April 9, 2001

april 9. so it’s almost noon here, and it’s just a plain sucky ass day. i

miss danny so much already. damnit. i talked to him about that thing yesterday.

and he said that we should take some time apart. i don’t really agree with

that. i dunno. i wrote him a letter yesterday. it was damn long. i didn’t

sleep at alll last night. this sucks so much. it’s just like, everything is

just ripping me apart. i can’t stand it. i really didn’t want to get out of

bed this morning. i just wanted to lay there and think about him. damnit.

i dunno. i’ve got 5 more weeks here, only 5 weeks left. then i’ll be home

for 3 weeks, then i’m gone for the rest of the summer. it’s going to suck

so much. damnit.

April 8, 2001

april 8, #4. so i’m talking to danny right now, yeah, i dunno, he just seems

so, i guess out of it. it feels kidna like we’re falling apart or something,

i dunno. putting this here’s not going to fix the problem, but i just needed

some where to think about it. we’ve just kinda fallen into a grove and yeah,

i mean. i still love him, i think about him when he’s not here, and i worry

about him when he seems down. but it’s just i dunno, maybe it’s that were

not an everyday part of each others lives, we’re not there to be with each

other, or something. i wish so badly that we could be together, but i know

that we can’t be, at least not now. sometimes i just wanna cry. I’m going

to go now.

April 8, 2001

april 8, #3. so i’ve been thinking about pretty much nothing again latley,

you know i just get into thos gorves and just think about stuff. i dunno.

it’s like sometimes i just don’t care and i just kinda follow what’s put infront

of me, and i don’t look down the road, but then every once in a while i just

hit something and it’s like, omg what was i thinking when i did that, or omg

what if. you know. and i just think about that one thing and just keep thinking

about it, and it’s like it won’t go away but then eventually it does, so yeah.

right now it’s like, my summer, what am i going to do, i know what i’m going

to be doing, but it’s like what _am_ i going to do. i know what i mean, but

i don’t know how to deal with it. it’s, it’s just i’m going to be camping

for 10 weeks str8 this summer. 10 weeks, i mean i’ve been away for 10 weeks

str8 before, but now i have someone that i love in my life, and i don’t want

to leave him for 10 weeks, and not be able to talk to him, or even talk about

him at all. i mean i’ll be able to call danny like once a week, maybe twice,

but i mean. it’s still. i just don’t know. i love scouting, and i like what

they do, but i obviously don’t like how they practice somethings. and i mean,

i know i could go to Campfire Kids, or YMCA camp or something, but i’ve been

raised on scouting and it’s just not something that i want to give up right

now. as i sit here writing this i’m wearing a Philmont Sweatshirt, a Mitigwa

Lodge T-shirt and a Carabeaner (sp?) that has "be prepared" on it.

it’s ARG. I’ve been thinking.

April 8, 2001

april 8 #2. ok we’ve got this test in american government on thurs, so i’m

like, ok i’ll get out my book and see what this test is over, well i looked

at the sylabus and it said chapters 10-16. so i’m like, well that doesn’t

tell me anything, what are these chapters over, so i dug out my book and started

looking over them, you know it’s almost 300 pages that he’s testing us over,

300 fucking pages in a 2 page multiple choise test. how the fuck is he going

to do that? how are we supposed to know what the hell to study? you can’t

know all 300 fucking pages of this shit. damnit. oh well i’m going to start

looking it over and see what i can pull out of it all.

April 8, 2001

april 8. so yesterday was zimmfest, like the big campus sponsored party type

thing, it was a total waste of time, there was like maybe 30 people there

at one time and yeah, it just sucked. they had live bands there from 5 pm

to 2 am, and the band guys were pretty cute, but other then that, they sucked,

lol. they were like hs garage bands and such, so yeah. so i left with a bunch

of people about 12 or so and we came back to the dorm and they all got drunk

off thier asses. so i came back here and went to bed. and then about 1 or

so sherri came bursting into my room and she was soooooooo fucking drunk,

it was hilarious. omg. lol. sbut yeah, everyone around this place was just

fucking druck off thier asses. there were people urinating in the fucking

parking lot and stuff, and like we have signs that mark like staff and visitor

parking areas. well most of those signs are now ripped out of the ground,

god, it’s a fucking mess. i don’t think most of the people around here will

be getting up anytime soon. so yeah, other then the cute guys, last night

was a total waste, lol.