March 26, 2001

march 26. ok so yesterday afternoon i got an e-mail from this

guy in SF. so i replied to it, after a bit of nagging from danny, and then

i went to bed. well like after 20 minutes the phone rang and it was this guy.

i was like omg, omg, omg,omg. it was so funny. but we talked for like 30 minutes.

he seems pretty cool. he admits he’s a preppy, but hey, what the hell. lol.

he works at Wells-Fargo as a teller. He wanted me to come down to the bank

last night and talk to him. it was odd, but cool. i might go down next weekend.

lol. ok so i’m back, and my econ prof is totaly fucking insane, he didn’t

even show up for class today, he just left the tests there and had a note

for us on what to do. and of course his test was just totaly messed up. and

ya know what else, i’ve been so fucking messed up in the days lately. like

last night when i was talking to that guy, nathan. he was like so what time

do you have class tomorrow, so i looked and was like 9-10 and then later we

were talking and i was like i have to get up early tomorrow i have class at

7. and he was like, but i thought you siad 9-10. and i was like OHH yeah,

it’s monday not tuesday. but ya know what, this morning i got up and went

to my 7 class, forgetting that it was monday and not tuesday. oh well. lol.

it gave me more time to study for my econ test. so now ihave nothing to do

for the rest of the day. boring. i got this reallly cool skin for my computer,

it looks like Mac OS X. it’s really fucking cool. ya know if i had money i

would soooooooo buy one of those titanium laptops that apple has. they are so much cooler then anything that the windows

makers put out, and i could get more done with a mac anyday. and it would

only cost me $4,096.

that’s about what i paid for my computer that i have now. damnit, i wish my

pu’s would have listened to me. but they were like, no where not going to

shop for your computer, so i had to make a last minute buy for a computer

the week before i moved up here. and i got a damn HP, i HATE hp’s. really,

really hate them. they are evil.

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