Greymatter is being the devil again. Gwar at it. I did get to update to 1.21c though. So that’s good. Yeah. This entry sucks. Laters all.
Author: Cj B
Today’s horoscope for me is really funny:
“Today is a 9 – It’s time to bamke the commitment. Get married or have more chilfren. If that doesn’t fit your lifestyle, do something that does. It’s all about love and promises.”
Yeah. Funny…
This weekend’s been really good. Friday we just hung out at Adam’s house with Tara and Missy. That was really funny and then Saturday we took Adam’s car to his dad so that he could look at it. And then that night we just stayed at his house. Leah, James and Nelline randomly showed up and that was amusing. Then Sunday Adam worked tell 4 and after that I went over to his house and we hung out and talked and did random things. We also went to Target and I got a new shirt after alot of pleading by Adam. He’s wearing it today, I think.
Greymatter hates me again. I figured out why it hate me though. Or at least I think I figured it out. I changed the number of posts on the main page, and now it’s giving me the Internel Server error again. Damn thing. Well at least this month’s almost over, so it’s good. I think.
Well I have to go to class now, laters.
The Distance
The sky has lost it’s color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that’s how it feels to me
Whenever you’re away
I crawl up in the corner
As I watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time when you’ll be back
You’re coming back
I can’t take the distance
I can’t take the miles
I can’t take the time
Until the next time I see you smile
I can’t take the distance
Damn UPS. Last night it decided that it wasn’t getting enough attention. So at midnight it put out this VERY LOUD beeping noise. I guess the battery was dead. So last night I jumped out of bed and shutdown my computers, wich ion the old box takes about 3 minutes to shut down and pulled out the battery. So yeah. I bet the people next to me were really happy about that. After that I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I didn’t get much sleep last night.
I’m in the library now. I shouldn’t be updating here. But whatever. I just got out of my first class. And now I have about an hour before my next one so I’m going to do some HW. Good times. Laters all.
New Face
Well, hopefully you see a new face on my site. It took me all bloody day to change that shit because I kept trying things out and to do that I had to change the php includes in all 200 php files on my site. (It took me a while to write the script to change them) Then I had to receate the buttons because Dreamweaver didn’t like the old one’s for some reason. So yeah. You might have noticed that the poems pages are back up and hopefully working. I have them stored on my computer because that’s what was going to put me over my monthly cap. But there’s no way it’ll go over the 200 meg daily cap we have here. The only down side to that is that during the summer, none of those pages will be up. But oh well. Not like that many people actually use them. I hope you all like the new look. Leave comments about what you think please. (I already know that Adam thinks the font color is piss ugly, so I’m looking for something else to use, any good suggestions would be nice).
It’s been a really long day, but I really haven’t gotten much done. Most of the day was spent learning enough perl to write the script to change the php include statements, of course only I would do that, most people would have just used like word or something, I’m sure. lol. But Perl’s fun. If you want the code, e-mail me and I’ll send it to you.
La la la, I can’t wait tell tomorrow.