Sept 13, 2001 #2

Sept 13, #2 [Stereomud, "Pain"]

Yay for having

a cool ass job that gives me cool ass expensive peices of software to test

out. This is a $5,000 piece of software that they gave me to test out.

Hehe. It’s so fucking cool.

In other news, we had a quiz today in Econ, it was funny he said it was

open book and open notes, well he handed it out and everyone was just helping

everyone, it was great. So it was like a huge ass group test. It was good

times. If everyone doesn’t Ace that test. I’m going to scream cause well

the entire lecture hall was taking it together. Hehe. I love my Econ Prof.

Sept 13, 2001

Sept 13, [Godsmack, "Keep Away"]

Gotta Love NASA.

I hate my TA for Math 150. He e-mailed us today and gave us HW to have

done by Monday. The bastard.

Not much really going on today. I’m really depressed right now. I can’t

wait tell Friday. I’m going to skip my Math class and go home early. I got

a working LINUX boot disk today, so I’ll have to DL Redhat 7.1 and burn

it to disk, all 3 gig’s of it. Grrr. Oh well.

So I’m going to bring my other computer up on Sunday, that is if I can

get my monitor back from my parents. They stole it a while ago, why I don’t

know, the one they had on thier computer was much better then what I had.

Oh well. Whatever they want.

I got some other stuff I have to download and install as well. I’ve got

access to RealSystems RealServer so I’m going to try installing that so

I can stream live video to my website. I don’t know when I’ll get to that

though cause I have alot of other things to get done right now. Like Econ

and Math. Laters all.

Sept 12, 2001 #2

Sept 12, #2 [Oasis, "Champagne Supernova"]

Sometimes I just drive myself insane and have to get up from what I’m doing

and just go somewhere. That happened tonight. I was bothering myself so

I got up and went and took a long shower. I don’t know why I do it. Some

of me thinks I’m pariniod. Well I know that’s part of it, but what bothers

me the most is that when other people talk to someone other then me, when

I was talking to them. And I’m not included in the conversation I get really

posesive. I don’t think that’s a very good explination, but that’s the best

I can do right now. But I know what I mean. It just annoys the hell out

of me that I can’t be part of that. Well I guess an example would be good.

Like this summer, when everyone was going to the mall, but I couldn’t cause

I had to work, that bugged the hell out of me to the point that I was mad

as hell at everyone that was going, just because I couldn’t go. It wasn’t

because I wasn’t invited, they wanted me to go. It was because I had something

that I already had to do. That bugged me to no ends. I finally just said

screw work and went in like a couple hours late so that I could go to the

mall, cause I know that had I not gone to the mall and they came back and

told all thier stories. I would have been even madder. I know that I do

this, and I try not to, but sometimes I just can’t help myself. I wish that

I didn’t do it. Another example is RENT. I really want to see it, but the

thing that’s bothering me the most is that everyone else has seen it, and

Adam, the only person in the group that I know of that hasn’t, is going

to see it in Oct. That really bothers me that if I don’t get to go. I’ll

hear all his stories about it and I’ll just want to scream. Sometimes I

just hate myself.

And something else. Tonight one of Adam’s friends got online and I had

seen her SN somewhere, so I added her to my buddy list. I don’t know why.

I have a thing with knowledge, but that’s a whole different topic. But anyway.

I couldn’t remeber who it was, so I asked Adam and he told me and then was

like, how’d you know. I said that I didn’t remember, because I didn’t. (A

bit of background is always good. He’s been having problems with people

getting into his AIM account and deleting his Buddie list. I think he left

the password somewhere when he logged in from school) But anyway, he asked

me if I was the one that got into his account and messed it up. Now I knew

that he was doing it in a joking manner, but I took it personally. Another

thing that really bothered me. I told him that I was offended, when inreality

in my heart I wasn’t. I knew that he said it in more of a joking manner,

well I was at least going to give him the benifit of the doubt. I figured

he knew me well enough to trust me that I wouldn’t do anything. I don’t

know. Grrr. Just Grrr at me. :'(

Sept 12, 2001

Sept 12, [Alanis Morissette, "Uninvited"]

What I Didn’t Want:

When I started junior high I was never really looking to meet someone to

fall in love with. But you know, a little love here and there never hurt

anyone. I remember the first day that I laid eyes on Paul. He was everything

anyone could ever want in a boy. I mean he was sweet and fine as hell and

he was just a genuinely nice guy. Paul and I hit it off immediately and

I wanted him more then anything else in the world, but at the time he was

going out with Charlene, my enemy at the time. Well Paul and I decided that

we should be friends, even though he knew how I felt for him because anyone

who couldn’t tell that was pretty stupid. So we went on and did what normal

friends do, but at the same time when we were kickin’ it or just chillin’

way down deep I had this burning love for him. The best thing about him

is that although he knew how I felt and the fact that I still to this day

call him the love of my life, he never held it against me and we remained

friends until last year when we were in 9th grade. He may only be 15 but

he is the only person I have truly been in love with. I mean sure I have

had plenty of Boyfriends and friends and slept with people but that is nothing

and I would give it all up just to be with him. But what can I do??? I am

happy that he is happy with my best friend and we will continue to be friends

forever, but he will always be my one true love.

-Lexi []

Sept 11, 2001 #4

Sept 11, #4 [Jimmy Somerville, "Can’t Take My Eye’s Off You"]

You’re just too good to be true.

I Can’t take my eyes off of you.

You’d be like heaven to touch.

Boy I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived.

And I thank the stars I’m alive.

Oh you’re just too good to be true.

Can’t take my eyes off of you.

(?) it’s true I declare

Oh there’s nothing else to compare.

The thought of you leaves me weak.

There’s no words left to speak.

But if you feel like I feel.

Then let me know that it’s real.

Oh you’re just too good to be true.

Can’t take my eyes off of you.

I love you baby, and if it’s quite all right,

I need you baby to warm the lonely night.

I love you baby.

Trust in me when I say:

Oh pretty baby, don’t bring me down, I pray.

Oh pretty baby, now that I found you.

Stay and let me love you, baby.

Let me love you

You’re just too good to be true.

Can’t take my eyes off of you.

You’d be like heaven to touch.

Boy I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived.

And I thank the stars I’m alive.

You’re just too good to be true.

Can’t take my eyes off of you.

Today seems to be a good lyrics day. I was listening to this song and it

just brought out so many emotions for me. I know how it feels.