March 22, 2001

march 22, people are stupid. the ODS had a bulitin board thing

up that said “Celebrating Women of Courage and Vision” well some

dumb shit ripped it so it now says “Celebrating Men of Rage and Vision”

Stupid ass people. on a different note everyone should go and see mir’s reentery

here. when it happens. they should

have video of it about 4 hours after it’s splashed down, lol. I’ve been so

tired lately, i didn’t sleep much tuesday night, but i slept well and then

yesterday i took like a 2 hours nap, but then by 8 i was tired again, so i

went to bed, but didn’t get to sleep tell sometime atfer 10 cause i remember

hearing my watch beep at 10 and then i didn’t sleep very well. i was up most

of the night and i didn’t get out of bed tell like 9:30 or so, cause i missed

my first class, oh well. So then i went to my programming class, we had a

test today, i really hate programming tests, i think they should all be open

book, cause it’s like how do you know what they are going to put on the test,

there’s so much that you could possibly have to know, and it’s also like,

here they are so big on “in the real world” well how many jobs are

you going to get where they say, oh we wany you to do this project but you

can’t use any resourses or anything, it’s like comon people, you can’t expect

people to remember every little bit of syntax and shit, and some of the questions

they ask are really hard, and also with the crappy ass way they teach it too,

it’s just stupid. i really hate it here, i can’t wait tell may 11th, the last

day, then i can’t wait tell june 16th, the day i start my job, i’m getting

pretty nervous about it, it’s like you know, i’ve only done cope once and

i really enjoyed that, but i just doubt mysef on weather i can do this as

an instructor. it’s a really hard job and such and i’ll be a long way from

home too. but oh well, i’ve accepted it, it pays nicely from what he said,

and it should be a really fun job. i need to get my accounting done, but the

damn roomie is in here he’s fucking sleeping yet, i don’t know what time he

finally got back, but i know yesterday wheni got up at 7:30 when danny called

me he wasn’t here and didn’t show up tell like 3 in the afternoon. oh well,

as long as he’s not here i’m happy.

March 21, 2001

march 21, Gachtonquoam. So i’m feeling better today, I’m still

not going to get online and such, but i’m feeling better, danny and i talked

for a long time last night, that was good, he always cheers me up. lol. but

yeah, i hurt myself last night, that really sucked, i was laying in bed talking

to danny, and i have one of those drop in ceilings and i had removed one of

the tiles nad i keep stuff up there like a flashlight and my alarm clock and

a light and such, but i was palying with the tile and the flashlight rolled

off and hit my in the head. it cut me pretty bad i was bleeding all over the

place. it ‘s a pretty bad cut, but it’s doing better today. it took like 15

minutes for it to stop bleeding. i’m gonna have a little bald spot in my eyebrow

now, lol. oh well, i’ve been hurt worse, lol. but damn that flashlight really hurts i can see why cops use them, lol. oh for those that are wondering, the

word for yesterday means “to be sad” and today’s word means “to

be sleepy”, so yeah, yall know a little lenape now, lol. Oh i watched

Qaf Series 2 yesterday, it was so fucking good. i loved it. the ending was

the best part. But i really didn’t like the way it ended, they just rode off

into the night and such. but it was really good i like they way they did it.

well i should be getting back to accounting, i have a test next wed night,

i hate night tests. they always inturupt things.

March 19, 2001

march 19. this weekend has just been really messed up. my roomie

left here friday night and got back at like 3 pm on sat spelt tell 5 was in

and out of the room tell like 11 then left and came back like 2 yesterday

left about 6 and hasn’t been back since. now how wierd is that. not that i’m

complaning, it doesn’t smell in here when he’s not here and i can have my

music turned up as loud as i like too, lol. but yeah, just odd, cause he has

classes today, and if he misses any and they find out he’s gone. oh well i

wouldn’t mind having a room to myself. lol. so yeah saturday night was really

cool, danny and i talked for what like 4 hours or something, it was really

cool, lol. umm, yeah not much else going on yet though, i’m thinking i might

go back to bed here soon, i’ve been so exhausted lately. i don’t know what’s

up with that. but yeah, never give me a jar of peanut butter and a spoon.

YAY, happy, happy, joy, joy, I just got QaF Series 2. YAY. i hope the roomie

is gone next weekend too