Dec 3000/300LX

Ok, here’s the story of my day:

Dec 3000/300LX

NetBSD boot image, boots, needs serial console to control keyboard/mouse

Dec 3000/300LX with no documentation.

News groups that know something.

Websites that know some more.

Bits and bytes of the story here and there.

MMJ cable or Null Modem cable? Conflicting reports.

MMJ cable == Phone jack?

A Windows2k machine that’s not of any help.

Whew, what a mess.

So its getting there. I have a bootable NetBSD install disk. It boots, asks for a serial console to continue booting. Did research on serial console, I need an null modem cable or an MMJ? Need an MMJ for a Dec 3000/400 but I have a Dec 3000/300LX, therefore I don’t need an MMJ, but an MMJ is just a phone cord with one end cut off and wired to a 9pin adaptor to a PC Com port. However a Null modem cable needs one end 25 pin female opposite end 9 pin male. How do you wire it?? I dunno.

It’s coming along, I’l have it done before summers over.

In other news, I finished my new guestbook after like 2 months. It’s good times. Everyone must go sign it cause I said so. And plus the old entries haven’t been moved over yet, I dunno if I’ll do that or not.

Laters all.


So here I am at North Polk, AiS is over and it was all good and stuff. Julian randomly showed up as well. Ramsey and I talked and it was all good. He’s applied for a job at Krell.

I’m downloading pictures from the digital camera to thier machines. It’s all good.

I’m out. Not much really going on today. Adam gets to come up tonight WOOT!

Business People….

Business/managers shoud manage people, not people that don’t know how to manage people. You can’t tell one person that they’re going to do something, and then when they next come in to work tell them that it’s already been done. You can’t assign something to one person and have them do half the work and then tell another person to jump in in the middle and complete it when they don’t know what’s going on. You can’t do these things in the managerial world, why does she not understand this???

You can’t run a business or an effective IT department without a plan of action and clearly she has no plan of action. She needs to sit down and decide what this company needs and where we’re going with our IT. You can’t just say, OH I feel like spending some money today, lets go buy something, as much as I enjoy doing that.

We have three computers, very good computers sitting around doing nothing currently, they have been for almost a month now. They were good computers and we told her that, they just needed to be upgraded, but she went out and bought three two new computers to replace the three… Now we have no where for those three to go, so it’s wasted money down the drain…. Instead of listening to us when we told her our plan for backups, she went with her outrageous plan, which uses over 70 tapes, each tape costing $35, you do the math. More Government wasted money.. And you wonder where you’re tax dollars are going, they’re going to organizations which the government has chosen completly incompetent people to manage.

She shouldn’t be in any posistion to do any management, put her back in her office and let her do her programming, when we need money to update something, we’ll ask for it, but don’t just do what we’ve told you not to do. It’s just a waste of money. Don’t go behind your employees backs, that’s the fastest way to get them to distrust you.

I hate stupid managers.

Today I was supposed to upgrade two of our Macs to OSX, take those three old servers and reformat them and do something with them….

But instead when I got here, she said “Oh, Chris already did that on Friday, you need to do ….”

So Instead I’m doing something of Chris’, which I have no Idea what I’m doing, she says that I need to learn about it, but when I don’t even know how it’s currently implemented, I can’t really learn about it to tell her the best implenemtation of things. I don’t know where the documentation is at either to figure things out.

She also said that I need to get in touch with Shelly… Which one?? The one that’s gone today… But I’m supposed to make some graphics, which she already has, I don’t see why she can’t just take the 5 seconds to do it herself. Gwar.

I’m really frustrated today with everything, I’m just going to program things.

Anything Else….?

Can anything else go wrong?

I mean really, today nothing has gone right, and if it hasn’t gone wrong, then it’s just completely broken.

I got to work this morning, went in started working on the project that I was supposed to be doing, Nazanin comes in and says that the smart board wasn’t working, so I went and fixed that. She wasn’t logged into the right account. After that for some reason every computer was listed in both Domains, Ames and Krell. They’re only supposed to be in Krell. So I had to figure out what that problem was. We found out that NewReal and Real were fighting for control and everything was confused. That took a while and I got alot of shit for it because I didn’t know what was wrong, and it’s like, DAMNIT, not my fault. Then I went back to what I was doing… Soon after that she came in and said that they wanted a list of all the domains that we own / run. Plus she wanted to know all the account numbers (something you can only get on the invoice or by calling them). So I had to do that. Then Chris was working on that Cd, well we finally got the FINAL version of it, after like 50 finals, they had oked it, and we were rady to take it to the copiers. Well after he left, someone found a typo in one of the trademark things, it was one fucking letter. Nazanin wouldn’t have this and insisted that I change it. I don’t know ANYTHING about director which is what he was using, and fyi, director is NOT an easy program to learn. So I went in there… Changed his password on his computer so that I could get in and then figured out how to change the wording… I figured that out fairly easily, but I couldn’t figure out how to save it as a .exe so I was sitting in there reading the help, when in comes Nazanin, miss know it all. She felt that she could figure it out by just messing around with things. So she took the mouse and started playing… An hour and a half later, she gives up and leaves, within 15 minutes of that I had it figured out. I was so pissed at her for messing with that.

So after that, I went back to what I was doing origianlly. I had everything moved over, shut down the old machine and everything was working fine, except one thing… SSI’s. I couldn’t get them to work. So again I turn to help to figure it out. And of course, in comes Know It all Imani. Takes the mouse and fiddles with things… She completely fucked it up. I hate it when she touches things cause she just randomly clicks on things, she doesn’t even know what she’s clicking on. That’s how things get broken around there, cause she thinks she knows what she’s doing, but she doesn’t! So after another hour of her fucking with things, she leaves. I get back to it, fix what she fucked up and then got it working in another 30 minutes. For some reason SSI’s are turned off by default in M$ so you hav to edit the registry to make them work.

So that was my day, and I have the BIGGEST fucking headache right now.

So what do you think about the new color/layout…?

Redhat / SuSE?

So I’m thinking about when I get my new computer… Shoud I use Redhat or SuSE? What will I do with my old computer…. Should the new one become my new main system, and my HP become by backup… What should I do….

Here’s the current setup:

HP: SuSE, Apache, SSH, MySQL, BIND. Main Personal computer, website, DNS.
Compaq: SuSe, FTP, SSH. Backup computer, using rsync, and main ftp server.

Here’s what I’m thinking about doing:

Micron #1: SuSe, SSH. Use as main machine
HP: Redhat, SSH, Apache, BIND, FTP. Use as backup of personal items and main webserver/ftp server.
Compaq (200 Mhz): Win2k Server. SSH, DNS. Use as backup DNS Server. And Windows testing server.

And then if I get a second Micron Machine I’d replace the compaq and use Micron #2 as Win2k box and then use Compaq as either a firewall or give it to someone else.

I dunno. Leave input for me….