Nov 28, 2001 #2

Nov 28, #2 [Blur, "Tracy Jacks"]

Ok, well I just got back from my Soc class. We had our last quiz today

and to be able to get the points for them you have to have at least a 42

total on all the quizes, well I took this one, and added my points up. I

got 41, Fucken ‘ell. I mean 41 out of 42 that I need. damnit. I’m going

to cry now.

After class I went to Lunch. I was going over to sit down and Jessa came

up to me and was like, come sit with me and my mom. So I was like, ok. So

I sat with them, that was amusing. Well as amusing as it could be in my

current state of feeling like shit.

I also got an IM from my mom, which was just crazy here it is:

blackforestpc: Hi 🙂

Auto response from BlackC 2004: I can do what I like, I’m Mozart. I’M FUCKING


blackforestpc: What on earth does MOZART have to do with ….

blackforestpc: So are you ignoring me?

blackforestpc: Chris:

blackforestpc: CJB: Let me know if you are planning on any get togethers

with your group at the house this Xmas. I’m in the process of decorating

and need to know if we should expect company while you are on Xmas break

and want the house decorated. Mom 😀

Crazyness I tell you.

Now I’m off to a Doctors appointment.

Nov 28, 2001

Nov 28, [Mary Poppins, "A Spoonful Of Sugar"]

It’s only 9:12 and I’m already dead tired. I don’t know what’s wrong with

me. I have a doctors appointment today to go in and see what the problem

might be. I skipped my first class cause when my Alarm went off at 7:30

to get up, I just didn’t feel like getting up at all. So I said, well I’ll

sleep a few more minutes, that few more minutes turned into an hour, and

it was just to late to get up and make it to classs by then. Oh well, I’m

going to go study for Soc here in a bit.

Adam’s left me this IM the other night and I thought it was really cool:

If one day you feel like crying… Call me.

I don’t promise that I will make

you laugh, But I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away,

Don’t be afraid to call me.

I don’t promise to ask you to stop…

But I can run with you.

If one day you don’t want to listen to

anyone…Call me.

I promise to be there for you.

And I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call…

And there is no answer…

Come fast to see me.

Maybe I need you.

Nov 27, 2001

Nov 27, [At The Drive In, "Enfilade"]

Ok, so it’s been another LONG day. I went to Accounting this morning and

fell asleep within the first 5 minutes of class and I didn’t wake up again

untill the end of it. Grrr. Oh well. I’ve just been so exhausted lately,

I can’t really explain why. But I mean, I can’t seem to stay awake at all.

After class I went to work. I didn’t really do much today, but yet I did

alot. It’s wierd.

Adam’s sick and that makes me sad. I don’t like seeing, or hearing, about

people that I love being sick. 🙁 I hope he gets better soon.

Telnet on my Linux box seems to like being a bitch. I’m thinking about

installing 7.2 on it to see if I can fix it there, or maybe I’ll go back

to 6.2. I can fix it there, and in 7.0. I dunno. I need to learn 7.1+, I

also need to learn more about rsync. But that’s all comig along.

Our Krell christmas party is Dec 13, I’m supposed to bring me "Girlfriend."

I asked Adam today if he would come with me, he said he would. That should

be amusing. But also cool.

Not much going on here. I think I’m going to head to bed here soon.

Nov 26, 2001

Nov 26, [Aladdin Soundtrack, "A Whole New World"]

Man this really sucks, I was already depressed cause I had to come back

here and leave Adam, but now the weather is just adding to it. Grrr damn


I went to bed at like 9:30 last night. I fell asleep before I hit the damn

pillow, I woke up about 7:30, I really didn’t want to get out of bed. I

just wanted to lay there and sleep some more. But I had to get up and go

to class. I went to take a shower, there was a line, grrrr. I waited. I

got in, started the shower. It was cold. I turned it up tell it wouldn’t

turn anymore, it was still cold. I took a cold shower this morning. Got

out, went and got dressed, I was headed off to my class. I realized it was

raining out, gloomy and rainy. Yucky. I went down and got my mail. The A&F

mag was in there. That made me a bit happy. Really hot guy on the cover.

hehe. I went to class. It was cold and rainy. Grrr. After my first class

I went over to Curtiss and laid down on one of the benchess. I fell asleep,

I woke up about 10:45 and went out to meet Vero. It was cold and rainy.


Here I am now in my room, wanting to scream at the roomie, and find somewhere

else to live, but I jsut really don’t want to take the time to actually

move this semester. I mean I think I can put up with him for another semester.

Maybe I’ll be lucky and he’ll leave. But then he’ll take the bed thingy

with him, and that’ll mean I’ll have to bring mine up. But then I could

bring my fridge up and maybe a couch or something. I could rearrange the

way I like it.

I miss being home already. I don’t like it here, not one bit. :'(

I can’t wait tell Angel gets back. But at the same time I’m kinda worried

about her coming home. About Adam and her, and what may happen when she

comes back between the three of us. I dunno.

I’m glad I’m not in SD. Sucks to be them:

Nov 25, 2001

Nov 25, [Mary J. Blige, "A Dream"]

Ok, so I haven’t updated in like forever. Well lets see what’s happened….

Thanksgiving went ok. Pam was there. I didn’t say a single word to her

the entire day. The bitch. Well for that matter I hardly talked to any of

my family that day, that was good. Bout 4:30 or so Adam called and I went

over there and picked him up. From there we headed to Perry to meet up with

my Aunt and Cousin. We went and saw Harry Potter. A pretty good movie. After

that we went back to thier house and just talked and shit tell about midnight.

It was good times, my aunt seemed to like Adam.

Friday was Friday. I went up to Perry about 2:30ish and we went to Monsters

Inc. It was a prtty funny movie, but it wasn’t really what I was expecting,

Harry Potter was better. After that I stayed there and hung out tell about

8 then I went back to Ankeny and picked up Adam. From there we went and

picked up Mary and Mary. It was a good night, but I got a bit pissy. We

dropped Mary and Mary off at home about 12 and from there Adam and I had

a nice long talk about things between us. It was good to get them out there

and we resolved alot of things. We’re good. I don’t want to get into what

the probelms were though…..

Saturday, Oh yeah. Adam had to go to a t-day with Rob, so I hung out and

went shopping by myself all day. It was pretty good times. I didn’t find

anything that I wanted to get anyone though. Grrr. About 8, Adam called

me. I had been done shopping for about an hour, and I knew that he was going

to be back soon so I just drove around Ankeny. I got so fucking lost. Damn

Ankeny, lol. But yeah, I went over there and we just hang out all night

talking. It’s so great. I love to just sit there on his couch and talk to

him about random things, to just hold him in my arms or have him hold me

and to just watch TV. It’s just so great. The best feeling to to have his

hands on my shoulder, or my chest. I just can’t explain it.

Sunday, Adam called me about 11:30, so I went over there and we went shopping.

I found something that I’ll get him for Christmas, if I have any money.

lol. But yeah, after the shopping we went to work, well he went to work,

I went to study. But it was good times. I left there about 7:30 and here

it is almost 9. I’ve got almost 400 e-mails to go through, most of it looks

like junk, but there’s a bunch of stuff in there from niel and ben, I guess

there’s some problems brewing at NP.

Laters all