Oct 1, 2001

Oct 1, [Better Than Ezra, "Heaven"]

Yay for Oct. being here.

So I didn’t sleep last night, mostly cause I was thinking about things

and going over what’s happened in my life lately. But yeah, so I didn’t

sleep all that well and this morning I really didn’t want to get out of

bed. So I laid in bed tell about 8 and then I was like, grrr. I should really

get up so I can go to my class. So I got up and got dressed and such. Walked

all the way over to LA, got there, and there’s a fucking note on the door.

"Engl 105 is cancelled today, Oct 1, 2001" I was like. FUCK. I

walked all that way. So then I walked all the way back across campus to

Campus Ave. to get my car and move it. I got back down to the stadium and

just as I was walking across the street to my bus stop. The damn bus drove

by, so I had to wait 10 minutes for the next bus. I felt really bad standing

on the corner there, it just didn’t look good. lol. Oh well. So now here

I am in my room, waiting fot things to happen. I should be studying right

now for my Soc test. But I’m really not in the mood to. I’ll get to it sometime.

Adam said that "We need to talk" after reading my post from yesterday.

I can kinda see what he might want to talk about. I don’t know if I like

where it might go though.

Sept 30, 2001 #2

Sept 30, #2 [Sophie B. Hawkins, "As I Lay Me Down"]

It felt like spring time on this February morning

In the courtyard birds were singing your praise

I’m still recalling things you said to make me feel alright

I carried them with me today


As I lay me down to sleep

This I pray

That you will hold me dear

Though I’m far away

I’ll whisper your name

Into the sky

And I will wake up happy

I wonder why I feel so high

Though I am not above the sorrow

Heavy hearted

Till you call my name

And it sounds like church bells

Or the whistle of a train

On a summer evening

I’ll run to meet you

Barefoot barely breathing

As I lay me down to sleep

This I pray

That you will hold me dear

Though I’m far away

I’ll whisper your name into the sky

And I will wake up happy

It’s not too near for me

Like a flower I need the rain

Though it’s not clear to me

Every season has its change

And I will see you

When the sun comes out again

Sept 30, 2001

Sept 30, [Linkin Park, "The End"]

So it’s Sunday night and here I am just getting back to my dorm room. I

really have alot to talk about here tonight, but unfortunatlly most of it’s

private. I really wish that I could talk about what’s going on in my life

here, but I just can’t outside forces won’t let me and I don’t want to break

the trust that people have in me.

I was awaken this morning very rudly by my aunt. I didn’t get home tell

about 3 this morning and then I mooped around the house tell about 4, so

I was planning on sleeping in tell like 2 or so so that I could get up and

leave and not have to put up with the family. But no about 11, my aunt came

into my room (luckely (sp) I had heard her coming up the stairs so I covered

up, since I was sleeping nude) with her stupid little dog and she put that

damn dog on my bed and let it jump all over me and lick my face. I just

said, "Go Away" and pulled the covers up over my head. She took

the dog and left, I went back to sleep. About 15 minutes laters, she came

up and did the same fucking thing. So I decided I might as well get up.

I got up, went and took my shower and went down stairs. I got down there

and she said "Like your wake up call." I was like, what the fuck

kinda question was that, would _YOU_ fucking like it if I came into your

room when you were trying to sleep and let Gordy jump all over you and lick

you. I just gave her an evil look and went about my business. There was

supposed to be an article in the paper today with Adam in it. I couldn’t

find it. Well my aunt stayed tell like 1 or so, and then she left. About

45 minutes after she left my Grandma and my other aunt showed up. I found

out that my cousin Steve was moving into the same park thing that Adam lives

in. Actually, he lives like just like down the street from Adam now, so

that’s freaky, then shortly after they got there, he got there and we were

talking and I found out that he come to Ames all the time and hangs out

on College Ave, which is just like a couple blokcs from here. It’s freaky

as hell. But yeah. I left there about 2:45 or so and went over to Adam’s.

We went out to The Garden tonight, LOTS of hot guys there. It was good times.

Now I’m back here on campus and I’m really fucking depressed. I so don’t

want to be here at all. This week for some reason leaving Adam is just hitting

me really hard. I had to stop along the interstate cause I started crying

so badly. I love him so much, and we’ve got this connection that I could

never have with anyone else. I just wish that we could be back together.

I mean I love the relationship that we’re in, but sometimes. Sometimes I

just wish we had more.

Sept 28, 2001

Sept 28, [Deep Forest & Enigma, "New Dawn"]

So it’s FRIDAY!! It’s about noon and I’m all packed and ready to go. I’m

gonna head down and get my car here soon. I’m skipping me Math 150 class.

Oh well. What we’re doing isn’t that hard, and I’ve already got my assingment

done (yay for bordom before Soc class). Today in Soc we went over what would

be on the test. It’s going to hurt. But I’m going to spend most of Monday

studying for it. I hope that works out. We’ll see. Eh?

I’m off to home now and then to Adam’s of course. Laters all.

Sept 27, 2001 #3

Sept 27, #3 [Billy Gilman, "One Voice"]

So tonight I went to class and then after class I was meeting up with this

guy named Thao. I went down to where we were meeting and hung out there

for a while. A bit after 8 he showed up and we went off to Santa Fe. We

hung out there and talked for a while. It was really cool. I of course had

my normal Iced Hazelnut Latte. They made really good ones there. I liked

it. Then we went off to Lake Laverne and walked around and talked. He’s

pretty cool. Nothings ever going to happen between us, but he’s a cool person

to talk to and just hang out with. Yeah. Good times tonight. He wanted me

to go back to his place, but I was like, no, I have to go study, so that’s

what I’m going to do, laters all.

This is

really funny