Nov 18, 2001

Nov 18, [Shawn Mullins, "You Mean Everything To Me"]

Ok, so this weekend has been really long and really great. Friday Adam,

and I went out with Mary, Mary, and Beven ::shudders::. It was alot of fun,

but Beven just creaped me the hell out. Gross. I won’t really go into what

all happened there, it was the basix downtown stuff that I do every weekend,

so it was great.

Saturday night there was supposed to be that lonid shower, so I stayed

at Adam’s house. We watched movies, and had a good time just talking about

stuff. About 3:30 we went out and it was all cloudy so we said screw this

and went to bed. There’s just something about sleeping with him that makes

things so great. All my worries in the world disappear and this constant

pressure that’s on my heart, and mind is gone. It’s just so relaxing to

sleep with him in my arms. To know that the person I love is so close to

me. I just love it so much. I wish that we were still in a relationship,

and that we could sleep together more offten. It’s just such a great feeling

to wake up in the morning with him there. And to look into this eyes. God,

there just aren’t words to describe it.

But speaking of relationships. I’m probably blowing things a bit out of

the water, but it’s something that surprised me. On Friday night I parked

my car next to his in the Hy-Vee parking lot. Well when we came out, Adam

goes, “Look, it’s boyfriend and boyfriend’s Saturn’s.” And that coming out

of his mouth just really surprised me. I don’t know if it’s something he

meant to say, or what.

Other then that, I haven’t really done much this weekend. Lots of good

times with Adam and such. That’s about it.

I’m tired now, so I’m going to go to bed, night all.

Nov 16, 2001

Nov 16, [ATC, "Thinking Of You"]

So it’s noon, the Friday before break. I’m going to leave here soon. I’m

not going to my last class. There weren’t many people in either of my first

two classes, so I figure there won’t be like anyone in Math since there’s

never anyone there anyways. This weekend and this next week are already

packed with things I have to do. Grr at that. Oh well. I’ll get to spend

lots of time with Adam wich makes me happy 🙂

On other things, the roomie is just now getting up. I think he skipped

his first class again today, or maybe he’s skipped all his classes I dunno.

Nor do I really care. I have my music loud, fuck him.

Oh, so I’m currently projected at 50% or my bandwidth usage for this month,

so from now on, all image directories are becoming password protected. So

there. 😛

Umm, yeah. Not much going on. I’m out.

Nov 15, 2001

Nov 15, [Backstreet Boys, "Larger Than Life, Dance Remix"]

Is it really Nov out there? It sure doesn’t seem like it, I could almost

go for wearing shorts, but I know no one wants to see that, so I wont. lol.

Not much has really been going on the last couple days. Yesterday I didn’t

do shit, well ok I did get a lot done, but it doesn’t seem like I did shit.

I got Greymatter working, so I’ll be switching over to that the first of

Dec. Then I started changing all my pages over to PHP. That’s fun. Well

not really, cause the find and replace isn’t working right, so I have to

go in and replace code in everyfucking thing. And dreamweaver doesn’t render

it properly for some reason which I have yet to figure out, so I’ve got

to get that fixed. I think one I get Greymatter up and working I should

be able to do a little more PHP work. I’m not entirly sure how that’s going

to work though.

Adam hasn’t been online near as much as he usually is and that’s sad. I

didn’t get to talk to him at all Tuesday, and I only got to talk to him

for like 10 minutes yesterday. :'( Oh well. I get ALL next week. We’re going

to go see that Harry Potter movie and Life As A House. Both are supposed

to be good movies.

Julian and I also went to that meeting now. I forget what it was called,

but it was fun. There were two hot guys there 🙂

I don’t think my roommates left the room in like a couple days now.

I got my Accounting test back. I did a hell of alot better then I thought

I would.

Nov 13, 2001

Nov 13, [ZZ Top, "Legs"]

Well 13 hours after I left my room, I am now returning. It’s been a fucking

long day. I didn’t have Accounting class this morning, so I went into work

early. That was good, the electricians were there finally getting things

installed so that we could pull wiring. One of them was hot. So that was

good. I worked all day in the conference room pulling wires and climbing

in the cieling. But it’s all done now. Well, ok. It’s not, we still have

3 wires to pull and the only reason we didn’t pull those today was because

they weren’t in yet. Grrr to slow mail people. After work I had 2 tests,

the Econ test went pretty good. I got a "B" on it, the Accounting

test on the other hand. OMG was that bad. I was the first one done, took

me an hour to do it. And it still sucked. I should find out what I got on

it on Thursday, but I really don’t want to know.

So yeah, today’s been long, but the good news is that I can pretty much

slak off the rest of the week, and there’s only like 3 or 4 more weeks tell

christmas break, YAY!

No one’s online to talk to :'(

I haven’t gotten to talk to Adam yet today, I’m sad. I wanted to talk to

him about something while I was at work, but when I got back to my office

he was gone. I forget what it was that I wanted to ask him now though. Damn

memory. lol.

Oh well. I’m off to play with Greymatter.

Nov 12, 2001 #2

Nov 12,. #2 [Bjork, "New World"]

Well, I’ve got Greymatter up and working well. I think I’ve got all the

templates ready, just one thing seems to be wrong though, the archives.

It creates the single pages for the files, but not one main page. It was

for a bit, but now it seems to have stopped and I don’t know why. Grrrr.

So once I get that figured out. I’m going to switch over to Greymatter.

I’m hoping to have that done before T-day break so that I can update from

home that week. We’ll see what happens.