Sept 9, 2001

Sept 9, [Silverchair, "Black Tangled Heart"]

Hmm, to describe this weekend. Well to say the least, it’s been one of

many experinces. Good and bad. Friday after classes it was pouring down

rain and I had to walk all the way across campus to get to my car, that

sucked ass. I was soaked to the bone. I drove home and just as I walked

in Adam called. So I changed into som dry clothes and then we went over

to his house, we hung out and talked for a while and then we went out. It

had cleared up a bit, so we were going to go downtown and take some pictures

and shit. Well we got down there, went to Java Joe’s and once we got there,

it started pouring down rain again. It sucked. I mean it wasn’t just raining,

but it was fucking pouring. So we waited around in JJ’s for a while, and

we saw Nathen (Spelling’s wrong cause he spells it funky and I don’t care

enough to look it up). Adam said he didn’t think he was very cute, but I

think he’s damn hot. Oh well, so it let up some in the rain so Adam and

I went to the skywalks and we walked around there for a while and took pictures.

We went to 801 Grand and they had all kinds of paintings and shit, and Adam

was walking next to one and all of a sudden this really fucking loud alarm

went off, so we just went away from it. Adam set it off like three more

times though before we left. Then we wanted to go up to the top so we got

in an elevator and hit a button, it wasn’t tell after we hit it that we

saw this thing next to it that said private. Well we went up there anyways

and we get off the elevator and there’s this guy. We asked him something

and he was really rude to us, so we left. I don’t really remember what we

did after that I think we left DM all together and just went out and hung

out. Oh, hehe. Friday was Tara’s b-day and Adam and I took her out to supper

to that night. I almost forgot about that.

Saturday was great times too. Lots happened that day. In the moring Adam

and I went out malling and we just hung out, then he had to go to work at

three, so I went home and hung out there, about 7 I went to Hy-Vee and went

on break with him and Leah, and Andi. After he got off work we went back

to his house cause he had to watch his sister and we just hung out in the

park and played truth or dare, that was amusing as hell. At 11 Leah and

Andi had to leave so Adam and I went back to his house and we just hung

out and talked tell 3 Am this morning.

Today I went over to Adam’s about 12 and we went to DM and took pictures

of stuff. It was fun. Then we went to BN and looked at books and shit. We

got back to his house about 4:30 and found out that Adam was supposed to

work at 3, so I left and he went to work. Now I’m here, doing this instead

of my HW. Oh well. It’ll get done soon enough.

(The rest of this post is private)

Sept 7, 2001

Sept 7, [Filter, Take A Picture"]

Last night was an odd night. I was laying in bed and thinking about alot

of things, and there was so much I wanted to write here about what was going

on in my head and what was going on in my life and such. But now I just

can’t remember any of it. I know it had something to do with Adam, Angie,

Nick, and I. But there were also other things, things about my childhood

and such. Whatever. Maybe I’ll remember it laters. But I realized alot last


Today’s going to be a good day, it’s only 8:00 AM and I’ve popped 2 No-Doz

already. I just felt that I needed them, lol. I get to go home tonight as

well, that’s going to be lots of fun and shit. Cause well I get to see Adam

I’m so excited about that. I miss him so much. I fell as though if I don’t

get home every weekend, I’m going to miss out on so much. But at the same

time I think it’d help for me to not see Adam for a while, that might help

me get over him. But then there’s also the aspect of I WANT TO FUCKING SEE

HIM. lol. I dunno, just being around him makes me so much happier. This

is a great time in my life.

I feel like newborn

and I feel like a newborn

awake on my airplane

awake on my airplane

I feel so real

could you take my picture

cause I won’t remembe

Sept 6, 2001

Sept 6, [Black Crowes, "By Your Side"]

Yay for rain. I love the rain. It symbolizes a fresh start for everything.

And the smell of things after a good rain is always so relaxing. But today

I hope it stops before I have to go to me 6:00 class.

Today at work we got a couple new peices of kit and I was installing Win2K

on them. Well we wanted them to be part of the network, so we had to name

them. Well for those that don’t know, Krell was named after the culture

also named Krell from the move, "Forbidden Planet" so most of

the systems there are named after references to that movie. Well we’ve got

a lot of new kit there, so we’ve run out of names, so today we spent 30

minutes trying to come up with a new scheme to name these two new boxes

by. It was ammusing times.

My math TA can’t spell worth shit, not that I’m all that great either,

but today he wrote the word depriciation on the board and spelled it: Debyciation.

Umm, yeah that’s really close though, lol.

Apperantly I have to bring the van back to my dad this weekend. He called

and said that Andy needed it to do his driving test. I don’t see why he

can’t just use my mom’s truck, but whatever. So I’ll be in town for anyone

that wants to do something. I’m going to have a shit load of HW though.

So Sunday I’m going to come back up here early and get that done. I should

have enough time to get it done. So yeah, if you want to do something with

me this weekend, call me. I’ll be around.

Sept 5, 2001 #2

Sept 5, #2 [BBMak, "Again"]

Can you help me ease the pain?

Can I hold you once again?

You know that they often say

That love is blind

My heart can’t see

The reason why you left that

Love behind is hurting me

Is there a chance

That we can be again

Hold my head up

Wipe the tears

I’m not crying

For you no more

Is there a chance

That we can be again

So don’t go away


September 5, 2001

Sept 5, [Drain STH, "Enter My Mind"]

Ok so I’m working on my schedule for the next couple years (up to graduation

actually) and I’m having problems, you see, they require a shit load of

Soc and other such classes. I hate Soc. I hate all of these damn classes

that they require, Grrr. So I’m having problems with that. Whatever.

Jules, Vero and I are going to the Ice Cream social for the Alliance thing

today, that should be amusing as hell. I’m all about free ice cream 🙂

Other then that not much has been going on here today. I’m really bored

with class work and shit. I’ve got alot I have to get done, but I really

don’t want to do it. I’ve got to read my Soc book, I should read me Accounting,

I need to read Econ, Grrr. It all just seems to pile up, I don’t really

have the willpower to actually do it all.