Sept 27, 2001 #2

Sept 27, #2 [Beach Boys, "Wouldn’t It Be Nice"]

Ok, so I’m so stressed out right now. I just want to scream and scream

and scream and then scream some more. I’ve got so much HW to do right now.

I’ve got two tests next week, Soc on Monday and Acct on Tues. Grrr. I’ve

got Econ due on Tues as well and I’ve got an English thing due on Monday.

Why’s it that everything is due on Monday or Tuesday. RARR. I’ve got math

to do as well, but I can do that during class, so I’m not really going to

count that, but it’s still there as something that has to be done. I told

them today that I wasn’t going to be in to work next Tues. It’s cool working

at a place that you set your own schedule. It’s cool.

Speaking of work. I know alot of people wonder what the hell it is that

I do. Well here’s your answer:

That’s a link to a movie about what we do there. Well, it really only covers

one of the programs that we sponsor, but this is what I’m working on right

now, Digitalizing all the promos that we have and other such stuff. Hey

all you people that have been in AiS. You should recognize that video, and

alot of the people in it (Omar, Lindsey, Sara Luke, Lude Rolfes, etc.) Good


Sept 26, 2001

Sept 26 [No Doubt, "Don’t Speak"]

I was in a fairly good mood today, that is until about 1 or so. Grrrr.

Oh well. I’m feeling a bit better now. It’s finally Wed night and the weekends

almost here. Although I hear Adam’s pretty sick, that’s not good. Hmmm.

I hope I didn’t give it to him. If he’s not better I might have to make

him some soup or something. lol

Not much really going on today. I went to classes, it was class. We had

a Math test tonight though, grrrr. It kicked my ass. We couldn’t use calculators

at all, so it took me longer then it would have, but I kick ass when I don’t

use a calculator. I didn’t think I was that good in math. But still I don’t

think I got the inverse of the matrix right. It was a hard question. And

then he put something on the test that I’ve never even heard of. It was

from Econ though, so I used my Econ knowledge to solve it but I don’t think

I got the answer that he was looking for. I got what an Econ prof would

be looking for. Oh well we’ll see what I get.

Sept 25, 2001 #2

Sept 25, #2 [Joan Osborne, "What If God Was One Of Us"]

I think I’m pregnant. I’ve had like tons of wierd cravings today, first

it was peanut butter this morning, so I went and got a box of those Peanut

Butter Toasty Crackers. I LOVE them. Then I had a craving for a latte, and

now I want pizza and celery with peanut butter. Grrr. I want some good food.

I’m going to have to buy lots of snacks this weekend.

Dean randomly called me. It was amusing, they’re having computer problems

and needed help, good times. I haven’t seen Dean in like forever. I should

go hang out with him sometime.

Adam and I have been scaring people and ourselves lately. We think so much

alike, you have no idea how many times we say the same thing at the same

time. It’s hilarious.

I had no idea that the nipple was such a sensitive body part.

Yay for randomness. I want to talk to Adam now.

Sept 25, 2001

Sept 25, [The Doors, "The End"]

So 12 hours after I left my dorm room this morning, I’m just returning.

Grrr. I hate Tuesday’s cause they are such a long day, but today, today

would have been a FUCKING PERFECT day had I not had to work all day.

Things I LOVE about Fall: The cool, perfect sweater wearing weather, the

perfect sleeping temp, the changing leaves, the crunch of the leaves on

the ground as you walk, the smell of firewood in the fireplace, the perfect

sunsets and sunrises, there’s just so much that I love about this time of


Today Adam and I had a really long talk. He’s not doing too well. I’m here

for him and he knows that, so we’re talking about everything. I hope he

gets better soon. I don’t like seeing him like this.

Work was work today. I sat around for most of the day cause I was encoding

stuff on all my machines that I use, All four of them. It took all day to

encode all the shit that I had to get done, once I get the ports in the

firewall opened I’ll show you what I’ve been doing. I saw funny movies of

Omar, Sarah Luke, Lindsey, and a bunch of other NP’s today. I laughed at

them, and so did Barb. I see how people that sit in offices all day get

fat. It’s really easy to just sit there and munch on things and no realize

it. I’m going to have to stop taking lunch to work.

I took my roll of B&W film in today. They said it’s going to take 7

days to get it back, bastards. I wanted it done in the normal 2 day service.

I don’t understand why it takes so much longer. Neither did the techy that

was working.

I guess that’s all for today. I’ve got a big test tomorrow that I don’t

want to study for, and I’ve got the alliance meeting, and I’ve got the Career

Fair that I have to go to for a damn class. Grrrrr.

I can’t wait tell Oct. 😉

Sept 24, 2001 #3

Sept 24, #3 [Delerium, "Euphoria"]

AHHHHHHH. I hate myself. It hurts me so much when I can’t be places for

things that I want to be at. I hear all these stories about how how much

fun people had there, and then I feel so much worse about the fact that

I couldn’t go. It hurts me so much. I want to be there, and if I can’t be

there I want to know about what happens there. And then with this whole

Adam thing getting the GSA started up so well. I’m so proud of him, but

at the same time it hurts me. I tried getting one going at DSU, but it failed

horribly. It sucks so much. I worked my ass off to get that thing going,

but I didn’t get any support from anyone and he gets it going so quickly,

I know that he put alot of work into it, I know that he’s working hard on

it. But it’s just so annoying to know that I failed at something that I

put so much work into. But I’m so so so proud that he’s doing such a great

job at it.