March 30, 2001

march 30 #2. today’s really fucking boring, we don’t have any

classes today, so my roomie is still fucking sleeping, the ddumbshit, why

couldn’t he have dgone home this fucking weekend? damnit. i was up tell like

1 this morning and then got up at 7 and just kinda laid there, i think i fell

asleep again, but i remember finally getting out of bed at like 9, but ya

know talking about bed and sleeping, i remember this dream i had last night.

i don’t know what the hell was going on, but i was walking into polk city

and the whole town was just like dead, it was like a ghost town or something,

but 415 was now like 4 lanes, but it was all dirt and i got to about where

the LCF was, and it was still there. and as i was walking past John, some

guy i used to work with, drove by and stopped and offered me a ride home,

and that’s where it ended, but it was just wierd cause no one else was driving

and the town was just like dead, and i was walking in from somewhere, i don’t

know where, but i remember that i had a backpack and stuff, yeah it was weird.

oh i don’t remember if i already talked about this or not, but i called that

guy from sf like 4 times last night, but he never answered his phone, so i

dunno, i’m just gonna kinda forget bout him, unless he e-mails me or something.

i went to sf today and drove around some, i drove through the Augie campus,

but didn’t happen to spot him, i think it would be pretty easy to spot him,

i don’t know why, but i just have this feeling. you know how it goes. I wanna

learn the permissions on this win2k better, but i don’t want to take the chance

of killing it, so i’m not going to do much, and plus with them cracking down

on server software on thier network i don’t want to take the chance of accidently

opening a hole somewhere. lol. I”m getting much bettter downloads though

then i was with WinMe, i like not being in the cap, and with everyone else

capped yet, yeah, it’s so much better, .

March 30, 2001

March 30, so i had a thing here and dreamweaver died on me,

so this one’s not going to be as good. 🙁 things that are cool: Kohls, Win2k,

the anonymity of MSN, and palying with people’s minds over MSN. Kohls is really

cool. i went there and bought some stuff to work out in, yeah you heard me

work out. i gotta get back to my walking 20 miles a day, lol. but ok, this

stuff would have been like $60 normally, but i got it for $20, i was so happy.

lol. i can never go into kohls with out walking out with something, they have

some really cool stuff there. Win2k is cool too cause it’s been up for 1day,

20 hours, 24 minutes, and 13 seconds and it’s still going strong, if i were

still in WinMe i would have had to reboot a couple times by now cause yesterday

i was doing some pretty heavy graphics work. hehe, MSn is just cool to cause

there’s this guy here that i like, he’s pretty cute,

but i don’t think he’s gay, so i wasn’t like wanting to just walk up to him

and talk to him, cause youknow me, i’m just shy like that, lol. but yeah,

so i did a little research on him (figured out his name, wow hard work) and

found his MSN signin, so i added him to my thing and you know how it tells

you when someone adds you to thier list, well when he got on he was like “Who

is this” and i just played with his mind he’s pretty cool. but i still

don’t think he’s gay. I dunno, but that’s why i took the links off the front

page, cause i gave him my web addy, so i’ll leave those off for a few days.

and then i’ll put them back. I usually see him in the morning in the tc, and

we usually end up sitting next to each other at the computers, so i’ll talk

to him on monday, or whenever i see him next. Speaking of him, there he is.

March 29, 2001

march 29 #4, ok so i’m back i just went and looked at that stupid

ranking thing, they also claim you can get multiple e-mail accounts, well

you fucking CAN’T only the staff can. so that’s another lie, it also says

they have online dropp/add, which they don’t. they don’t have 100% wired classrooms.

i can take you to at least 5 classrooms with out a computer. and again it

also says that they have text-to-voice and voice-to-text software in the computer

labs, well they don’t. god this place fucking lies so much, you know if that

article wasn’t so fucking long i’d type it up so you could read it, cause

it’s just a bunch of bullshit too. ok i’m done for now.

March 29, 2001

March 29 #2, 12:26 pm. so i just got my tax info, i made a whoping

$1802.48 last year. yippy for that, eh. so i’m getting a whole tax refund

of$63 from the IRS and $4 from iowa, yeah. fun, fun, fun. i also got a letter

from the college that i applied to that i really want to go to, they said

that the major that i wanted wasn’t availiable to transfer studdents at the

campus that i wanted to go to, so i had to call and tell them what other campuses

i wanted it to go to, i hope those are good campuses, i haven’t checked them

out. i know one of them doesn’t have any housing, but oh well i’m sure i can

find something. i hope to god i can find something, lol. i dunno, maybe that

wasn’t such a great idea, eh. hmmm. we’ll have to see if i get in then i’ll

worry about the housing issue. yeah that sounds like a plan.

March 29, 2001

march 29, 7:01 am. so it’s fucking ass early. i don’t have my

first class this morning so i’m trying to get somethings done, as you can

see, since i’m updateing this i’m not getting them done. last night i got

this e-mail from my stats people that i use for this website and it said they

were closing down, so i went out and got a different stats thingy and encoded

it in to all 193 html files in my website. but now it’s not fucking letting

me upload them all, it’s giving me an error after every fucking file is put.

damn fucking ass thing. so i’m getting really pissed about this. damnit. i

didn’t talk to danny last night that was sad. i had that stupid test, i told

you it always messes things up. i think i did pretty good for on it though,

for not studying tell like 10 minutes for it was supposed to start. but oh

well. it was pretty easy. i did however call that boy late last night, wasn’t

home again, so i sent him an e-mail. i told him i was thinking bout heading

to the mall on friday since there’s no classes here and he replied back to

me “that would be kewl if you came on friday, you could stay here if youd like” yeah, whatever. we’ll see what happens, lol. i’d rather go

and stay somewhere in philly, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon,

🙁 well i’m going to go and see if this damn thing will let me update, I’m

going to have to come up with a different thing for this though cause the

files are starting to get to big, i babble to much.