A Holiday Weekend!

So this weekend has been very holiday filled!

Friday night Constantine came over and we went out to Panera bread for dinner. I love that place. After that we headed across the street to the movie theater to see a movie. Neither one of us really knew anything that was out, and the next movie to start was “The Golden Compass“. It was an alright movie, I really liked the story but it was very slow moving. I wouldn’t really suggest going to the theater to see it. I head it really bombed in sales this weekend though.

Went home after that and we spent the evening drinking and talking and what not.

Saturday we got up and headed down to OC. We were going to go out to Death Valley, but it was raining there! Went to the Mission San Juan Capistrano and then headed to Laguna Beach to meet up with Nick and one of his friends! We had a really good time. After that we headed back to my place and hung out for a little bit and then went out to Hollywood and Highland to pick up christmas presents for my family. Got a lot of neat little things for them. I hope they like em! From there we headed to Sherman Oaks to see the movie “Juno“. I really liked this movie. Very funny! I highly suggest going to see it.

Got home after that and went to bed.

Sunday morning we got up and bottled our Raspberry vodka that we have been making for the last couple months. It’s very very sweet, so it needs to be thinned out, but it tastes really good! 🙂 We got 5 bottles of it!

After that Constantine left to go Christmas shopping for me! I can’t wait to see what he got me! I really hope that he likes what I got him tooo!

That evening I watched Snow, Santa Baby, and Holiday in Handcuffs. I’ve seen the first two before, but the last one was new and I really liked it. It was soo cheesy, but very cute.

At some point this weekend we also watched Bad Santa. Which was a funny movie too.

Anyways, I’m out. Laters!

2 thoughts on “A Holiday Weekend!”

  1. I also watched Holiday in Handcuffs. It was exactly as what you would expect for a couple of 90s teen heart throbs.

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