Dance, Dance, Dance

Well, I just got back from the GLRC dance. It was a ton of fun and there were alot of people there. Well not like tons, but enough to make it fun. Yeah good times there. However, there was this one really creapy guy, he like dumped his “date” (a guy he had never met before today) and was like hitting on everyone and trying to get everone to hook him up with someone else. It was nasty. But yeah. Really good times.

Today at work it took me four hours to draw two yellow arrows on this picture. I’m not going to tell the whole story cause well I tried telling it to someone earlier today and kept getting cut off and was never allowed to finish it, so I won’t bore you all with the story. But yeah, four fucking hours when I could have had it done in like 2 minutes. Oh well.

Other then that, it’s been a long fucking day, and now I’m going to go and try and get rsync working. Yet again. Fucking software.

Back to the grind, kind of

Well, I’m back at work. Not much to reall do though, cause well, we’ve been gone so long, but I have found some interesting things today…

First I was logging into an old machine here at Krell and I got this message…

This is a U.S. Federal Government computer system (unclassified
information only). This system is for the use of authorized users
only. Unauthorized access is prohibited and makes you liable to civil
and criminal penalties. Individuals using this computer system without
authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all
of their activities monitored and recorded by system personnel. In the
course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system, or in
the course of system maintenance, the activities of authorized users
may also be monitored. Anyone using this system expressly consents to
such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible
evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the
evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.

I was amused. But also while I was on that system, I found the first High School website in Iowa… Of course it was NP’s. And guess what. It’s still on-line, in complete working order…

If you want to browse it when you click on the link you’ll notice it changes too:
And you get an error message you just simply have to delete one of these “/AiS_abs/northpolk” out of the URL so that it looks like this:
And it’ll work.

Ok. I must go back to work now. Laters all.

Reflections of the Year

Well, it’s the new year. Happy New Year everyone. Alot has happened over the last year. So many firsts. Coming out to my Parents, my first boy friend, my first break-up, the first time in forever that I haven’t been associated with the Boy Scouts, my first love, my first kiss, and losing my virginity. There’s just so many things that happened this year and looking over my past entries I remember how much fun we all had this summer, and over the last year. I see how much I’ve changed in the last year, and how much my feelings for the world have changed. I’m a much happier person now then I was one year ago. I’m so much farther along then I ever thought I would. One year ago from now, I never knew if I’d be alive for the next day, now I’m planning years in advance, moving to Arizona, Graduating from college. There’s so much that I want to do.

This New Years was indeed one that was special to me. This New Years I got to spend with my friends and the person that I love. We were all with the person that we love and it was just so great to hang out with everyone and have a stress free, enjoyable night.

Ok, going back to right after the last update. Sunday night I went over to Adam’s house, and worked on his computer. Things didn’t work out the way that I wanted them to, so we just said fuck it and wwe came back over here to my house. It was good times. He spent the night to which was just great cause I love sleeping with him, it’s like the best thing in the world to have the person you love so close to you. And he’s just so cute when he’s sleeping. Monday we got up about 12ish and cleaned up the house a little more. Then we went out to do some errands and such. Then we came back here about 5:30ish cause people were supposed to start showing up about 6ish or so. So we waited and waited. Finally Julian and Dean showed up and we hung around and talked to them. It was good times. Finally about 10ish everyone had arrived and the party started. It was a realy good time. We all just hung around and talked and watched movies. At midnight we all kissed our bf’s/gf’s and it was realy cool. This was the first New Years I’ve ever had someone to kiss at midnight. It was just great. About 1 everyone started dispirsing and such, Julian and Dean were the only ones that spent the night. Adam and I got to sleep together two nights in a row, it was really nice. I just can’t explain how great it is to be able to do that. It’s so great to me. Then today Adam and I got up about 1 and Julian and Dean had already left. So we left and went and hung out the rest of the day. There were a few minor tifts though, we had a small argument which was really stupid and I admit that I was wrong, and felt really bad once Adam pointed out that I had done that. Then like right after that happened he got into it with his parents and it was just bad times. So we left and went to the mall and Adam just vented to me on the way there. It was good for him to get it out though.

He goes back to school tomorrow, that’s really sad, I don’t want him to go back. I want to be able to spend the rest of break with him, and just to hang out all day every day. But real life gets in the way of what we want to do.

I got my grades, I did better then I was expecting, but not as good as I was hoping. Oh well. At least I passed all my classed and that’s all I was going for.

Christmas #4

Well Christmast #4 is over with. I’m done with the evil Christmas holiday for yet another year. Tomorrow is New Years. Adam goes back to school soon. This break, this year, has really flown by. I hope 2002 has more to bring. Christmas wasn’t really all that bad. Things were pretty good actually. I don’t think anyone asked me if I had a girlfriend. Andy got bitched at about his gf situation, which I found humerous. And yeah, pretty good times. Beak forgot my XY’s though, that made Adam sad cause he was looking forward to the newest one. As was I. But I should get them soon cause she said she was going to mail them to me. One thing that really pissed me off though was my grandma. She was just like being grandmaish, but it annoyed me. “Why don’t you come down more often. Why do you want to go. Why blah blah blah” It got really annoying. Oh well. I might stop by sometime over spring break, maybe we’ll make that an overnight on the way back from where ever we go for spring break. We’ll see.

People have been annoying me alot lately. I won’t complian about it though.

Tonight I’m going over to Adam’s house, they got their computer back, so I’m going to go play security man. It’ll be fun times.

I got my CD burner working, so I’m happy. Now I just have to get it to read from my DVD so that I can copy CD’s. Maybe I’ll just steal an old CD-ROM from someone else….

Friends and relationships can be complex

Over the last couple days alot has happened within the group, and with the group. Things have been said and done that have hurt alot of people, and have caused more problems then what they were meant to fix. Adam had a big talk with Angel and told her the whole story about everything. A conversation I would have liked to have been involved in, but eh. Sometimes he does that, he forgets that there’s other people involved in things, he thinks of only himself and it really annoys me, but I usually just let it roll. It’s the way he is, and I love him for the way he is. But yes back to the topic. Things with Mandy haven’t been going quite so well. We’re all going to get together Sunday night at Angels. Meet Matt and then have a big discussion about things that have been said to who and what’s going on with what. Yeah. It’s midnight and I’m not really in the mood to talk about this thing much right now.

New years eve should be fun though, even with all the things going on. I guess more people will be here then I thought, so that’s good.

Things with Adam and I are going very well. The last couple nights we’ve just spent sitting on a couch somewhere watching tv or just hanging out talking. It’s been really great. But there’s been a few things that have been bugging me. Mostly things that have been coming out from the stuff that’s going on in the group. It’s that he forgets that things have been said to me as well that shouldn’t have been said, he’s not the only one here that’s been hurt by what’s going on. Sometime’s he arrogant, he only thinks of himself. I usually correct him and go on, but with this thing that’s going on it’s been happening more often. It’s just one of those things that once you point it out to him he goes, “oh shit, I haven’t been meaning to do that.” But yeah, like I said, it doesn’t really bother me all that much, it’s just one of those little things, everyone has thier flaws, and I’m sure I’m full of my own.

Tomorrow’s yet another Christmas, the last one, thank god. It should go without any glitches, but Adam has the day off, and I won’t be able to go out with him. And then Sunday, he has to work all day, most likely from like 9am to 9 or 10 pm. So that really sucks. I’ll get to see him for a while tomorrow, but then I won’t have jack to do Sunday. I guess it’s kind of ok, cause it’ll give me time to work on my computer and get the house cleaned up for Monday. But it’s sad that I won’t get to see him.

With love,