Nov 21, 2001

Nov 21, [Staind, "Fade"]

Ok, well last night was tons of fun, even though by the end of the night

I was tired and cranky. Oh well. I met up with Adam and everyone at Ankeny

High school, and we went to thier GSA meeting, that was tons of fun. I finally

got to meet Ms. Bair, she seemed pretty cool. We watched Common Ground,

A really good movie and it shows alot of JTT. MMMM, I love him. After that

Adam and I went down to the GLRC, where we were meeting the YGA people.

Mandy, Jessica, and Tara were there too. We all went to the Chat Nior and

talked to them, it was fun times. Adam and I got hugs from the two guys.

That was sweet. Cause they were HOT! After that we all went down to Java

Joe’s to open mic night. That wsa ok. I mean, for yeah…..

This morning wasn’t good though. I get up and my mom was yelling at me.

"WHERE ARE YOU CAR KEYS." So I was getting them and she just kept

yelling at me. Well I get them, and yell back at her, "THEY"RE

RIGHT HERE." and chuck them at her. The bitch. Then she screams back

at me, "YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT." I was like, fuck you bitch.

If you would learn how to drive, you would know that there’s more then enough

room between my car and your car for you to get out. Grrr at her.

I’m supposed to be working on a manual for the conference room right now,

but I got bored with it. I figure if Chris can play solitar while he’s supposed

to be fixing Altair, then I can take some time to update my site. Yep.

I just needed someone to talk to

You were just too busy with yourself

You were never there for me to

Express how I felt

I just stuffed it down

Now I’m older and I feel like

I could let some of this anger fade

But it seems the surface

I am scratching

Is the bed that I have made

So where were you

When all this I was going through

You never took the time to ask me

Just what you could do

Nov 20, 2001

Nov 20, [Enrique Iglesias, “Hero”]

So I’m at work. Yep, work, and I’m updating my website. I make

good money to do this, hehe. So tonight’s the GSA, I’m really jazzed about

that. Should be good times.

I found out that Thanksgivig is now at my house. I guess my Aunt is sick,

so they’re moving it. That’s kinda good and kinda bad. We’ll see. I just

want to be able to go out with Adam that night. I’m going to really need

it after all the family is over there. Oh well.

There was something that I wanted to talk about, that’s why I came all

the way back to my office to update this, but now I can’t remember what

exactly it was. I mean. I have the idea in my head about what I wanted to

talk about, but I can’t put it in words right now. Maybe later

I know Vero hates when people do this, but I think the lyrics are pretty

self explanatory.

Would you dance

if I asked you to dance?

Would you run

and never look back?

Would you cry

if you saw me cry?

And would you save my soul, tonight?

Would you tremble

if I touched your lips?

Would you laugh?

Oh please tell me this.

Now would you die

for the one you loved?

Hold me in your arms, tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

Would you swear

that you’ll always be mine?

Or would you lie?

would you run and hide?

Am I in too deep?

Have I lost my mind?

I don’t care…

You’re here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

Oh, I just want to hold you.

I just want to hold you.

Am I in too deep?

Have I lost my mind?

I don’t care…

You’re here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by your forever.

You can take my breath away.


I can be your hero.

I can kiss away the pain.

And I will stand by you forever.

You can take my breath away.

You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.

Nov 19, 2001

Nov 19, [O Town, “All Or Nothing, Dance Remix”]

Lala, So I went to the GLRC tonight, that was fun. I mean, for

a ton of little 2 year old running around, it was fun. But I actually did

have fun. And I found out that Mrs. C is telling people about it like I asked

her too. So that’s cool. I felt kinda ignored tonight, but I’m sure it was

just me being a twit. Oh well. I’m tired, so I’m not going to write much,

night all.

Nov 18, 2001

Nov 18, [Shawn Mullins, "You Mean Everything To Me"]

Ok, so this weekend has been really long and really great. Friday Adam,

and I went out with Mary, Mary, and Beven ::shudders::. It was alot of fun,

but Beven just creaped me the hell out. Gross. I won’t really go into what

all happened there, it was the basix downtown stuff that I do every weekend,

so it was great.

Saturday night there was supposed to be that lonid shower, so I stayed

at Adam’s house. We watched movies, and had a good time just talking about

stuff. About 3:30 we went out and it was all cloudy so we said screw this

and went to bed. There’s just something about sleeping with him that makes

things so great. All my worries in the world disappear and this constant

pressure that’s on my heart, and mind is gone. It’s just so relaxing to

sleep with him in my arms. To know that the person I love is so close to

me. I just love it so much. I wish that we were still in a relationship,

and that we could sleep together more offten. It’s just such a great feeling

to wake up in the morning with him there. And to look into this eyes. God,

there just aren’t words to describe it.

But speaking of relationships. I’m probably blowing things a bit out of

the water, but it’s something that surprised me. On Friday night I parked

my car next to his in the Hy-Vee parking lot. Well when we came out, Adam

goes, “Look, it’s boyfriend and boyfriend’s Saturn’s.” And that coming out

of his mouth just really surprised me. I don’t know if it’s something he

meant to say, or what.

Other then that, I haven’t really done much this weekend. Lots of good

times with Adam and such. That’s about it.

I’m tired now, so I’m going to go to bed, night all.

Nov 16, 2001

Nov 16, [ATC, "Thinking Of You"]

So it’s noon, the Friday before break. I’m going to leave here soon. I’m

not going to my last class. There weren’t many people in either of my first

two classes, so I figure there won’t be like anyone in Math since there’s

never anyone there anyways. This weekend and this next week are already

packed with things I have to do. Grr at that. Oh well. I’ll get to spend

lots of time with Adam wich makes me happy 🙂

On other things, the roomie is just now getting up. I think he skipped

his first class again today, or maybe he’s skipped all his classes I dunno.

Nor do I really care. I have my music loud, fuck him.

Oh, so I’m currently projected at 50% or my bandwidth usage for this month,

so from now on, all image directories are becoming password protected. So

there. 😛

Umm, yeah. Not much going on. I’m out.