Sept 11, 2001 #3

Sept 11, #3 [Enigma, "Beyond The Invisible"]

What happened today is something that I’ll never forget. This is JFK *

10 for our generation and it’s something that will be in the minds of us

all for years to come. The destruction today has never been seen before

inside the 48 states. This tradgedy will hold true for years to come and

only then will we know the full effects. Today we have estimates, tomorrow

we have numbers, next year, and decades to come will we only then understand

what fully happened today.

/. has some of the best coverage of the

stories. This link

is to the best I’ve found so far….read the comments.

Sept 11, 2001 #2

Sept 11, #2 [Enya, "Only Time"]

Who can say

where the road goes

where the day flows

only time

And who can say

if your love grows

as your heart chose

only time

Who can say

why your heart sighs

as your love flies

only time

And who can say

why your heart cries

when your love lies

only time

Who can say

when the roads meet

that love might be

in your heart

And who can say

when the day sleeps

if the night keeps

all your heart

Night keeps all your heart

Who can say

if your love grows

as your heart chose

only time

And who can say

where the road goes

where the day flows

only time

Who knows – only time

Sept 11, 2001

Sept 11, [Enya, "Lazy Days"]

Wow, lots of fucked up emtions going on today. First we’ve got that whole

bombing shit in NY and Washington and other such stuff. Then there’s things

with Adam. I also found out that Adam came-out to his mom. And omg, just

so much fucking shit going on.

At work today I met with that Australian guy, he was funny. I got my budget

approved and then I had to leave cause internet was down to the sites that

I needed to work today. So I got out of there early. That was cool.

Adam and I have alot to talk about right now, with him and his mom and

alot of other things that have been happening lately. Our friendship is

close, but I think there’s a littele turbulance starting. I want to keep

it the way that it is now. I don’t want to turbulance. So I’m going to call

him and talk to him tonight about that. It’ll all work out alright.

Sept 10, 2001 #2

Sept 10, #2 [Savage Garden, "Affirmation"]

Adam and I had a long discussion today about things. Just things in general.

It was cool to be able to talk to him about stuff. Life’s good in every

way possible right now. (Saved Text)

Not to much is really going on here today. It’s Monday, what do you expect.

In Soc this morning Vero got really pissed at the Prof. I found that amusing.

He was being an ass though, so he deserved it. Oh well. Our English paper

isn’t due tell Friday now which is cool. We have to write an argumentitive

paper about something that’s personal. I’m going to us the letter that I

wrote to my parents when I came out. I think that should do what she wants

this paper to do. So yeah, that’s cool. I have to write an audience evaluation

for it though, so that’s going to suck. Oh well.

I hate my roomie. He’s such a twit. Today he was in here all fucking day

doing his math. And he was using my deck cause well, he stole it. So I had

to find somewhere else to do my HW. Grr. Bastard.

I can’t wait tell Oct. now. I want it to be here. Then after Oct. I just

wish it could be christmas break, and then after that make it be summer.

We can skip the rest of the year. Ok, I’m going to go find some food now,

laters all.

Sept 10, 2001

Sept 10, [Sublime, "What I Got"]

The Guy:

We’ve all seen him,

The sun bather by the pool

The guy on the beach

The athlete in the gym.

Walking proudly with the prowess of a lion.

Chest high, shoulders wide and his body trim.

Each step sending shockwaves through his body.

Tall, but gracefull

He embodies more than what you could ever want.

Is he gay? A guy that attractive maybe.

Since you don’t even know his name you’ll probably never know.

He looks in your direction.

He makes eye contact with you for a few seconds.

Suddenly all the fantasies you’ve ever had flood back from memory.

Your stomach gitters and your eyes start to tingle.

He brings out all the physical attraction you’ve been harboring since you

were 12

For a breif instant you had a relationship with him.

Now all you see is his back walking away from you.

Another memory to add to your collection.

-Timm S