Jan 28, 2001

ya know, usually i don’t think when i write these. i

just sit down and type what’s on my mind, just what ever my fingers say. But

yesterday, danny was reading these. and i went back and started readig some

of them. ya know i think i obses a bit much, don’t i? well i just wanted to

write this and say i’m sorry if i ever offend or scare anyone here. it’s just

what’s on my mind. danny i truly do love you, even though it’s not in a way

that most peope love, the fact i can’t see you, or have enver seen a picture

of you. but i love who you are. your voice, your personality, everything i

know so far about you. but my life is messed up i guess, i’ve been depressed

alot of my life, ya know, most of my friends from back home would know i used

to be really athletic, i was in about every sport when i was younger. but

something happened when i was 12, and just dropped everything my grades slipped,

the fun in my life, it all just left. i hate my life. Something else though.

when i was younger i used to spend most of the summer out side withouta shirt

on, no suntan lotion, i used to get really nice tans, but i haven’t had a

good tan for years now, because i rarly take my shirt off when i’m out side.

The reason is becuase i have three very large moles on my back, one of them

is three different colors. i think it might be skin cancer. and it’s not just

on my back i have oddly shaped moles all over my arms ad stuff too. they have

been there for a coupleyears now. and i’ve just never really cared what they

were. i just leave them alone, and hope to god that they aren’t cancer. i’ve

never had a doctor look at them, my PU’s have never seen them, no one knows they are there, but me. that’s why i always go swimming late at night, that’s

why i haven’t been in the mitigwa pool since the summer of ’96. I’ve never

really cared if i die from them, because my life has been nothing to me so

far. it’s been shitty, i hated my life in HS and so far i’ve hated my life

in college. although it is a bit better.

Jan 23, 2001

B-day’s suck, they really really do suck, you know that.

i really do hate b-days. for those that didn’t know yesterday was my b-day.

asshole people. i hate b-days, my grandma remembered, my aunt’s and cousing

remembered, well most of them. my parents, my dad remembered, he sent me a

package, my mom, nope, she forgot, my mom’s side of the family, nope they

all forgot to. assholes. i know i’m not any better, but yeah, i at least call

and say happy b-day and shit. no one called me, sent me anything, bastards,

i hate b-days, i just wish i had someone here to sit and lay my head on thier

chest and just cry. speaking o such a person, danny did remember, we talked

for a while last night. that was nice. well i’m still pissed about b-day’s

so i’m leaving now.

Jan 21, 2001

so yeah, i had a thing here earlier, but i forgot to

save it and the damn comp crached, so here goes again. Sundays really suck,

but this one just sucks more then normal. tomorrow’s my b-day, i really hate

b-days. but this one is just going to really suck cause i’m up here, all by

myself, yucky. i haven’t talked to danny since he called the other night,

i really want to talk to him again soon. he said that we needed to spend some

time apart? wtf? why, i didn’t get a chance to sak him, 🙁 i want to see him,

i want to talk to him. so yeah, i’ve also been thinking about my future, yet

again, i think to much. but yeah, i’m going to go look into teaching as a

career. it looks simple enough to get a lisence thing, lol. yeah. o well.

this one sucks. i’m going to go off now. bye.

Jan 19, 2001

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, i’m in such A fuckgin good mood.

OMG, am i in a FUCKING GOOD MOOD, it’s like 12:22 am here, and i just got

off the phone with danny, hehe, he just randomly called. fucking random. OMG,

such a good fucking mood, i guess he’s been sick all ducking week, poor him.

we talked for like 10 minutes or so, it was soooooooo great. OMG, OMG, OMG,

i’m so not going to be able to sleep now. OMG. fucking OMG. hehe, hehe, hehe,

hehe. OMG. i’m going to go out now, later all.

Jan 18, 2001

Sometimes i just don’t get things. nope, i just don’t

get it. yeah so in this class we have, yeah, it’s american govbernment. and

the teacher guy is fucking nuts. he’s doing like this simulation, and he hasn’t

really explained anything yet. it’s all screwed up. he’s like, ok get into

your parties and figrure out who’s on what committees, then get into your

committees and then figure out who’s your leader, and then go talk to so and

so and tell them when you want to present your bill. and then he LEAVES, just

leaves, and doesn’t come back for the rest of the time, WTF? he just left

us all there. so yeah, i think we all got it figured out, but who knows. so

i have to give my bill on the 8th of feb. so we’ll see how that goes, lol.

and you know what else, i just wish i was more spontanteous, i want to call

danny so bad, and you know i dial like all the digits, except the last one,

i just can’t bring myself to dial that last digit. i just can’t dail that

last number. damnit, i want to talk to him so bad. i haven’t seen him since

sunday when he called :'( and he claims to have changed his number, so i don’t

even know if that’s thier # anymore. damnit. why won’t he tell me, why won’t

he open up to me. i know, i know. it’s an internet relationship, but still

talking to him means alot to me. having him there, knowing that i can tell

him stuff. just seeing him on-line is enough for me, i’ve never really been

able to open up to people, like i can with him. people here don’t know me,

people at home don’t know me, people in my family don’t know me, people in

scouting don’t know me. only he had even come close to seeing the REAL me.

and he’s just so detatched, i just don’t get it. i wrote him a letter the

other day, i think it was pertty damn good. here, i’ll put it here so in many

years i remember what i wrote: Sometimes, you just don’t

want to know what someone is thinking, other times you wish they would say

more. tell you more of what they are thinking. Other times, you just wish,

whis they were there, so you can see what they are thinking, what they are

doing. How thier life is going. What’s hurting them, what makes them happy,

what makes them cry, what makes them laugh. Sometimes you just wish they would

say hi, so you know how thier day was going, so you can hear them, you can

tell alot from one’s voice, from one’s words. Sometimes…….. Sometimes

you wish they would tell you everything, sometimes, you wish the person you

love most, would tell you what they are thinking, what makes them cry, what

makes them laugh, what makes thier day what it is. Sometimes. Not sometimes,

all the time, all the time i wish the person i loved would tell me what they

were thinking, all the time, i wish they would tell me what makes them happy,

what makes them cry, yes. all the time, i love that person, i want to know

what they are thinking, what makes them happy, what makes them cry, what makes

thier day what it is, what makes thier life what it is. I want to know…….

Because I Love you. so yeah, you think it’s good? i thought it was

damn good, but i haven’t heard anything back from him about it. why doesn’t

he reply to e-mails? fuck, i’m 🙁 now. i know i don’t love him the way i can

love someone, truely, but i do love him in the sense that he’s there, that

he’s someone that i can talk to, someone that i can say stuff to without feeling

like a fool, someone i can talk to about personal stuff. i think that if we

met in real life, we would either get along REALLY well, or just totaly hate

each other, i know we are total opposities, but i think that’s what i’m looking

for, is someone that will get me out, someone that will get me to use my energy,

instead of just sitting here thinking so much, and i think (notivce the word

THINK) that he’s looking for someone to bring him down, someone to get him

to sit more, instead of being out so much. i think he’s realizing who he is.

and that his freinds are really “jock, assholes” (his words). and

that he want’s to seperate himself from that somewhat. but i don’t know. maybe

i’m just making generalizations. ok well enough babbling about him. i’m going

to go make some phone calls.