Crazy Boss

Sometimes I wonder what the hell Nazanin’s thinking. Today’s one of those good examples. You see, I’m working on this Database of the software and hardware that we have here at Krell. And well, the thing is you have to enter the same fucking information 4 times. It’s like, “HELLO! You could merge these together and save alot of typing, and it’d be easier for you to find the shit that you’re looking for!” I suggested that to her, but she just won’t listen. Gwar.

But yeah, yesterday was good. Adam and I got to spend some time together just talking and hanging out. It was like the first time we’ve had a chance to just sit around and talk for a while. So it was really nice. We were supposed to go to some open mic night thing, but we didn’t. Oh well. It was well worth missing.

Not much really going on though. I’m going to move all my shit back up to my dorm tomorrow. Gwar. I don’t want to go back there. I’m going to really miss not being able to see Adam everyday. :'(

Everyone’s having a bad time

It seems as though everyone is having a bad time. First Melinda backed into my car, then I hit Mandy’s car, so now neither of us have a car, then Rob’s had a bad day yesterday and then Adam locked his keys in his car. Why does the world hate us so much.

And of course, Adam locked his keys in at the GLRC, so he couldn’t call his dad to come open it like he did last time, so yeah. When I left last night they were still debating as to call a lock smith or leave it in the Drake area. I hope to god that he still has a car and it’s still in one piece.

I feel so bad for everyone right now. :'(

Cars Hate Me

Ok, well here it is, 7 pm on a Sunday night. Adam’s just dropped me off. I left his house earlier then I wanted, mostly because I wasn’t feeling very comfortable. But I was also tired and so was he and I didn’t want him to have to drive me back to much later then it was. I already miss him. I didn’t want to leave so early. But yeah, we’ve had a good day. He came over here about 1ish and we hung out here for a while and just talked and watched TV, it was good times. Then about 3:30 or so, Angel called and wanted me and Adam to go with them to get thier pictures taken cause they wanted opinions on what pictures were good and such. So we did that and after that we went back to Layaway and talked to Julian for a while. It was good. Angel and Matt are leaving tomorrow. It’s sad to see them go cause we haven’t really got a chance to talk to them much this break. I can’t wait tell summer comes again.

So more about the car situation, Adam and I were in my car and Mandy, Tara, Jessica were all in Mandy’s car. We were going to Baker’s Square on MH Road from downtown, so we were on University. I was behind Mandy, and I was more then a safe distance away, and I was also going the speed limit, I know that cause I had my cruise set right on 30 mhp. But yeah, so we were coming up on an intersection and it’s one of those funky one’s where you have to stop like way back from the actual intersection. So yeah, the light had just turned yellow and I was getting ready to put my foot on the break. Mandy was way ahead of me and in my opinion she should have ust gone through the light… But she was going to stop, however, she didn’t realize where she was supposed to stop at, and when she did, she slammed on her breaks, inturn I slammed on my breaks, they locked up. We slid on the wet roads right into the back of Mandy’s car. The air bags went off in my car and the horn was going off, it was just bad. I wanted to just die there. I got out of my car and went running to Mandy’s to see if everyone was alright. Luckly everyone was. But now neither Mandy or I have a car to drive, and it’s going to cost me my entire savings. Which, I am thankful that I have that savings, but it’s still hard. I mean, the worst thing is that it happened at all. I was doing everything right, I was following at a safe distance, I was driving the speed limit. Why the hell do things happen to me. The other thing is that now Mandy doesn’t have a car and I feel really bad for that. And another thing is that, well IT’S MY NEW FUCKING CAR. Why? Damnit, Why? That’s all I want to know.

But the world works in wierd ways and I’ll never know why, I’ll never know why Mandy didn’t just go through the light, I’ll never know why I couldn’t stop in time, I’ll never know…

But things in my lief are going good, better then I could hope for. I’m glad that we said “Fuck ’em all” and did what we felt was right in our hearts. And I’m so glad to have him there, by my side when ever things go wrong, he’s always there to comfort me and I’ll always be there to comfort him. EVen though we can’t always dance when we want to, or we can’t hold hands in public. Even though we can’t do those little things, like we’d like to. We know that we love each other. And that’s what matters.

Tonight I came home and asked my dad about the car situation tomorrow. He said, “Well do you want to walk, ride with your mom.” I said, “Is she going to Ames.” Then he said, “Well you can have the Cougar until we figure something else out.” And as he said it he kept rasing his voice and I said, “You don’t have to yell at me.” Then he said, “You haven’t seen yelling yet.” And then I turned and walked away cause I knew where that was going, and I didn’t want to go there, and he said, “If you’re going to be like that, you won’t be driving anything.”

Why’s he have to be such a fucking asshole all the time. Fucker. I hate him.

Ok, I shall post things now.

Cars hate me.

Last night was horrible. Well, most of the night was alright. But about 1am or so it turned horrible. Last night was the Hy-Vee christmas party. Adam and I went, we had a good time. Everyone thought I was pissed though when I really wasn’t. They said that because I was just standing there not talking, they all thought that I as pissed, but you see. When there’s blaring music and I can’t hear shit, and I’m not really going to say much, you know what I mean. Oh well. The party was tons of fun, we saw lots of drunken people make fools of themselves, it was good.

After the party was over, we all left to go to Java Joe’s. We went there, but they were getting ready to get close, so we all decided to go to Baker’s Square. so we were driving, I was following Mandy, blah blah blah. I hit her, it was bad.

I love Adam

Adam sent me this e-mail:

It’s about midnight and you’ve just dropped me off and I’m thinking
all these things I’d like to tell you.
I want to tell you how happy I am. I’m so happy that we’re together.
So happy that you’re happy! Just to be around you and have that closeness
that I could never share with anyone else means so much to me. Tonight I had
soooo much fun! And our first actual dance meant a lot to me. Even though it
wasn’t really that big of a deal, it still was very special to me. As is each
minute I spend with you. I love you. I love just being in your arms or having
you in mine. Simple things like that are the best life has to offer, and I’m
glad I have someone like you to spend it with. I love you Chris…and don’t
ever forget that!
Love, Adam

And that means so much to me. You have no idea. I love him so much, and I know that he loves me. I can’t put anything into words right, now. I’m just to busy crying.