So, let’s start with the easy stuff….So the one date guy he and I hung out again, I spent the night at his house. We chatted after that. He wanted to hang out. Then BAM yesterday. “Sorry, but I’m just not ready to date anyone right now”. WTF.
USPS we have been chatting nearly every day. We had lunch and he really pissed me off there. Like the VERY FIRST THING he said to me was “Oh, I’ve been dating this poz guy but he dumped me because he’s a meth head.” Ok. WTF. Apparently he went to therapy which is good his first meeting was the day before he messaged me again. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I dunno what else to say about him. Just normal chit-chat, we haven’t really hung out again.
Pasta and I have been chatting but not very much and keeping thins very light. Which I’m fine with. I’m honestly not sure where I want things to go with him.
Had a few dates over the past week. One was a therapist who said he doesn’t like to talk outside of work because work makes him talk to much. So that’s clearly a no-go. I want a partner who is willing to talk to me. Another was a guy from SAC but we didn’t really click very well, he’s nice and super into plants and stuff.
Supposed to have a date this Sunday with a 6’3″ Asian guy, he looks super cute, but we haven’t really talked much so I don’t know anything about him and then going to have another date with this younger math teacher.
I just don’t know what’s up with me or what’s wrong with me. I seem to have no problem GETTING dates, but I can’t seem to keep any of them past 1-2 dates. I’m getting really sick of this.
Today is day 10 of working straight through and someone booked a meeting for me today from 4-5pm. I leave work at 4pm. 🙁
The trailer business is also down this year. I’m super super NERVOUS right now cause I only have two reservations for all summer so far.