Feb 5, 2001

so yeah, teachers are ass holes. i’ve got this one teacher

for programming, and he doesn’t know how to program. bastard. you know one

of the major things they teach in programming classes is that there’s more

then one way to find the answer to a problem. well i took a different route

then the rest of the class, not the most efficient route, no, but it was different,

and that’s one of the things that i think makes programming fun, is finding

different ways to fix the problem, well you know what the bastard did, cause

i was differnt, he took 5 points off my assingment, the fucker. mother fucking

bastard, last time he took points of cause i didn’t follow the “proper”

programming techniques, they claim that we should use prefixes for our variales,

like “int” for integer, “chr” for char, “str”

for string, etc. you know that just makes it harder for me to program cause

i don’tgive a fuck about the damn prefixes, i just want to call them like

adder, for something that adds, and thingy for temp variables, i know what

they do, and it’s not that hard to figure out what they do, cause for things

that are used alot i use things that make sence. like statenames, for something

that stores state names. bastard, i fucking hate him. he doesn’t really know

what programming is, he has a fucking Ph.D. in history, why the fuck is he

teaching programming? bastrad. ok so some good things happen too. this weekend

was so great, i spent tons of time on the phone with danny, it was so nice.

i love his voice. but satnight i was really depressed. it was really pretty

here, there was low cloud cover and the lights from the city were just lighting

everything up, it looked like there was a full moon, i love night like that.

and i was so depressed cause i wanted him here to share it with, damnit. hehe,

and then there was this time he was at the mall and called, and he was like

‘wanna talk to my parents” and i was like no. hehe, that would have been

funny shit. lol. but we lost internet connection here for a bit and i was

in the middle of talking to him online when it happened. so i was like “FUCK

i don’t want him thinking i just left” so i came back to my room and

looked up my access code and called the “old” number i had for him,

and sure enough he answered, hehe, that was funny, hope i didn’t get him in

too much trouble, he said he told his PU’s i was just a friend, so yeah. lol.

that was great, i finally got to surprise him for once, lol. but yeah, it’s

been a good weekend, i got all my accounting done, and then i wrote the next

program, following EVERY fucking thing that we are supposed to do, so if this

bastard fucking docks points i’m going to be one pissed off mother fucker.

lol. i sitll have to write that bill that’s due on thurs. but that shouldn’t

be to hard. yeah. ya know my roomie is really starting to piss me off to.

he’s been sleeping tell like 5 in the afternoon and it really sucks cause

i can’t listen to my music or open the curtians or anything, damnit. he missed

all his classes today, hehe, i hope he gets in trouble for it, he’s on Academic

probation, so he can’t miss any classes lol.

Feb 2, 2001

So it’s a new month, eh. i almost missed it and put this

update on the wrong page,opps. well it’s been a pretty boring week round here.

classes are boring, people are boring, everything i boring. we had to move

our cars today out of the “campus proper” cause they are under a

snow alert, so they can plow everything out from that big storm we had. i

think it would have just been easier to just leave the snow and let it melt,

but o well. it took me a hour and a hlaf to dig my fucking car out and we

had three people pushing it, damnthing. then i went and helped some friends

dig there cars out, so yeah, i was outside for alomost 2 and a hlaf hours

without gloves or a hat, my hands are still frozen, i can’t hardly type at

the moment. it’ really sucked. and they are sayin we should get like 20 more

inches of snow by next thurs. YUCKY. someone tell my why i moved to this state?

damnit. and then itried to get REdhat 6.2 to install and the fucker won’t

do it. bitch machine. 7.0 won’t see the fucking network, so i’m trying o hunt

someone down with mandrake to see if it works. ARG. the other night danny

called, we had a really nice talk,for like 2 hour or so i don’t remember it

was long. after we hung up i jsut layed there and thought bout him. wishing

oooh so much that he were here, and not so far away. there’s some valentines

day dance coming up. i wish he were here to go with me. well my hands are

still really cold and it’s hard to type so i’m going to go take a shower and

stuff. ok so i’m back, the shower was nice i was in there for like 30 minutes,

lol. but yeah, so my roomie and his gf have been overly nice to me lately.

like tonight his gf asked if i wanted to go to a kegger, i was like no, i

hate drinking and people that drink scare me. but yeah. and like just now

my roomie came in and was like “you need anything from the store”

and i was like WTF? where did that come from? and his gf has been alot of

time in here talking to me. it’s like what? go away. it’s just weird, hmm.

maybe it’s a conspiracy or something. yeah, maybe that’s it. what do you think?

o btw, danny just called, second time tonight, hehe. he was out with his friends

and called on a payphone. it’s so funny, he was talking about these sweaters

he was going to buy, one was like $175. i was like WTF? the most expensive

sweater ihave was $70 and i got it for 70% off that so yeah. gotta love kohls, lol.

Jan 30, 2001

So i got up this morening at 6 like i normally do, went

to take my shower and got dressed by 6:45. then i sat down read my e-mail

and such, checked the messages people left for me over night, yadda, yadda,

then about 7:45 or so i went over to the TC to get my morning milk and such.

and i got over there and found out that classes had been cancelced until 10 oclock. so i was alright, now i can’t go back to the room cause the roomie

and his gf were in here fucking like animals. so yeah i just hung out in the

TC tell 11 when my next class was supposed to start well i went there. and

the damn pro didn’t show up cause he got snowed in and no one told us or left

a damn note. so i was royaly angered cause i could’ve slept for like four

more hours, but no i was stuck no where, i didn’t have a home. and it really

sucked up here, cause the weather is soooooo bad. all the interstates are

closed, they pulled all the plows off the roads here in town last nght at

10 and they aren’t going to start plowing tell tonight after the winds die

down, so NOTHING is plowed and there’s drifts all over the place that you

gotta walk through and shit. it’s really pretty i like this weather, if i

would just have a nice fire place and someone to cuddle up with infront of

it, but when i have to go out in it and such i really hate it. cause round

here they are just all twats and can’t fucking plow shit. and the roads are

all nasty. it was actually raining yesterday morning and then it started to snow bout 4 or so and overnight we got about 13 inches and it’s been coming

down pretty heavy all day, they are saying we should get like 22 inches by

the time it’s all over. below are some pics of what it looked like yesterday.

and today. well really other then the weather nothing to bitch about. i have

a clas yet to go to at 3 i really don’t want to, but i need to cause i’m not

getting the whole debit credit thing, this book explains it all funky so i

just want him to clear it up. so yeah. ok so yeah, i just got back from what

was supposed to be a 3 oclock class, and again the pro didn’t show up, but

this time they left a note. so this is kinda cool, no classes today, but it

sucked cause the fucking roomie is such an ass. ARG. i just wanna kill him.

he SMELLS so fucking bad. nasty shit. i don’t see how he could have a gf,

yucky, i know i sures as hell wouldn’t go out with him. or anyone like him.

nasty. nasty. nasty. he’s gone at the moment, so i have the window and the

door open to air this place out some. and what’s really gross is he can’t

smell it. eww. and even when i have the door open, he’ll come in and close

it, or he’ll come in and then leave and close it, so i have to get up and

open the damn thing again, haven’t people ever heard of leave things they

way you found em? fucking jerks. ya know i think i’m going to have to come

up with a new way to do this. the files are getting a bit to big.

Jan 29, 2001

it’s snowing again, it’s been raining all morning and

now it’s snowing, yeah, rain and snow. great weather conditions, we’re suposed

to get lik 13 inches tonight, yippy fun. well not much has been happening

today, or really yesterday for that matter. it’s monday, nothing ever happens

on mondays. or weds, or fridays, cause i only have one class those days, but

i guess it’s all good, i have lots of free time, i should get a job ya know,

but there’s nothing good in this town, it’s all c-store work. and i’ve done

more then my fair share of it. you would think that a college that’s ranked

#9 in the counrty as one of th most wired would have higher tech companies

in close range, but no it’s all in SF an hour away, and the cost of driving there doesn’t really help to get a job there. cause it’s 55 miles there and

55 miles back. and at 80-85 miles an hour, that burns alor of gas. and with

the prices they are round here at 1.60 and up, it can really put a hole in

your pocket. o well, i think i can make it tell like summer before i HAVE

to get a job. i still haven’t herad anything back from that offer in philly,

i would really love to get it. that’s the first scout camp in the nation.

it would be tons of fun to work there. but then chris k. my moss from last

summer has been bothering me to come work there all summer this year. but

the thing is is that pete is the camp director and he’s a total ass. alot

of the employees that worked for him last year WON’T go back to work for him.

they even went so far as to send me an app without asking me, i’m sure kaye

told them to, but still. i really don’t want to work in Iowa this summer,

i don’t want to live in iowa or the midwest this summer, i just want out of

this part of the country. i was going to do accouting today, but then i started

reading it and got bored, so maybe i’ll do it tomorrow just before i go to

class. lol. hope it’s not to hard. FUCK, the power just went off, i hope that

doesn’t keep up. hehe, luckly i have battery backup, but that means that theservers

are all down now, cause they don’t. the dumb fuckers. again you would think

that the #9 most wired college would have batteries on thier servers. o well

guess they don’t. i’ll have to wait a bit now to get this posted. i’ve been

really tired lately. i don’t know what’sup. i’ve been getting enough sleep,

and not too much. hmm, o well. it will go away, that’s my theory. lol. i’m

going to shut down for bit, the power keeps going in and out. i’ll upload

this once i getback.

Jan 28, 2001

danny and i talked for quite a while last night it was

really nice, he’s got such a great voice, but he talks so soft sometimes it

hard to understand what he says, i did find out one thing he’s got a dog named

tyson (update 01-28-01: alright so i can’t here, he said dysson), lol. what

a cute name, lol. well not much other shit going on round here, it’s wed,

nothing ever happens on Wed. so i’m going to go do some HW now. bubye.