Weekend End. Going Home

Ok, well here I am in the Denver airport. I’ve got about two hours before my flight, so I figured I’d update some about my trip.

Overall it was REALLY fun, great, exciting, and has made me really excited to be moving to Cali. We’ve already found TONS of stuff that we want to do once I get there.

Anyways, I got in on Thursday, only 7 minutes late. It was really pretty flying in, we went right over Las Vegas, and all the lights were so pretty. Then flying over LA and all of the southern Cali area. Oh man. There just aren’t words to describe it.

Thankfully I was in seat 2F, so I got off the plane REALLY fast, and then I ran all the way from there through this really nasty tunnel thing and found Andrew. We hugged real quick, then I went and peed, and then came back out and hugged some more.

From there we went out and found Mike, who’s really hot, and drives a super cute car. Though not as cute as the car I will own. I have decided this. Drove from the Airport back to Chapman, it was a really long drive, and Mike seemed a bit annoyed about something.

Once we got back to Chapman, we made the rounds and I was introduced to everyone. Finally got back to the room about 12:30, and went to bed. Mike seemed really annoyed about something and it kinda upset me cause I didn’t want to annoy him, or cause any problems while I was there. I hope that everything is alright. I just talked to Andrew and he said he was IMing Mike and they were talking as if nothing had happened, so that’s good I guess. Though, I’d still like to know what Mike was so upset about.

Friday morning we got up and did a bunch of stuff, Andrew went to class in the morning and I just hung out in his room. After he got back we went and ate, then decided to go to an art museum. We didn’t think it was all that far away, but it ended up being like 3 miles, and it was hell walking there. My feet were so blistered and stuff by the time we got there. It was very painful. The museum was really pretty and on the way there we stopped and looked at a few apartments. That was exciting to start looking.

After the museum, we went over to ColdStone and had some ice cream. It was SOOOOO good. I’m in love with that place. From there we walked all the way back to Chapman. It was about 7 miles we walked on Friday. My feet still hurt! lol.

Once we got back we just hung out some and did dinner, then watched the Cranberries movie he got. It was pretty good. I forget what we did after that, but we didn’t really do to much Friday night. I was really tired.

Saturday we got up and went to brunch at 10:30, then made the trek to the mall. It was TONS of fun there, we spent nearly 3 hours in the mall walking around and shopping. it was so much fun to shop with my Drew Bear again. 😉 From the mall we went to a coffee shop in Old Town Orange, it was really good coffee. After that back to the dorms where we hung out and watched the Simpsons for a while.

That night we went to the Beach area. I had no idea where he was taking me, but we drove and drove and listened to oldie love songs, it was so cute. And we were all dressed up.

We ate at this really good pizza place, shared a calzone. They put us at this HUGE table like right inside the door, it was so wierd to be right there. lol. And throughout the meal people kept coming up to us and asking if they could take the other chairs at our table. lol. We were scared they’d eventually come and ask for the chairs we were sitting in, but they didn’t. 😀 We also got a monster look a like thing. Yummy!

After dinner we walked down to the beach, it was a bit chilly so we didn’t stay long, but it was so pretty. The whole night was very thoughtful of Andrew to plan out. I really liked the area down there too! We’ll have to go back later on some time.

Drove back to Chapman after that and went to bed.

This morning we got up and drove me to LAX. Got there and then said goodbye, it was very quick, but then the time we’re apart will be short and quick too. So that’s good. I’m very excited to go back in April! I can’t wait.

The flight out of LAX was hellish, and I’m starving. There were so many stupid annoying children on the flight and all they served was pretzels, which I hate! So I haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday. I also had to sit next to this really bitchy gay guy. So annoying.

Now I’m sitting here in Denver airport. I’ve still got an hour before my flight, I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do tell boarding time. I don’t really want to go wondering around the airport with my heavy ass bags, but I really want to go eat something. Also there’s a really stupid straight boy sitting next to me talking about cows and stuff, it’s very scary. lol.

I just talked to Andrew a bit ago and he seemed really upset. I hope that he’ll be alright, wish I could be back there to make all his problems go away! But I will be soon enough.

Well, I have to go write a private update now.

Laters all.

Almost There!

Well here I am, about an hour and a half away from seeing my baby cakes. How exciting! I can’t wait to see him. So far my day has been pretty good. Not much really going on besides working.

I spent the day in the front office hanging out with shelly and the receptionist. We had some pretty good laughs. I also read Adbusters, as stated in my earlier post. While discussing how quiet it was in the front office compared to my office (Where I always have music going) we got to talking about bands and what type of music we all liked. Shelly, who has 2 kids and is like 30ish, not only KNEW who the cranberries were, but loved the cranberries. How crazy is that!

After work, I drove to OMA, I was WAY early, but that’s life. I sat around there and just really didn’t do anything. I did buy a GIGANTIC rice crispy bar. It was soo good. Considering today I’ve only had that and a ham sandwich, I’m starving. I hope Drew Bear has something I can eat once I get there.

I’m really exited to be there, in case I hadn’t mentioned that yet. And very excited to not only meet Mike, who I’m most excited to meet, but also to meet all of Andrew’s other friends.

The weather in Iowa hasn’t been to good the last few days, raining off and on since Monday, and I don’t think that the sun has been out since Sunday afternoon or so. So I’m not only excited for the people of Cali, but also for the weather of cali and getting to see the sun. Today it RAINED all fucking day, and the drive to OMA was hell because of the rain. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be worse, IE, snow and freezing rain. It’s a good thing we didn’t go for the Friday flight as originally planned.

Anyways, the first flight was absolute HELL! We flew at about 27,000 feet, but it seemed as though we were on the most bumpy, and potholed gravel road you could find, going at 450 mph. It was so bad that the flight attendents wouldn’t even get out of their seats to serve drinks or anything.

One good thing was that I got seat 1A on that flight, so I was RIGHT next to the door to get out. That was exiting, also there was a really hot homo on there.

We landed in Denver about 10 minutes early, which is amazing considering the weather. I called Drew Bear and then scampered off to catch my other flight, I only had a 20 minute layover in Denver. Though the airport is really nice.

In Denver I read the newspaper which I found laying around. Apparently the Disney guy got kicked out of his job. Which is good news. Hopefully the new CEO will be better.

Also read about the gay marriges which are happening everywhere it seems now. It really got to me and I cried a little bit. It’s so wonderful that all these people are getting to get married, and that they are taking the initial steps to making it federally legal. I hope that someday I can share that with someone. I really do.

I also find it really amazing how fast the numbers are increasing, today the paper said 3,440 just in SF alone. I’d love to go see what it’s like there! I can’t beleive all those homos just in one place! 🙂

Speaking of homos, there’s two homo couples on this flight, a lesbian and a gay couple, they are both really cute and really make me want to be with my baby even more! I can’t wait to see those big brown eyes again.

OH, also on my first flight, the woman next to me was crazy! LIke she’d be awake one second, and then you turn around, and she’s dead to the world. Like literaly. The Flight guy was talking to her, and he turned around just to grab something and by the time he got back she was out cold, he was like, “Maam, hello, I was just talking to you.” It was so funny.

They were VERY funny on the first flight.

Alright, enough about that flight. The second flight is going alright. I’m in Seat 2F, so again right close to the door. Fast exit that way. Hopefully the stupid people next to me won’t hold me up to much.

So far this flight is going much better though, we were able to lly about the rain, about 40,000 feet and we’re doing 500mph. They say we’ll be able to make up the 15 minutes we’re behind schedule in the air. So that’ll be good. I don’t want to add an extra minute before seeing Drew Face!

I’m very extited for this whole weekend. I’ll probably only get to update again on Monday, so hope everyone enjoys this update!

Laters all!