[David Bowie, “Nightclubbing”]

Fucken ‘ell there’s snow on the ground. Gwar at that. I got up this morning with every intention of going to class. I got out of bed, headed to the bathroom, went pee. Then I remembered that they said it was going to snow over night, so I wanted to know if it had snowed or not, bad idea. I went to the window, opened it up and looked out, sure enough there was snow everywhere. Damnit. That depressed me and I was like, fuck this. I’m going to go back to bed. So I did just that. I went back to bed and slept for another hour or so. It felt good. Then I got up cause I had to make some money, got dressed and went to work.

I got into work without dieing, came close a few times though, lol. I got in there, and I had this minor problem with a program, and asked Nazanin if she could help me. So she did. I learned how to do it in Perl.

Yeah, Perl’s good. I was trying to do it in a script and that just sucked. So yeah. Good times.

Then I did my actual work, I had alot to do today damnit. It’s my last tell tell next year though, so that’s good.

Adam should be here in about 2 hours. I can’t wait to see him. YAY! Tonight should be amusing, I wonder how everyone’s going to take it. Hmm, oh well. Good times.

Ok, I must go do things now, or something like that. Laters all.

North Polk?

[The Calling, “Whereever You Will Go”]

So I was just looking at who all had visited my page, and I see that someone from NP was here. That’s scary. If it was you, e-mail me or leave a comment or something, so I know who it was. Thanks.

On other news, the roomie is annoying and I have a really bad headache. Adam’s computer is broken and I feel really bad about that. I have a fix for it though, so that’s good. But I’m going to bet that Adam won’t be able to do it, cause well you all know he’s not that computer inclined. We’ll see what happens.

I should be studying.


[Rent, “Happy New Year B”]

I hate my roomie. He’s leaving soon. Soon’s good. He babbled at me today about something. lala.

I’ve finished my English paper, only revisions left now. I think it’s pretty good. I have to leave alot of stuff out cause of the page limit. But yeah, it’s still good.

Not much going on today. I’ve only got two more classes left before finals start. Count ’em. TWO!!

Yay. I can’t wait tell tomorrow. Adam’s coming up, we’re going out to supper. It’ll be fun times. I like lasagna.

Must remember to take books back to the book store sometime soon. I need the money.

Embarrasing C-Store

[No Doubt, “I’m Just A Girl”]

So I just got out of class and I was in the mood for chips and Salsa Con Queso, so I went over to the Friley C-store and got it. The lady at the desk was nice, and we talked about how much Math-150 sucks. As I was walking away from the counter she said, “Would you like a bag for that.” I said, “No, I’ve got it.” Just as I said that, the Salsa Con Queso fell out of my hand and brust open all over the floor. I was so embarrased. I hate when that happens, it’s like “What now?” Do I offer to help, do you stand out of the way and let them do their job, do you say “Sorry” and walk away. It’s all quite akward. Yeah. It sucks.

Eating chips and dip. I love Salsa Con Queso.


Nazanin annoys me so much sometimes. Today is one of those days. First off, last Friday we were supposed to have done a backup. She came in and and decided to play with things, and she fucked up the backup schedule. Grrr at that. Then they also got an UPS, and decided it couldn’t wait tell I got here to put it in, so they fucked up my computer and messed up my desk putting it in. Then when I go and tell her that the backup wasn’t done and that I was fixing it. She decides to come in here and go through it all and fuck it up again. I had it fixed, all I had to do was save it. But she came in and decided that she needed to mess with things, she went to do something else and a box came up; asking her if she wanted to save what she had done, before I got the words “Yes save it” out of my mouth she had said, “What am I doing, I don’t know.” And clicked no. All my work was lost. And of course since she’s my boss, I couldn’t really yell at her. Grrr. And then I’ve also got this system up for backup’s. It’s a nice system like any other company would use. Well, she dicides to come in and fuck with it all too. Grrr. Just stay the hell out of my office. I’ll make sure backup’s are done, I’ll get things working. You just go sit in your office and do what ever it is you do in there all damn day long. Rarr.

I can’t wait tell Thursday when I get to see Adam again. Apparently Mandy and Jessica said something to him. And I want to know what all was said, since I feel that what they said is something that also effects me.