Back to Hell

[Lion King, “Can You Feel The Love Tonight”]

Well, I just got back to the dorm from Adam’s house. He’s still dead sick today. It makes me sad to see him like this. I just hope that he gets better soon. I hated leaving him like that too. I mean I’ve spent so much time at thier house this weekend. So much time just laying there with him. Hoping that my being there would help him get better. I know it won’t, but I just like being there for him. I like to just lay there with him, watch him sleep, listen to him breathing, taking care of him. Just talking to him. Thier house feels more like home to me then my own house does. When I’m there I have this urge to help Melinda out, to pick things up for her. It’s just that being there makes me so happy, a happyness that isn’t in my house, they feel like a family to me. I wish my family would feel like family, but they don’t. There’s just so much built up hatred and anger there. I can’t get along with them, I never will be able to get along with them again. It’s just not possible.

I’m probably going to be sick this next week now and I’ll regret being over there when he was so sick. But I loved the time that I was there with him. I really did. I love you, Adam.

So What’d You do?

So, Chris… What’d you do today? Umm, well I went over to Adam’s and layed on his couch all day. Yep, that’s what I did all day long. But ya know what. It was the best day in the world. Not for Adam, unfortunetly, but for me I had a great time. Just laying there with talking to, caring for the person that I love, who’s sick. We just talked all day, watched TV. Did nothing. It was so great. I mean, it’s little things like this that I like, little things like that this that makes me want to be his boyfriend more then just his friend. But it was still a great time. I just hope that he gets better soon. I hate seeing him sick.

Well, since that’s all I did, that’s all I’m going to update about. Laters all.

Finaly Out

[Back Street Boys, “I Want You Back”]

Ok, so tonight I went out with Julian, Dean, Mandy and Adam. It was good times to see everyone again. I haven’t seen Dean in like forever. So it was cool to get to hang out with him again. We went rollerskating the first part of the night, that was amusing. It was like teen night or something so there were a bunch of like 12 year olds there. But the Dj was pretty hot, so that was good. After that we went to Villiage Inn and ate supper, then we went downtown. It was a good night.

I’m still having a bit of a problem with somethings though. I feel as though when ever we go out with a large group, Adam tends to distance himself from me. I don’t really know how to explain it. Maybe I’m just being nittpicky (spelling) because of our commitmentless relationship status. I mean, the thought of him going out with someone else scares me to death. I would be so upset if that were to happen, but yet he doesn’t want a relationship with me. It’s all confusing. We talked about all this the other night which helped some, but still. I don’t think this problems going to go away until there is commitment, but I don’t want to push it. When and or if he’s ready, that’s when it will happen. I’ve given him my thoughts on the subject. He knows that I want a relationship again. So the balls in his court as to weather or not we start one again.

On a bit of a happier note; You have just read the first real entry created by Greymatter. YAY!

Nov 30, 2001

Nov 30, [Sophie B. Hawkins, "Right Beside You"]

Gwar. It’s like snow/raining out. Fucken ‘Ell I want to be able to go out

tonight. Well I want to be able to make it home really. Fucking winter.

I want out of this state.

Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be an over abundance of hot guys

out since we got back from T-day break. Which is nice, but another thing

I hate about winter is that they all wear big coats that cover up their

asses. 🙁 Speaking of hot guys though, I saw Mike today. He was wearing

the cutest sweater. He’s so cute. lol

Oh, I also saw Jessa this morning, I waved at her, after giving her a wierd

look cause I was like, "What the hell are you doing on this side of

campus this early in the morning." But yeah, I also saw Angela Currie

today too, that was wierd. I was like, "OMG, I didn’t know she went

here." But she was with some guy, so I didn’t talk to her at all.

I’m thinking about skipping Math class so that I can make it home earlier,

but there’s really no point in doing that. I dunno, I’m going to go watch

the weather and see what they are saying….

I’m going out with Julian, Mandy, Dean and Adam tonight, it’ll be good

to hang out with them. I haven’t seen Dean in like forever. It’ll be cool.

Hot guys are good.

Oh, last night I went to bed at like 9:30 cause I was bored. Well I couldn’t

get to sleep, so I layed there thinking up wierd random things, like begnings

and endings Marching band shows, and all kinds of wierd things. It was hillarious,

well at least in my head it was. Then this morning I woke up about 6 and

couldn’t get back to sleep. Good times I guess.

Ok, well I’m off to get packed and shit. Laters all!

Nov 29, 2001

Nov 29, [Bob Seger, "We’ve Got Tonight"]

I got Redhat 7.2 burned today, so I’m installing that now. I still want

to get SuSe 7.3 but I can only find 7.1 ISO’s and I don’t want to download

all the RPM’s for it. Grrr at that. Oh well. Redhat’s nice. And that’s what

we use at work, so I’m used to it.

Not much has really been going on today. I took a quiz in Accounting and

Math today, and they both sucks ass. I’m going to have to really study for

the finals. Speaking of finals I got my schedule all figured out for that.

I’ve got two finals Tuesday, two on Wednesday, and one Friday morning. So

I figure I’ll come back Monday night, stay here Mon, Tues nights and then

go home after my final on Wed then come back up here for the final Friday

morning. I think it’ll work. Cause my biggest finals are on Tues, Wed and

the final on Fri is for English, I mean, what is she really going to test

us over? So yeah, that way I’ll have all day Monday, and Tuesday to study.

Good times. One thing that really sucks though is that I’ve got two finals

at 7:30 AM. Grrrr.

Adam learned of my BIGGEST annoyance last night. When he saw that I was

useing Greymatter now for my site, he goes "Julian Copier." The

thing that pisses me off most is to be called a copier, or a cheater, or

a lier, or something like that. So I went off on him about that. He appoligized

though, so it’s all good. We actually had a really long talk about alot

of things last night and it was good. I mean, we made some progress but

both he and I know there’s alot more that we have to talk about. Oh well,

we’ll get it.

Angels’ soon to return with Matt, that should be cool to finally get a

chance to meet him.

The Loop: Speaking of the holidays. My mom said that I could have a party

at our house over Christmas break. So I’m offering my house for a New Years

Party, e-mail me if that sounds cool, or, I’ll talk to everyone about it,

but before I forget here it is in writting. I figure we could watch movies

and shit, and people could stay over if they want. (We need to get the mailing

list back going).

Oh, so I went into work today, and was in my office working on some things

that I had to finish. Well the auditors are here this week and Nazanin came

in and was like, "We need the specs on every computer in the building

by noon today." Well it was already 10, and specs include:

  • CPU Speed
  • OS
  • # of Hd’s
  • Capacity on HD’s
  • What’s being backed up on the HD’s
  • Serial Numbers
  • Purchase Date
  • Location in the office
  • The computers name
  • The Manufature

So yeah, we’ve got like 50 machines in the building including Dec, SGI’s,

Win Boxes, Linux Boxes, Servers. And it’s like damnit Nazanin, you should

have told me about this Tuesday so I could have worked on it. So yeah, I

scurried around the office and got it all to them by 11:45. I was proud

of myself. lol