April 4, 2001

pril 4, so if you haven’t noticed i completely redid the colors and shit

on the entire site, yeah i’m liking it so far. it’s cool. thanks to julian,

who i borrowed the css code from. and thanks to some other guy for the code

for the cool dhtml thing on the front page, i really like that, lol. well

today’s danny’s 18th b-day, yay, lol. everyone has to bug his cause he’s old

now, lol. hope he’s haveing a good day. it’s been pretty good here do far.

last night i came out to sherry, my roomie’s ex. yeah, she knew, i think everyone

should know, it’s really not that hard to tell, at least i don’t think it

is, lol. oh well, she knows, she’s cool with it, yeah. lol. really not much

going on here, i’ve been putting the finishing touches on my site, everything

is now in layers and i got rid of all the frames, so that’s good, and i got

all the pages that i wanted changed over to the new color scheme, i didn’t

realize it when i started, but the font color’s alot like vero’s

but it’s all cool. yeah. i dunno how long i’ll keep it like this, probably

tell the next mood change, lol. oh well, i’m going to go see what else i can

add to my page, laters.

April 3, 2001

April 3, so today in government class we were debating abortion, you know

it’s really hard to debate and my position without just coming out and saying,

damnit, i don’t care cause ya know i’m fucking gay and i’m never going to

have to deal with it, i personally don’t agree with abortion but i think that

if a woman wants an abortion they they should be allowed to have one. i don’t

think that the government should be getting into that, but they just keep

on bothering me about it and shit. and yeah, so there. on to other things.

i happened to end up sitting next to j this morning, but i didn’t get a chance

to talk to him cause he had a some people with him. i didn’t get to talk to

danny yesterday either, he didn’t get on tell like 11, i was in bed already,

so yeah again, lol. damnit jabber’s not working 🙁 I’m bored.

April 2, 2001

April 2, #4, so i’m sitting here, just bored out of my mind, and j’s on right.

so i’m like ok, i can’t talk to him, right. yeah, i can. so i open the little

window and i type "ello" and then i just sit there. and i think.

and i’m like, ok. what’ll he think of me if i IM him? it’s like, i’m so fucking

nervous. i’m actually shaking just thinking about talking to him. i dunno,

maybe that’s why i never had a bf before. i dunno, i though this was interesting.

so yeah, deal with it.

April 2, 2001

pril 2, #3. well my pu’s just got my contract for my summer job. it’s really

fucked up. he said 1200/wk on the phone and now they are saying 1200 for the

_entire_ summer, that’s 10 weeks, 109 hours a week for 1200, you do the math.

but i think it should be a really fun job, so i think i’ll take it. i mean,

not like i don’t really need the money, i can live on that for a year, well

maybe not if i get into where i want to, but i know i’m going to get a job

next year, no matter where i do end up. but speaking of places that i’ll end

up. i got the housing application to unl today. ::shudders:: it’s ok i guess.

my mom said though that if i do go there, i might get to live in off campus

housing, so that would be cool, yeah, it would be. lol.

April 2, 2001

pril 2 #2, goddamnit i hate my programming professor. that mother fucker.

so i just got my lab back, you know the one that could have been done in like

2 pages of code, but i did it in 10 cause i idiot proofed it, well you know

what the fucker did cause i went to that extra work, he fucking took 5 points

off the goddamn thing, 5 goddamn point. ARG. he said i "didn’t follow

the directions" HELL NO i didn’t i got the fucking program to do what

the directions said to do, and more, programming is about thinking out side

the box, well here they are keeping you locked tightly inside the fucking

box, the bastards. ARG. ARG. ARG. damnit. ok enough ranting. bubye.