May 19, 2001

may 19 [live, "selling the drama"] well i just got back from work,

it was pretty good. i got alot done today. found out about what i have to

do. i got alot to do in the next week or so. there’s like four really hot

guys on camp staff this year. the cutest one works with me, omg he’s so fucking

cute. and what’s best is that he was sooo flirting with me today, lol. it’s

going to be a great summer 🙂 i also stopped into kum and go today, i remember

why i liked working there so much, ohhh yeah, bute guys with thier shirts

off. hehe. other then that nothing really going on here today, ive been at

work all day so yeah. it’s cool<

May 18, 2001

may 18, [], wow, opps i forgot to update anything yesterday. i don’t even

remember yesterday, what the hell did i do all day. hmm, that’s odd. oh i

remember i went and i had lunch angie, that was cool. then i went and had

an eye appointment, that was cool as well. i got contacts. weeeeeeeee for

contacts. but that’s about all that i remember about yesterday. oh well. today

i haven’t really done much. i went and helped some guy set up his computer,

he gave me $25 and his old computer which is cool cause yeah, i can run redhat

on it, it’s a 200mhz thingy. it’s pretty nice really, since all i’m going

to run is linux. i also moved my computer downstairs so i now have internet

with it, that’s really cool. oh i remember what i spent all day yesterday

doing. i installed Win2k Server on my pu’s computer and i’ve spent all day

setting up the permissions ans stuff. it’s coming along nicely. ok well i

guess that’s all i have to say right now. so laters all.

May 16, 2001

may 16, #4. [bob seger, "let it rock"] god damnit, why does my

asshole of a father have to be such an asshole. so i was downstairs watching

tv. the turner was sitting in his chair, but i was watching the tv. he comes

in sits down, turns the channel to someting that he could watch on any other

tv in the damn house (the show i was watching was on satellite, and the tv

downstairs is the only one that i can watch it on). i go "i was watching

that", he said, "so", "so i was watching that", "well

you’re going to be up later then i am", "so", then he sits

there just staring at me, "what", "don’t take that god damn

adittude with me", "i don’t have an adittude, i was watching that",

then i get up and walk off, and he yells at me, "GET BACK HERE AND LET’S

TALK ABOUT YOUR SHITTY ADITTUDE", "i don’t have a shitty adittude,

i was watching that", then i turn around and walk off, "well i’m

sorry you have such a shitty adittude chris." does anyone else se a fucking

pattern here. damnit i really fucking hate being home. i can’t wait tell work

starts again. damnit.

May 16, 2001

may 16, #3 [phil collins, "Both sides of the story"] can’t i just

fucking shoot my dad. we’re having chicken grilled, we make it kinda like

a tortilla filling, but they don’t eat it like that. however i like it with

a tortilla shell. so i went out, "no tortilla shells", "no,

noone eats them when you’re not home", "well i’m home aren’t i and

i like them with chicken", "well run over and get some", "yeah

right", "DON’T TAKE THAT SHITTY ADITTUDE", "i don’t have

a shitty adittude", the stupid bastard he did it again, only thinking

of himself. i’m not going to fucking drive all the way to ankeny just to get

fucking toritlla shells, it’s a 30 minute round trip and since he’s an asshole

he wouldn’t have waited for me to get back before they ate, so i would have

missed it all anyways if i had gone. he’s such a bastard.

May 16, 2001

may 16, #2. [tonic, "mountian"] well it’s about 1, i’ve been up

since 8 this morning, been in the hot tub twice, went for a bike ride, worked

in the garden some. and that’s about it. it’s been a really boring day. my

dad’s home already. i hate when he gets home this early, it’s really annoying.

i’m just now getting dressed and thought i should write a little something,

so yeah. i have to go help my dad’s boss set up his computer on friday. i

still need to set up an eye doctors appointment. i’m going to get contacts.