Sunday Night

So, Sunday night was very nice. Dustin got there about 7:15ish and I made dinner and we hung out for the night. It was very cool.

Sadly, he parked infront of a fire hyrand and got a ticket. 🙁 Poor him.

My Romance Scope today says: “Let the games begin on Thursday and continue throughout the weekend. The Moon is inviting a big-hearted, playful person into your life. Don’t bother with the sophisticated intellectual stuff. Permit yourself to be like an innocent kid who’s landed in an emotional candy store.” haha.

Today is not starting out so well at work. But I’m hanging out with Dustin again tonight.

Wed I’m going to spend the day in Santa Monica, there are some good open houses that day. I have 6 potential places. 🙂

He’s only 14!?!

I’m so out of money right now! It all just disappears anymore. I’ve gotta start paying more attention! I did find $2 in my bathroom this morning though, so that’s good. haha.

Some guy is running up and down the stairs in his speedo.. Very random!

So, Friday. Robert, Dustin and I all went to that play. “Into the woods”. It was really good. It ended up being at this random HS, but that’s ok. They still did a good job. One of the mainish guys though. Yum yum! He had long blond hair, blue eyes, just amazing to look at. I figured he was probably like a senior or something, since he had such a main part… Come to find out, he was only 14! I’m such a bad person. :'(

After that we all headed down to H mary’s. Hung out there for a while and then Joel and Ryan came, they said they wanted to go to the boom instead, so we all rode down there together. Had a really fun time, the 1st place winner of the Wet Undies contest bought us all drinks, so that was cool. Left there and came back to my place. Hung out for a while and then Ryan and Joel left.

Dustin and Robert spent the night.. Dustin in my bed. 😉 Got up late saturday morning and I showered real quick and then Joel and Ryan picked us up. Roberts truck had been towed, so he had to figure that shit out. That really sucks though, but I’ve warned him before about parking inside the gates. We all dropped Dustin off at his car in Newport Beach and then we headed up to Santa Monica to do apartment hunting.

That didn’t go so well… everything is WAY too expensive.

Got home and I hung out for a while and went grocery shopping. Came home and fell asleep by like 7. Sunday I woke up about 8 and did laundry.. 10 fucking loads! And have spent the rest of the day just cleaning and starting the packing process. Dustin’s coming over at 6, so that’ll be fun. Then this week so far I have Tuesday is tennis with Ryan, Wed is a BBQ “the guys”. So yeah. And then next Saturday it’s back to Santa Monica for more apartment hunting. My goal is to find something next weekend.


Where are my KEYS?!

Ugh, so you want to know how my day yesterday was? And so far how my day today is going?… Well here’s a story for you:

So yesterday, I spent the day up in Santa Monica, nothing major it was a good day, just stressful.

Drive back to Orange with JP, get out of his truck and go to get out my keys to get into my car.. They aren’t in my pocket… OMG?! Where are they. I start freaking out. We look all over his truck, they aren’t there. We call the people in Santa Monica and they look around the office there. Nothing… I tear EVERYTHING out of my backpack and there is NOTHING there either.

So at this point, I call Andrew to come get me and drive me back to my apartment in Aliso. He does that, and as I’m getting my extra set of keys, I remember…..

I ALWAYS carry an extra key in my wallet. So anyways, we drive back to Orange, I get in my car AND….

THERE ARE MY KEYS hanging from the fucking ignition!!!! OMG, Shoot me!

So we drive back to Chapman and then Andrew and I went out to dinner. I go home and then just go to bed.

Today has been proving so far to be just as bad.

DNS is being a fucking whore scum somewhere. People are still being directed to my OLD site even though I’ve updated DNS like 4 days ago. I’m really not sure why either, the longest people should have TTL should be like 1 day at most! And then the damn comments aren’t working on the new site either. Something about my damn htaccess file being wrong I guess. Grrrrrrrrrr.

In good news though, second date with Dustin on Sunday! Andrew’s trying to steal him from me. 🙁

I also wanted to say… Do you ever get an e-mail from a Co-Worker and want to just reply with: “You’re a fucking idiot, shut the fuck up”. Haha, because I do right now.

I’m out.

My Cats Are Neglected

Well, first of all… Welcome to the new host! So far they have been amazing. I do have one complaint though, they refuse to turn on the host lookup for awstats. Grrr. So I might have to implement some sort of thing to do it myself. I can’t stand just having IP’s in there!

So this week has been pretty good. Monday was the date with the one guy. He was nice and fun, but not my type. Too drama oriented. We hung out at H marys and then went to Boomers for Mini-Golf. It was a good night.

Tuesday, worked then hung out with Andrew. I was in kinda a grumpy mood, and not really very talkative, so he almost had to carry on a convo with himself. But it was still good to hang out with him again. And it’s always a plus when Green China is involved… We also spent $200 at the porn store! haha. No, I’m serious. 🙂 Tuesday I also finially got my lazy ass in gear and moved Keira’s $1,100 into a 529 plan for her. I gave that to her back in August, and I put it into an UGMA account, but then T. Rowe increased the min and increased the fees, so I pulled it out and it’s been sitting in my Orange account since then. It still managed to grow by $100 over what I initally gave her, and I still have to put in her christmas present as well.

Wed was more work. It was a LONG LONG day, the boss sat with me nearly all day while we worked out this Portal page for the after hours call desk. It’s quite the work of art if I do say so myself. 468 lines of code later and 12 hours, and it’s all done! Well, ok I lie, there’s one MINOR wording change I have to do today. Ugh. I’m so good at this shit. 🙂

After work I went over and met up with Dustin, he’s got a REALLY nice place for being only 22, and he lives alone. So he can support himself, plus #1. So we went out on the date, he was so nice and shit, opened the car door for me and everything. We went over to downtown disney to this place and ate. I had the ravioli and it sucked, our waiter was stupid, and it cost an arm and a leg. Thankfully he was able to get 30% off. haha. After that we went over to the lounge and just sat by the fireplace and talked and had a few drinks. We left there about 9ish cause I was tired and had to get up early as hell. On the way back to his place the fireworks at Disney started going off. So we pulled over and watched those. It was really cute.

Got back to his place and said our good byes, he got not one but two good night kisses.. 😉 So yeah, this one went well and he deserves a second date. So we’ll see how that goes. The only major issue I could see is that he’s young, and acts it. But he’s still got a good job and is finishing up school. So yeah. We’ll see what happens, eh?

Anyways, I’m off to go meet Jeff so we can head up to Santa Monica. Adios!

EDIT:// So on the drive up here, Jeff and I got talking, I might be getting another “promotion”, it’d be more of a horizontal move, then a vertical, but it’d be back into the more technical side of the operations. Which is what I like more. So we’ll see. We also talked about the compensation for moving up to Santa Monica. I like the idea’s he had. 🙂
