Aug 23, 2001

Aug 23, [Goldfinger, "Smiling"]

OK so today’s been full of funny ass storys. First we’ll start the morning

off, my mom and I went to orientation at ISU. We were there in the Sun Room

waiting for the presintation to start and there was this really hot guy

that walked past and I thought to myself "HIYA!" you all know

how I say it. Well my mom says to me, "He’s pretty cute." And

I was like, OMG I can’t believe my mom just said that to me. OMG. He was

a skater so he has his board with him and my mom was like, "Well I

guess some boys just enver grow up." And that sparked a little convo

about skaters and such. It was funny. Then later we were at McDonalds and

she had ordered a Happy Meal. Well they have to ask you what kind of toy

she wanted and we couldn’t understand what the woman was saying, so my mom

just says, "I want a Boy Toy." I started laughing and she was

just like, "What." And I said, "You know how bad that sounds."

She was like, "Yeah." You know I write stories the same way I

tell them. But yeah, so next time I’m at McDonalds, I’m going to do that.

hehe. Then later we were getting my room key and such, and I saw Aaron Lenz,

and Robert Shumaker, they’re rooming together in the same building that

I’m in. YEAH! You have no IDEA how HOT they are.

Tonight was totally different. I went over to Angie’s about 5 or so and

watched her fiunish packing, Mandy was there too. It was cool. Then Mandy

and I went out to supper while Angie ate with her family and washed her

hair. After we were finished with supper we went over to Adam’s where Angie

was getting her hair permed (Is that the right spelling for this use of

the word?) We hung out with Adam, Abbie (Is that how she spells it?), Melinda,

Mandy, Angie, and Me. It was great times. Yeah. If Adam’s mom didn’t know

before tonight about him, she knows now. Hehe. lol. Oh well, tonight was

great, and I hope we have the same amount of fun tomorrow night. It’s Angie’s

last night in Iowa for like 4 months and it’s going to suck. I’m so sad

about that right now. I don’t want her to leave. And what hurts the most

is that it’s making Adam so depressed too. Usually when someone leaves,

it’s like, "Bye, see you in a while." But this time, it’s really

hurting someone that I care for deeply. And that makes me even more sad.

I probably shouldn’t be putting this here cause then Adam will feel bad

that I feel bad, and yeah, it’ll go round in circles, but I’m not going

to censor what I put here because of something like that. But yeah, that’s

the way the world works. And life sucks sometimes.

I’m all jazed about moving to school now, well I kinda am. I’m not ready

for classes to start, but I’m ready to move up there. I think this year

should be pretty cool. I just hope my roomie isn’t a homophobe (Why does

nothing look right tonight?). I’m going to go start packing now. Night all.

Aug 22, 2001 #2

Aug 22, #2 [Heather Small, "Holding On"]

I went over to Adam’s tonight. I’m really worried about him. I know he’s

not going to do anything drastic, but he’s been depressed lately, and that

worries me. I dunno. We talked today about things, it was good to hear him

get his feelings out. I had known that he had feelings for people for a

while now, but I never knew how deep those feelings were until today. I’m

glad that he can talk to me about these things, even though I did kinda

have to drag it out of him. He siad he didn’t want me to get mad at him

cause of his feelings. I feel bad knowning that he’d think I would get mad

at him for that. I love him to death as a friend and I would never get mad

at him for something like that. I want him to feel like he can come to me

and talk to me about anything and everything. Now, I admit a couple weeks

ago, I would have gotten mad at him for what he told me tonight, but I thought

that lately we had shared so much he would have known that I wouldn’t. It’s

ok though. I’m really glad that we’ve had the time to share things that

we have, and that we’ve learned so much about each other. There’s just really

no way to put to words what I want to say about him. There really isn’t.

I’m soooo glad I met Adam this summer. I really really am.

Aug 22, 2001

Aug 22, [Train, "it’s About You"]

I’ve got a job, well that is if I take it. I went into Krell today and

she was like, "Well you have the job, but lets talk." Ok so she

didn’t say exactly that, but that’s close to what she said, so we talked

for a bit about what I’ve done before and what programming I know and other

general stuff, it’s going to be cool working there. Then she went and showed

me my office and I talked to Barb for a bit. It was cool. I’ll be making

$10 an hour to start and 10 hours a week. Then they increase / decrease

your pay and hours based on how good your grades are. I should do pretty

well with that. I have to call them back sometime and tell them that I’ll

take it. I didn’t take it right on the spot cause I haven’t told my parents

that I applied there yet.

I also stopped into NP today and populated the school with HRC stickers,

you know the little "=" ones, I gave one to Mrs. C, Mr. C, Mr.

C, Mr. Fjelland, Mr. Reece, I gave the secretarys one and Paula took a couple.

I also gave a bunch to Ramsey and Neil to hand out to people. Mr. C is also

going to put up a poster about the GRLC for me. Good times there.

Well that’s about all that’s happened here today, I’m going to go over

and hang out with Adam now. Laters all.

Aug 21, 2001

Aug 21, [Savage Garden, "The Lover After Me"]

Ok well today’s been really cool. I went into NP again this morning and

worked on some stuff, it was good times there. Lots of fun. I got Ramsey

(Who’s really cute by the way) to post my name and shit on the Alumni Page.

(I was going to put a link to the page and a link to a pic of Ramsey, but

it appears that Kahoutek is dead.) He

also put a link to this page, hehe. It’s cool. I left there about 2 and

went to Angie’s house. We hung out there for a little bit then left for

the GLRC. It was fun times there, we watched "What Makes A Family."

It’s a really good movie, but it’s really sad. I cried.

We left there and went back to Ankeny cause we were going to go to Java

Joes with Angie’s neighbor, but she couldn’t so Mandy, Angie and I went

to Village Inn and had supper. After that we went down to Java Joes and

hung out there. Matt and Josh from RENT (Both really fucking hot) were playing

there tonight, so we hung out tell 10 when they started. They’re really

good. I found out tonight that RENT tickets for when they’re in Ames in

Oct. are on sale now, so we’ll all have to get some here soon, cause I realy

fucking want to see it.

Adam had to leave there a bit before 11 and I had some stuff to give him,

so we walked back to his car, and I gave him the tins that my Curve came

in, I also gave him a little travel thing of it, cause I knew he wanted

it. We hugged there and I so didn’t want to let him go. For me it feels

like I’m going half way across the country. I know it’s only to Ames, less

then an hour away, but I know that once I get up there, I won’t be able

to come back that often, or to hang out with him everyday. And that’s going

to be really sad. I so don’t want to leave. I really don’t. I got a kiss

from him tonight, which surprised me, but I was happy. I got teary. Sometimes

I wish that we could give a relationship another shot, but I know it probably

wouldn’t work. I’d like to try it, but it’s best that we don’t. And I also

don’t think he’s ready for a relationship. Angie said today that she thought

he needed to get a GF or BF to get his mind off things, and I personally

don’t think he’s ready. Not just cause I still want him, but because I really

don’t think he’s ready. Whatever. We’re really close friends now, and right

now I’m enjoying that more then anything. I love being his friend. And I

love him dearly as a friend.

Julian‘s website works again. I

was bored last night and wanted to see if he had posted anything new so

I got on there and fixed it for him. Cause well I wanted something to read.

That blue background isn’t the most interesting thing to look at.

I have an interview tomorrow in Ames at Krell

I found out today that Omar (Ramsey’s brother, who’s also really cute) has

his own office there. I think that’d be bloody fucking cool. I hope I get

the job there, I could do it.