April 2, 2001

arpril 2, yeah, so it’s monday, eh.i hate mondays, i really do. ya know i

like this win2k thing, there’s this task manager that’s alot like the linux

top and ps commands, i like that, i can kill processes, just for the hell

of it, but ya know what i realized whtn ever i type my cpu usage jumps to

100% but as soon as i stop typing it drops to 25%. which is what it’s at for

just normal operation, i dunno, it’s odd. only 2 more days tell danny’s b-day,

yay, lol. i’m kinda lost as to what to do, i’d like to send him something,

but since i don’t have a mailing addy, damnit. lol. oh well, i’ll think of

something cool to do, lol. maybe. i suck at gifts and shit. i hate most holidays,

especially my b-day, so yeah. i think holidays should be about just spending

the day with someone you love, and not getting of giving all these damn gifts,

maybe i just think that cause i hate shopping for other people, but yeah,

that’s my view on that, lol. so i saw j this morning, but i didn’t get a chance

to talk to him, he had a bunch of females hanging off him, literally. yeah,

lol. currently i have 8,689 e-mails. lol. just thought everyone would love

to know that. i’m thinking i’ll hit the 10,000 mark by the time schools out.

lol. yeah, other then that it’s been damn boring here. i did my programming

assingment that i forgot about untill like just now, it was so fucking easy,

you just had to copy the code out of the book, it’s like, what the fuck’s

the point of this, damnit? there was an article somewhere about colleges just

creating programming drones to site in there cubecells. and yeah, that’s what

this college is doing, it’s all just a bunch of dumb shits that they are making

programming drones for shcwans and stuff, you know alot of the IT department

at schwans graduated from here, we had one of them come and talk to us in

class and she was dumber then shit too. so yeah. i rest my case, lol. i like

jabber, everyone must get it.

April 1, 2001

April 1, #2. so i just saw j in the hall way, damn he’s so cute.

i wish i weren’t so shy, lol. I’m like 99% sure though that he’s not gay or

anything, and even if he was i probably wouldn’t even have a chance. damnit.

oh well. i hope i see him tomorrow morning in the tc, i’ll talk to him there.

everyone must get jabber, damnit. it’s fucking cool. andright now it happens

to be working with aim, so i’m all happy. it’s really pretty cool, i like

it, danny got it now too, so yeah. lol oh, i’m going to start a new format

for this month and see if i like it, i’m going to start putting the new things

at the bottom of the page. just to see if i like it this month, i dunno. i’m

already not really liking this, but we’ll see. yeah, i’m going to bed now,


April 1, 2001

April 1, well it’s april fools day, i hate this day, i really do. arg. i

slept in today, that felt nice, i’m still damn sore though. arg. it sucks.

i can barely walk at all. i really need to get out and run more, lol. oh well,

not much goingon here yet, it’s 1:03 (did everyone do that stupid clock thingy?)

i hate that to, why can’t we all be like AZ and not change our clocks? maybe

i’ll move there, so then i don’t have to put up with that stupid clock shit,

yeah, that’s a good idea, lol. it’s really nice out today, almost all the

snow is gone off the ground exept the HUGE piles from where the plowed the

parking lot, but those are getting smaller everyday. i really love spring.

i do. lol.

March 31, 2001

march 31. i love spring, i really do, it’s such a beautiful

time of year, i wish it could be srping year round, you know that. i really

do, last night after it rained it snowed, and by the time i got up at 9:30

it was sooooooo nice out it had to have been like 45 or so and now it’s probobly

about 60 it’s so nice. nm going on here, you know it’s the weekend. only 4

days tell danny’s b-day. hehe, last night was so funny, julian put a thing

to the loop that he was going to add danny to the list, and i happened to

have been on the phone with danny when i got the e-mail, so i told danny,

and after a bit, he eventually got added, i think. lol. it’d be really funny

if he was on there. lmao

March 30, 2001

march 30 #3. i love the rain, i really do. it’s raining here,

and i just got back from a 45 minute jog. it’s so nice out. i love it, it’s

just raining hard enough to get you wet, but not soaking wet. i really do

love it, it could rain everyday and i would love it. you know what i really like though are thunderstorms, oh yeah. i really like those. the lightning,

the crash, i just wish i could cuddle up close to the person i love and just

watch the lightening. it’s so cool. but people are annoying to, you wouldn’t

beleive the number of people that rolled thier windows down and yelled stupid

things at me. it’s like dumbshits, i was warmer and drier then they were,

i have this really cool coat it’s called a second skin, and it works just

like that, no matter how hard it’s raining, it’ll keep you sooooooo dry and

warm, it’s so nice. and my boots are waterproof, so i can stand in a puddle

of water that’s like 6″ deep and my feet will still be dry, they’ll be

cold, but dry, cause that’s the way they are made, to cool off your feet when

you stand in water, but to keep them dry, it’s really cool, and comes in handy out there in the woods. lol.