Nov 7, 2001 #2

Nov 7, [Seven Channels, "Helium"]

Omg, funny ass thing. I was bored. So what do I do? I went to find out

who owned’s servers. Well there’s two companies that own them,

so I did a search on those companies to see what other servers they ran,

besides fateback, almost every server that they were running was a porn

site. How fukcing funny is that?

Nov 7, 2001

Nov 7, [REM, "Sweetness Follows"]

Lalalala. Sitting here trying to think of a way to present my English "research"

(I put quotes around it because it’s not a fucking research paper, it’s

a damn opinion paper) paper. It has to be 6-7 papges long, with at least

12 refence thingys. Well I’ve got like 50 pages printed off already about

things I want to include, it’s just a matter of how to include them. I want

to almost take two sides. I want to take one that says, "Yeah alot

of people have become more patriotic" and I want to take another side

that says "Yeah, some people may think they are, but they really aren’t."

And I want to give it all a big ol gay spin. lol. You know I want to bring

up the things with Homosexuals not being able to donate blood if they’re

sexually active, and some other things. So I don’t really know how I want

to go about it. I’ve got like a month to do it, but I want to get it started

like ASAP. I’ve also got to re-write my Bartelby paper. I went to the English

Help room and he said that the content was really good. It’s just that I

had a lot of typo’s. Opps. But he really couldn’t see why the teacher was

being such a bitch when she graded it. I think she has it our for me.

I slept in today cause we didn’t have English. The phone rang about 8 and

I was like, fucker. The roommate wouldn’t get up to answer it so I grabbed

it and chucked it at him. I knew it wasn’t for me. So why should I waste

my time answering it? Then he went back to sleep. I got things going and

did some homework. About 10:30 just as I was getting ready to leave for

my class, the phone rings again. It rings and rings, he still has the phone

in his bed. I’m not going to answer it, it’s not for me. So then he goes,

"You going to get that?" I said "NO." Fucker. So I left

and went to Soc class. We got there and Vero and I were talking and such,

and the prof didn’t show up. So the guy, I don’t know what you call him,

called someone and then said we could leave cause no one knew where the

prof was. Good times, so I had no classes today! Now I’m here putting off

doing Bartelby. I’ll get to it I swear.

I found out that my Econ test is on Tuesday. Grrr. I wanted to go to that

Young Gay America thing with Adam. Oh well. School must be done.

I like Pringles.

Nov 6, 2001

Nov 6, [98 Degrees, "This Gift"]

Gwar, Fateback is being even more of a bitch then I thought. I’ve e-mailed

them about 10 times, and they’ve yet to resolve the problem, they keep claiming

that it’s with my ISP, but there is clearly no problem there. Bastards.

Oh well.

I haven’t really done much today, but it’s been a long fucking day. I went

to Accounting, and did shit there, then I went to work. Funny thing happened

there. I was calling Dell to get a replacement part for something, and I

had them on speaker phone, well I was on hold, and working at one of my

computers, so I wasn’t really paying all that much attention to it. Well

then someone came in and said that they needed something, so I went to help

them. Well I came back about an hour later, and my phone was doing that

annoying beeping thing that they do when you leave the phone off the hook,

it was so funny. I walked off and completely forgot about them. Opps. But

yeah, then I was just working away and I got alot done today, but I still

have alot to do. Then tonight I went to Econ, found out we had a quiz last

week that I missed and we got a new assingment that I didn’t get, so I got

the assingment and then left to go to my Math test. I took it. It seemed

pretty easy, but I’ll probably fail it. Oh well, that’s the way life goes.

Last night my roommate came up to me and was like, so where are you living

next semester. And I was like, "I dunno." and then he said "Oh,

well I was just asking cause I have a friend moving up here and he want’s

to share a room and I haven’t had the same roommate for two semesters yet."

I wanted to just go, ‘Well I can see why, being you’re such a RUDE ASSHOLE!’

But I was nice. I just let it go. I’d like to move, but I really don’t want

to put in all the effort to do it. Grr. Oh well.

Nov 5, 2001

Nov 5, [Enrique Inglesias, "Be With You"]

So fateback has decided to be a mother fucking bitch. Must find new free

hosting service. Gwar. I also registered for classes today. Fun times. I’m

taking: Lib 160, Acct 215, Com S 207, Mis 330 and Stat 104. That’s only

12.5 credits, I’m waiting to see if I can get into Stat 227 instead of Stat

104. If I get into 227, then I’ll have 15.5 credits and that’ll be cool.

But I can’t really find any other classes that fit into my schedule right

now. I like what I have set up now though, it should be pretty cool. I don’t

start classes untill 11 on MWF and I’m done at 3, and on Tues, Thurs. I’ve

only got Stat at 9, and then after that I can go to work. Yay for more money.

Yep, so that’s what my life. I’ve been trying to study for Soc, but I just

haven’t been able to get through it, the roomie is in here, and he’s playing

that damn computer game and he’s got the fucking thing turned up so loud.

Grrr. I’ve got Math here in a bit that I have to go to as well.

Oh, funny story from last night. I was leaving and Melinda was in Abbie’s

room getting a massage. Well I had walked out the door already and Adam

was like, "Mom will be sad if you don’t say bye to her." So I

was like, alright, I’ll go to the window and tell Abbie to tell her bye

for me. So I went over there and knocked on the window, and Abbie peeked

through the curtians and I waved to her, and she freaked out. It was hilarious,

then I saw her coming back towards the window, and then she opened the curtians,

and I waved, and the only thing I saw was Melinda laying on the bed screaming

"I’m Naked." I laughed my fucking ass off. Luckly, for both me

and Melinda, I didn’t see anything. lol. Omg, I laughed at that all the

way home. It was so hilarious.

Nov 4, 2001

Nov 4, [Silverchair, "Miss You Love"]

Hmm, so this weekend has been long, yet really great. Friday we went downtown,

and hung out there, not much going on of course, Saturday Adam worked all

day. Then after work we went out with Leah, Andi, Nelline. We just went

to the park thing there and talked and such, some not so good times there,

but also some good times. We played spin the bottle and such, it was amusing.

I realized this weekend that I’ve never kissed a girl (other then family)

on the lips. I mean, Angel always kisses me but we have always kissed each

other on the cheek. I still to this day haven’t kissed a gril on the lips.

lol. Then today Adam worked until 3 and after that we went and hung out

and just talked. About 5 we went back to his house and he did his homework.

Now, I mean most people, watching them do thier homework isn’t exactly something

that would be considered fun. But it was Adam and I had fun just laying

there in his bed next to him while he did his homework, just spending time

with him, wether it be at work with him, at home, when he’s doing homework,

or cleaning, or where ever. The time that I spend around him and with him

means so much to me. I’d never give it up for anything.

So that’s my weekend, I have a test on Monday in Soc that I need to study

for soon. But I won’t get to that tonight cause I’m to damn tired. I also

have to hang up my laundry cause I forgot to take my hangers home this weekend.

I also should be studying for my math test, but oh well. Laters all.