Finals and bed time

Dec 21,

The next person that pisses me off is going to get a fist in thier face, damnit. I got up this morning at 6:00 I got ready and was on my way to ISU by 6:30. I got there, walked all the bolldy fuckig way across campus, freezing my arse off. The teacher bitch got there and started explaining the test. The first thing she said was “_if_ you get doe before 9:30.” And everyone was like. HOLY SHIT. She handed out the test and it was 35 fallicies that we had to identify and then explain. Crazy bitch. It only took me about an hour to finish and I was the first one done. When I handed in my test she gave me back my final paper, which accounts for 50% of our grade. I took it and since it was 8 pages I just took it and read it as I went off to go back to my car. As I was walking I was reading the comments she had written on my paper. Some of them just really pissed me off. Like some things that I had taken into the Writing Center and asked them about, she said was wrong. It’s like “Hello, another ENGLISH professor at this college has checked this paper over and siad that it was good.” So yeah. I got to the last page and saw my grade. A FUCKING D-. I was so pissed I was about ready to run all the way across campus and scream at her. I was so pissed off. She said, that I didn’t answer all her questions. I did answer all her questions I just didn’t answer all the questions the way that she wanted them answered, I answered them the way that I thought they should be answered. That’s what the paper was about. Damnit, just because I have a different opinion then her, she gave me a bad grade.

The last couple days have been really stressfull. Lets see. I guess the only thing that’s really worth metioning is that Mandy moved out of her house. That was a really big surprise. Adam and I got the phone call while we were at the mall. We were like HOLY SHIT! I couldn’t beleive that she was doing that. But I can understand why she did. It’ll be good for her. Yep

Other things that have been happening are really stressful as well. Angel’s return hasn’t been as great as we had hoped, things for new years aren’t looking to good, my PU’s are annoying the hell out of me and I swear that my brother will give me a stroke before I go back to school. Things for the most part aren’t good. But there are some things that are working out better then anyone could have imagined.

Everynight I lay in bed thinking about things, wether it be a poem, or something that’s happened that day or the day before. Maybe I’m thinking up a new story, or something. Which by the way I need to start writing these things down, when I’m in bed they sound really good. Last night I spent the night thinking about things that were going to happen today. I took one conversation that might happen, and thought out every possible reaction that the other person might have, every possible scenario that might come about. But this morning, having that converstaion doesn’t seem as important to have right now. That person is who they are, and there’s really nothing that we can change about that. We have to accept that people change over time, and sometimes it’s not in a way that we want them to change. We sent Angel off to Greensville, South Carolina; But Greensville sent Angela back to us. Either we need to adjust to her, or she needs to understand what were saying.

Finals and shit

Well here I am sitting at home. I’ve finished all my finals but one, English. I think I did ok on most of them. We’ll see I guess. I might just get my wish to be closer to Adam next semester. lol

I went and saw Adam at work tonight. He didn’t seem to happy to be checking again. I feel bad for him. But at least he’s away from the evil Nina. We’ll see how things go upfront. I also went and spent my Book return money. All $85 of it. I got a new 10/100 Ethernet Card and SuSe 7.3. I was happy.

So now I’m backing up my computer, waiting for MP3’s to copy. All 15 gig’s of them. What I have a problem with though is how am I going to copy them back to my Linux box once I get them on my 98 box. Hmm. I’m thinking FTP, but I’m not sure. I was going to do an NFS share, but my 98 box isn’t an NT or 2k box, so that won’t work. If I knew how SAMBA worked I might try that. But alas. I don’t know how it works. So there 😛 Anyone else have any ideas? Post them below (I think comments are working).

Well this post sucks. Night all.

Make greymatter love me someone.

Computers Suck

[Matchbox 20, “Push”]

I’ve got one final down, four more left. Gwar. One of them is tonight, only a few hours left to go tell that’s over with.

Computers suck. They really really suck. Adam’s computer is still having problems. Major problems. It’s now freezing in intervals of 10 minutes or less. Gwar at that. I’ve narrowed the problems down to:
1) 178 various viri
2) Bad BIOS settings
3) Or probles with the Soundblaster/Video card.

1) Install Linux and make them all learn how to use it
2) Take everything out except for the nessacary components and see if that fixes it. Then add components tell we find the culprit.
3) Upgrade to WinXP and see if that fixes it.
4) Write 0’s to the drive four or five times and then run fdisk /mbr a couple more times.
5) Install a new hard drive for $50 – $100
6) Buy a new computer and give the old one to Adam to learn Linux on.

That’s the only things that I can think of that would fix it. Damnit. This really annoys me. But this thing has not beat me yet. It’ll beat me when I call Tech Support to come fix it. But it won’t beat them. ::evil laugh:: HAHAHHA

Worse Weekend, The Good Part.

[LFO, “I Don’t Wanna Kiss You Goodnight”]

Tonight, Monday. Tonight’s been very good. Over that last couple weeks Adam’s been acting strange. Not strange in a bad way, but strange in a good way. He’s been more touchy feely, when we say good by, he’s been kissing me. I knew something was up with him. Then when he told me that Mandy said “We won’t let you hurt him again.” I knew that he had been talking with them about asking me out again. I knew that’s what he wanted. I was so excited about it. But I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. So I waited, I waited tell I could talk to Mandy. So Friday we talked, she told me nothing, except to be paticent now that Angel’s back, and to wait tell after she leaves. I knew what she was talking about, and knew that meant it was bad. So I waited. Tonight Mandy and Jessica pulled me off and talked to me about it. They said some bad and mean things. I didn’t really take it for much, but yeah, it was enough. On the way home from the GLRC, Adam and I talked. We talked for a good hour. We talked about everything, yet again, his feelings my feelings. We talke and we talked. Finally he asked me, he asked me “Will you be my boyfriend again.” I said “Yes, I love you” and we kissed. So remember this day 12-17-01. The day that things will work, the day that makes things be official. I love Adam, and I know he loves me. Things will work. I have no doubts about that.

However, we (Adam and I) have alot to talk about with the rest of the group, with Angel mostly….

But things will work. We love each other.