Death Valley!

What a weekend!

Friday night was the typical Dinner with friends. We all met up at Jason’s house and he had Meatballs cooking. However, he was no where to be found! So we made the rest of the dinner and ate it without him. He showed up just as we were finishing dinner. Overall it was a great night. Jason got me a Gift card to Apple for my birthday!

Saturday morning Const and I got up and headed out to Death Valley. On the way there we stopped at Randsburg and Alotia mines. They are both abandoned mines/towns. Very cool. Alotia was the only one that was open for us to really run around in. It’s just amazing to me that RIGHT off the road way are these open pit mines with ladders and stuff still leading down them. We didn’t go down the mines because we didn’t have any safety gear. Perhaps on the next trip we can actually go down them.

From there we headed through some tiny little crazy towns and out to Death Valley. First thing we did was climb the sand dunes which was really cool. Then we headed out to the Badwater Salt flats which is exactly what I was expecting Death Valley to be like. They were sooo cool. We got there right at sunset, so it was really pretty to watch the sunset over the salt flats. I really want to go back there on a full moon night some summer to see how pretty it would be with all the stars and stuff. After that we headed back to the hotel, ate dinner and then went to bed.

Sunday we got up and had breakfast and then headed out to Zabriskie Point which was just a wonderful view of the valley in the early morning. We didn’t stay too long because the wind was CRAZY and it was freezing cold. We headed down the back road from there and stopped at some more abandoned mines. These were really cool and it was a HUGE complex of mines. We went into a few of them, but not very far because it’s very scary with only the two of us and we had very week flashlights. Perhaps when we go back with a bigger group we can do them again. I really enjoyed the mines.

From there we headed down to Dante’s View which was a really cool overlook of the Badwater salt flats we had been at the day before. We headed on down back into the valley and on our way out stopped at an old Borax mine which had been preserved by the park.

There are tons of other things I want to do while there, like Racing Rocks, Scotty’s Castle, and the Crater. But we didn’t have a 4 wheel drive vehicle to take off road. This really does suck with us both having new cars, we don’t want to take them off onto dirt/gravel roads! I was thinking that maybe I can find a truck that I like, or maybe just a cheap user explorer or something that we can take on trips like this.

On the way home I got a very upsetting phone call from my cousin. My grandma was on her way home from Des Moines when she got into some bad snow, lost control of her car and hit a semi head on. Thank god she’s ok. They took her to the hospital because she was sore and they kept her overnight. They were supposed to be doing another CAT scan today but I haven’t heard anything new. I’ve tried calling a few times to her cell phone, but no answer. I assume she’s probably pretty out of it. Just hearing the news made me cry a little, but since I was driving I had to really hold it back. I’m very interested to see pictures of the car though.

The drive home was pretty good though overall. We ran into some REALLY bad dust storms, it was nearly whiteout conditions. And then some rain, but no traffic which was really nice. Got back to my house and the power was out, so we had to make due for a few hours before that came back on.

Today I am working from home. My car is supposed to be done. I sure HOPE that it does get done. I want my car back!

Photos from the weekend are here.

I did the GeoTagging again on this trip and it turned out MUCH BETTER! Download the Google Earth file here, check out the Google Maps Version (without photos) here or check out all the different files here.

New Theme

Last week, one of the guys at my office introduced me to WPRemix. I downloaded it and played with it some. Then, I got a client who wants to use it and change it for the site they are developing. So I had to learn all about it.

In the process, I came up with a new theme for my site. I was able to put this together in 3 days, and even with some very interesting/fun javascript/css to create the curve around the bike wheel.

The theme is a little WIDE for most people I’m guessing. So I’m thinking of ways to shrink that down as it’s currently 1100px wide. I really shouldn’t cause too many issues though because based on Google Analytics most of my visitors are using 1280×1024 screen resolutions.

Anyways, I hope everyone likes it… I hadn’t really been feeling very designy lately, but this surprised me.

Let me know if you see anything broken!


I’ve been very unmotivated lately to really do anything.

I’ve had a string of bad/annoying clients lately with the whole freelance thing, so that’s put me off. I seriously cannot believe how stupid some of these people are. IE: one guy was bitching because i sent him a link to his site that didn’t have “www.” in front of it. The same guy was also trying to watch STREAMING VIDEO from his website over a fucking AOL Dial up connection! What a twat!

Then at work, I’ve been feeling very un-needed because of this whole new “project lead” shit that one guy got. I’ve been struggling with trying to get something very simple done and my clients at the office are being VERY slow to reply! Then I just spent 2 days doing a whole new menu system that I hand coded on the corp website, only to be yelled at by the CEO because we purchased a menu system that took me about 10 minutes to implement. Also I feel that they are going to forget about the whole Oracle training again. I just asked and the CEO said that he’ll “let me know when the time is right.” UGH! Very annoying. If they are going to be serious about this, then they would be doing them back to back. I am going to FORGET EVERYTHING I learned in the first one before the next one.

I have also been studying for my GMAT and I am so going to fail this test. Everything in the book is so hard. I finished all the vocab stuff and most of what I thought was right is wrong! :'( Maybe I’m just not cut out for Grad school. But I really want to go. I have officially sent in my application and everything, I just have to get the fucking GMAT taken.

I’m also feeling very broke. Now with a $1,000 car repair bill, the cost of a rental car, an additional $400 that I have to pay for insurance because I reduced my deductible, the cost of doing my taxes, what I will owe for my taxes and a 6-month gift for Const. I am just flat broke right now. I did a quick 1040EZ the other day and based on that I will owe about $1,000 more for taxes this year as well! Hopefully my tax woman can bring that down. If I’m eligible for this rebate check the government is sending out, it’s not going to get far with me, it’ll probably just go right back to them!

I’ve also been wanting to redesign my blog, I just haven’t had the energy to actually do it! I have some ideas. Just nothing that seems good.

Plus to top it all off, Constantine leaves in a month! :'(

Andrew’s Mistakes

I sent this message on Facebook, but thought I would post it here as well so people would know…..

Hi all,

I write with some potentially disheartening news. As some of you may or may not know, ever since I have been at Austin going to grad school, I have not been exactly thrilled with school and with living here.

This is really hard to write, but basically I’m leaving my program. I’m sending a big message because I can’t really handle explaining it to everyone individually. I’m at a point where I cry at any given moment.

I realized last semester and now this semester that this is not what I want to do with my life. I definitely like Art History, but you have to more than like it in order to get an advanced degree in it. I find myself dreading going to classes, I have a very difficult time understanding the assignments, and in general, I just feel like I don’t care enough to push through it. I just don’t think Art History is my thing, which means I should not waste anymore time/money/energy/stress working towards an advanced degree in it.

Ever since moving to Austin, I have been more unhappy than I have been in years. I cry all the time, and I am away from the people I love the most.

Therefore, within the next week or so, I am moving back to California. Hopefully that will excite some of you Californian folk. I will be staying with Steve’s family this semester. They have graciously offered to take me in and let me stay there. So that is where I will be. I hope that everyone in California can help keep me busy for awhile so that I can try to take my mind off this.

I really just need this time off to figure out what is going on in my life, and what path I want it to take. I hope that no one is disappointed in me. I really feel like I gave it my all, and bottom line, I’m not willing to sacrifice my happiness for a degree I don’t even really want.

Any responses and comments are welcome.


Andrew posted that on myspace. I think it’s really funny to watch him make all the same mistakes over and over again. He’s already been through this once. And it’s so funny to see him do this shit. I mean you just wasted 4 years in college getting an art history degree. Now what are you going to fucking do! Idiot!

No Birthday Presents for me…

Hmm. It’s been a long weekend. Thursday I worked from home and picked up my Aunt from the airport. It was raining so there wasn’t much to really do around here which was sad. I showed her around the area. Constantine came over and we all went out to dinner and watched a movie here at my place.

Friday night got off to a rocky start. I was a little annoyed that Const spent 4 hours at a work thing, and then still had to go home to his dad’s birthday. We were supposed to have been celebrating my birthday that night with all of my friends. But instead he spent 4 hours at this work party. blah blah blah. Either way, we ended up going out to The Factory and having a really good time. I was also pretty annoyed that Jason got Constantine a preset for his brithday, but not for mine. Umm. Jason has known Const for 6 months. He’s known me for a year and 6 months. WTF!?! Jason’s such a fucking asshole. Why do we even bother hanging out with him!

Saturday we got up and went out to the mountians to play in the snow, but traffic was so bad that we ended up just going to Constantine’s friends house. The guy was nice, we went hiking and had coffee. I’m starting to get very annoyed with him about the fact that he never lets me to his house. I mean, why can’t I at least just GO IN once! REALLY!?

We came home that night and had dinner with Jason and then went to ice cream and watched Devil Wears Prada. Came home and went to bed. Got up Sunday and we did laundry. Const left about 4 and I just laid around the house.

Today I took my car in for repair. The estimate went from $700 to $2,600!!! Can you fucking believe that! WTF! It was a fucking CONE! A FUCKING CONE! Oh my god.

