April 6, 2001

pril 6, #2, so i’m back, yeah, back. not much really going on around here

today, i even went and sat in the tc for like two hours, and there wasn’t

a bloody person around. tomorrows some zimmfest thing, i don’t really know

what it is, but sherry, the roomies ex called and was like you wanna go with

us, and i was like i suppose, so yeah, i’m going to it, it should be fun,

i dunno, we’ll see. jabber’s being all good and stuff today, it’s cool like

that. yep, it let me on aim. hehe, i’m liken this.

April 6, 2001

april 6, so incase you hadn’t noticed i’ve been enojying css lately. but

i’ve decided that i don’t like this newest at the bottom and i also don’t

like the newest at the top form, the files are just getting to big, so what

i want to do it creat a new system, kinda like vero’s

where each page has it’s own page type thing, but i want a cgi script that

will automatically add the Next, Previous link at the bottom of the page,

i figure it could be done with a cgi script and a server-side include, but

i don’t know how it would be done. currently i have a naming convention, it’s

**-00-**.shtml for each month so like this month it’s 04-00-01.shtml well

i figure i could do that with each day so like today would be 04-06-01.shtml,

and i could get a cgi script to look for the next date, and then make the

link on the server-side include page to the next page and do the opposite

for the previous page, but like i said i don’t know cgi, and i haven’t found

anything on the internet for it, so if _ANYONE_ knows or has an idea that’s

better then mine and would like to take a shot at it, tell me 🙂 it would

be greatly appriciated. I also have another page where the naming convention

is **-**-**.*.htm for example like the first update for today would be 04-06-01.1.htm

and the second for today would be 04-06-01.2.htm, etc and i’d like to do the

same for that page as well, cause right now it’s just got one main page with

over 116 links on it to date, and it grows a couple times a day. so yeah,

that would be really good to get that page with that type of system. ok so

notice i havn’t bitched about the contract yet, you should be happy cause

it was a shity contract. and i could really go on and on about it, lol, but

i won’t so laters for now.

April 5, 2001

April 5, #5. ok so i’m back and while i was at the PO they said i had a package,

so i was like, ok who would that be from, cause i’ve been expecting my contract,

but i thought that would come in a normal siezed envelope, well they dug it

out and handed it to me, and the thing was like 40 pages thick, and i was

like omg, wtf is this? so i went and opened it and it was my goddamn contract

for that job, so i started reading trough it and such and yeah, it looks like

an okey job, but i’m going to reject it. cause yeah, i’ll take the shit that

pete’s going to dish out and just deal with it. yeah i guess that’s what i’ll

do. i wonder if pat’s going to work camp again, he was an asshole last summer,

i really didn’t like him, and pete, well he’s jsut an asshole all the time,

you can’t get away from that. hmm i wonder what else i might have to put up

with other then that shit. i hope allens back, he’s cute.

yeah, lol. isn’t it amazing that i can get all these pictures of people, kinda

scary though huh, no one ever know’s i might have pictures of them, lol. so

yeah, that’s that shit. now i have to write a rejection letter for this contract,

cause ya know, a scout is kind, and it would be mean to just not send it back.

lol. it’s damn thick though, i’m going to read through it tonight and see

what all it says. i might be back yet again to bitch about it, or say damn

that was a good offer. (i’m guessing i’ll bitch about it from the little parts

that i have read already). I _really_ *really* like this new layout, color,

etc. that i did 🙂

April 5, 2001

april 5, #4, so i’m talking alot today, alright, so i got this phone call

from my boss last summer, and he’s still bothering me about working here this

summer, and i was like, alright, what can you offer me, and he’s like wel

i got an eagle bound position for $300 a week. and i was like, ok that’s cool.

so we got to talking about it and such and i was like, alright, damnit, do

i take the other job or do i get paid almost 3 times more and stay here in

iowa? it would be a bit better, cause then i wouldn’t have to travel all that

far and i would be able to get home and do the whole e-mail thing over the

summer, but then if i stay here, my "plans" won’t work out. which

is sad, but i need that extra money and such. so yeah. we’ll see. i’m sending

in the applicantion tonight, and i should have the contract in a couple weeks.

oh on other topics, incase you hadn’t noiced i changed the name of this page,

i’m going to try and make it more of a journal then just a place for me to

bitch about things, and such, yeah. cause well yeah. i know what i’m talking

about. ok i have to get to the PO before it closes, laters.

April 5, 2001

april 5, #3, omg i can’t believe i just sat trough a fucking hour of that.

so here’s the basic jist of it all, some parents are having coed sleepovers,

right, the parents stay up all night, with the kids and are usually in the

same room. i have no problem with that, other people were bitching that they

are having sex, etc. in these parents homes, i just don’t get it. <political

statment> i think that if a parent trusts thier kid they should let them

have ceod sleep overs, it’s other people’s jobs to tell this parent that they

can or can’t do this, if they don’t want thier kids going to these coed sleep

overs then don’t send them to them. but i think that the problems we hare

having in todays youth is that the parents are just using the computer and

tv and such to parent thier kids, they need to have a more open relation ship

with thiers kids and then just need to spend more time with them. i also think

that we need to give younger kids more resposibilities other then having the

government just say no that’s illegal, it’s the parents jobs, not the governments

</political statement> so that doesn’t really get my view across very

well, but yeah, deal with it cause i have to get to class.