. fuckers. i’m glad i don’t have to use the damn thing,

and you know this is th #9

tech college for it’s size in the country, well they fucking lied on their

thingy, cause if you go and look it says they give th students 100+ megs of

space on the servers and another 100+ on the webside, well they only give

you a TOTAL of 10. dumbasses. and you know i really like that e-mail, cause

they just had a huge article in the Trojan Times about how they just got a

ton of new Sun systems and how they are going to start integrating them into

the teachings and stuff. well i think they should allow linux and server stuff

in their dorm rooms if they are going to teach it. and you know they would

also fix this problem if they installed a fucking FIREWALL. dumbshits. it

would cost them what $2000 to put in a fucking firewall, but do you think

they’ve done that NO, and you know they jsut got a fucking 1.6 million dollar

grant thingy from gateway to but computers and stuff, you think they could

use $2000 of that to buy a goddamn fucking firewall? they have a bunch of

dumbasses running this fucking network, i tell you they do, i coud run it


March 28, 2001

march 28. so it’s 10:02 am and i am officially bored out of

my mind. damnit. i hate mwf’s cause there’s never anything to do during the

day. i have a test tonight, that’s going to suck major arse. it’s in accounting

which i think i can easily pull off. but i’m going to start to study about

5 or so, the test is at 6, yay. so i called that guy last night, no answer

so i left a message, eh. i’ll try again tonight after the test thingy. danny

and i talked for like 4 hours last night, that was nice. it was so sad though.

i fell asleep holding the phone. i so wish i could go out there to see him

sometime. i really do. really really really do. so what should i do today,

hmmm. i dunno. i spose i could get lab 8 done for that stupid ass programming

class, but then i’d have nothing else to do. oh, we don’t have class on friday,

i guess that’s ok, i’d rather actually have class, but, oh well. i guess i’ll

ave the whole day to do nothing then, lol. hopefully the roomie will go home

and i’ll have the room to myself. yeah, that would be nice. i should go home,

but i’m not going to cause i can’t afford it. 10:12 am, bored. it’s now 2:35

and i have now officailaly switched over to Win2K Server. hehe, yeah, that’s

what i did, i was so fucking ass bored i changed OSes, lol, but by doing this

i got past the bandwidth cap, lol. so this is nice, now lets

see if Win2k really has better uptimes then winME. so far i’ve gotten everything

i needed installed. so i’m all happy, and i can still go back to WinMe, or

Win98 or Linux if i have to, cause i’m just that good, lol. ok, so now that

this is done, i’m bored again, if they weren’t such BOFH’s in the CS department

i would make this an actual server and put my website up on it, but they won’t

let me do that, fuckers. well i’m going to go play with the persmissions some,


March 27, 2001

marh 27. ::sad:: so i didn’t get into SDSU like i was hoping

i would. so now if i don’t get into my other college i’ll be stuck at UNL

::shudders:: ya know i really don’t know why i go to gov class, we never learn

anything and it just always make me mad. ya know we’re doing that simulation

thing and today some twat introduced a bill that would make abortion first-degree

murder. now i don’t agree with abortion, but i think that if a women wants

one they should be allowed to get one. the governement should just stay the

hell out of that area. i’m not going any farther with this, cause i can ramble

on and on. so i’ll leave the boring shit out. lol. so a know i got that e-mail

from that guy, and last night he e-mailed me back and said to call him, so

i’m going to call him again tonight, lol. i dunno. AHH, i just want to fucking

scream, the programming people are so fucking stupid. we had this test right

and one of the questions was “Generally you open a file in the Form_Load

procedure” well since the answer is soooooo fucking FALSE, that’s what

i marked, but the bastards fucking counted that wrong because the fuckers

said “but in this class we do that” and i said, but you preach “in

the real world” so fucking much, and that’s NOT WHAT THEY FUCKING DO

IN THE FUCKING REAL WORLD! damnit. mother fuckers. so they i talked to my professor to try and get some sense fucking knoked into him and he’s like

“well i agree with you, but i didn’t write the test” well fuck if

you didn’t write the fucking test if you agree with me god damnit, you should

take the matter into your fuycking hands and fix the mother fucking questiong.

god fucking damnit. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. fuckers. i’m so fucking glad i’m

getting the hell out of htere, any fucking 2 year old could pass the classes

in this fucking place. and any 5 year old could fucking teach them. goddamnit.

ok, i feel better now. HA bastards I’ll fucking show them, here’s the e-mail

i just sent to the head of the department: I have a question

about one of the test questions. Number 9 says something along the lines of

“Generally you open a file in the Form_Load Procedure.” I answered false to

this question because you should not do this. You open the file just before

you need it and close it just after you are done with it, sometimes this is

in the Form_Load procedure, but in this case it didn’t say you were using

the file there. I talked to Jim McKeown and he said that he agreed with me

but that I needed to talk to you about getting the question fixed. This class

is big on preaching “in the real world” and “proper naming conventions.” I

know that in the “real world” they do not do this, and they “generally” open files just before using them and then close them right after they are done

using them. I also think that if you are going to push “proper naming conventions”

that you should also follow proper programming techniques such as this. I

would like for you to evaluate this question and possibly add the points back

to my test. I feel that had the question been worded differently such as “In

this class we generally…” then the answer would have been true, but in the

“real world” this is not the case. HA, bastards, i can’t wait to see

thier come back to that one. fuckers. HA stupid fuckers look at this e-mail

i just got from the head: Thanks for your clarification

of the test question. Since we are using this textbook for class, the textbook

indicates on page 379 “Opening and Closing Data Files” that “Generally, you

will open the file in the Form_Load procedure.” The question on the test was

taken from the author’s test bank. We don’t do an evaluation of each test

question based on real world application since many of our students have not

had any real world applications and are just trying to understand the concepts

in the chapter. They accept what the author states in the textbook as a beginning

concept to learn the material. Once they get out in the “real world”, they

understand “the real world” does things differently and doesn’t always follow

the textbook concepts. I have no problem at all giving you the point back,

but since I am not your instructor, you need to convince your instructor.

You have a very understanding instructor, so just approach him again. I also

sent this email to him. I don’t need to fix the question because based on

what the author states the question is T. If you feel based on “your” experience,

the question is F, just approach your instructor, and he has the authority

to give you the point back. We don’t usually change the answer to test questions

based on a student’s experience, but on the concepts that we are teaching

in the texbook. Thanks for your viewpoint. HA stupid fuck offs, i just

raised my grade on that test from a B to an A with that one fucking question,

::grins:: I’m going to keep that 110% i have in that fucking class if i have

to be pissy about every little fucking thing, ::grins mean like::

March 26, 2001

march 26. ok so yesterday afternoon i got an e-mail from this

guy in SF. so i replied to it, after a bit of nagging from danny, and then

i went to bed. well like after 20 minutes the phone rang and it was this guy.

i was like omg, omg, omg,omg. it was so funny. but we talked for like 30 minutes.

he seems pretty cool. he admits he’s a preppy, but hey, what the hell. lol.

he works at Wells-Fargo as a teller. He wanted me to come down to the bank

last night and talk to him. it was odd, but cool. i might go down next weekend.

lol. ok so i’m back, and my econ prof is totaly fucking insane, he didn’t

even show up for class today, he just left the tests there and had a note

for us on what to do. and of course his test was just totaly messed up. and

ya know what else, i’ve been so fucking messed up in the days lately. like

last night when i was talking to that guy, nathan. he was like so what time

do you have class tomorrow, so i looked and was like 9-10 and then later we

were talking and i was like i have to get up early tomorrow i have class at

7. and he was like, but i thought you siad 9-10. and i was like OHH yeah,

it’s monday not tuesday. but ya know what, this morning i got up and went

to my 7 class, forgetting that it was monday and not tuesday. oh well. lol.

it gave me more time to study for my econ test. so now ihave nothing to do

for the rest of the day. boring. i got this reallly cool skin for my computer,

it looks like Mac OS X. it’s really fucking cool. ya know if i had money i

would soooooooo buy one of those titanium laptops that apple has. they are so much cooler then anything that the windows

makers put out, and i could get more done with a mac anyday. and it would

only cost me $4,096.

that’s about what i paid for my computer that i have now. damnit, i wish my

pu’s would have listened to me. but they were like, no where not going to

shop for your computer, so i had to make a last minute buy for a computer

the week before i moved up here. and i got a damn HP, i HATE hp’s. really,

really hate them. they are evil.

March 25, 2001

march 25. alright my econ prof has totaly lost it, first he’s

giving us a test on stuff that we’ve already had a test on. he claims that

chapter 4 wasn’t on the last test, but it was. and he won’t go back and look

at it. second he gave us this practire test and one of the questions is “according

to figure 7 … an increase in …” first there is no fucking figure

7, there’s figure 7.1, 7.2, 7.3. and they all deal with increases in different

things. wacko path. umm yeah other then that it’s been pretty boring here,

normal sunday shit. i felt like crap last night. i was just like really depresed

and shit. i don’t know. it was odd. i have other stuff to babble about, but

i don’t want to.