So yesterday Adam and I were at the mall and Marices has their prom dresses out already, and Adam was like, “I’m kind of worried about prom, I don’t know what’s going to happen.” And I asked him what he thought might happen, cause I was lost and he said, “I’m afraid what will happen to us, like I hope we don’t get beat in the parking lot.” Ok so those weren’t his exact words, but it’s the same thing. But yeah, it was wierd cause I was like, “Oh am I going to prom?!?!” Cause as far as I knew he hadn’t invited me to go, and last time we talked about it he said he was going to ask a girl to go with him. I didn’t actually ask him if I was invited, and he’s yet to specifically say that I’m going. But whatever. I’m sure that in time, it’ll come out as to weather I’m going or not.
Author: Cj B
Great Weekend with Adam
This weekend has just been bloody great. Friday night Adam and I went out with Mary. We met up with her about 8:30 and headed down town. It was great to get down town again. It’s been like 3 weeks since I was down there last. We hung out at Java Joe’s for a while, and Mary stared at the band guys and Adam and I stared at other guys, and it was fun. Later that night we met up with Tara and Missy and we went and walked around the skywalks and just had a good time.
About midnight we took Mary home and Adam and I headed back to my house to go hot tubbing. It was bloody cold out, but that’s the best time to go, because the water just feels so great. It was also almost a full moon and there were a few stars out, so it was nice and romanitic. After that we went inside and we watched the last DVD of QaF. Well, we didn’t really watch it, we just went to the good parts, cause earlier that night I had got a quote from there stuck in my head, and I couldn’t remember exactly how it went, so I had to hear it. But on the way to find it we ran into alot of other good things, so we watched those as well. We finally got to bed about 3 am or so. It was nice to sleep with him again. I just love that feeling so much.
Adam didn’t have to work Saturday, so we got up about 11 and went out shopping. Then later that night we headed off and did some other random things. About 8:30 or so we finally decided what we were going to do that night. . . We headed off to the South Side of Des Moines and then went back to Adam’s house. About 1:30 Betsy called and asked if we could take James back home, cause he was stuck there. That was a really really funny phone call. So I left Adam’s about 1:45 and went over and got James, and took him home. That was realy funny as well. He offered to give me a Blow-Job for the ride, but I was like, “no, I’ve had enough of that tonight.” lol, good times.
Today I met up with Adam about 11:30 or so and we went back to the south-side and went malling. He had to work today at 4, so we headed back to Ankeny and met up with Julian at Wal-mart and talked to him for a while. Abbie and Josh were there as well, it was cool to talk to them. So now here it is, almost 6, everyone on the floor is off at some party on the second floor watching that stupid football game, and I’m here with nothing to do. Gwar. Oh well
I was also supposed to get my car back this weekend. I called them on Wed, because that’s the day that it was supposed to be done originally, and the guy was like, we’re going to paint it tonight, so it should be done by Friday. So I called back on Friday and talked to him, and he said that they had it back together and everything, but they couldn’t get the Air Bag warning light shut off and that they were going to take it to Saturn that night and have them fix that this weekend. So now, it’s supposed to be done tomorrow. If it is, I’m going to go home tomorrow after classes and pick it up and then go to the GLRC with Adam and everybody. It’ll be good times. I can’t wait to get my car back. I really can’t.
Website trouble
Ok, so here’s the story about the whole website troubles and such. Early Wed. morning I was uploading a shit load of stuff to a bunch of different places. Well since I was uploading so much, I just got it started and then left for class. Well, when I got back I noticed that the upload to my website didn’t finish, so I tried connection again. But it said that I didn’t have permission to connect. So I was like, WTF? I didn’t really worry about it all that much. Later on that day I got an e-mail from them saying they were having server problems, so I didn’t think anything of it. Then a couple hours after I got that e-mail, I got another one from them, saying that my account had been deleted “on [my] behalf” because of “adult” material. I had no such “adult” material on my site, the only thing that was on there which could be related to adult material was an empty folder entitled “porn.” But I stress that it was _empty_ because it was. I e-mailed them back and explained that to them, and asked them what evidence they had that I had broken the terms by having “adult” material. They repied to me with a listing of files that were on the site, the time they were uploaded and the IP from which they had been uploaded. So I looked that over, and grepped my logs for the IP that they had sent me. Sure enough that IP showed up in my SSH and ftp logs. I had clearly been hacked. I e-mailed them back with this information, and asked that my account be re-instated. They e-mailed me back and said that they would re-instate my account, but that it would have to be on the NT basic plan. This really pissed me off because 1) I paid for the UNIX account, which is more then the NT account, 2) because most of my site is set up for UNIX only things, 3) because greymatter doesn’t work on NT. However, I guess it is ok, because there isn’t a data rate limit anymore, so I’m thinking about putting my webcam back up. That is if I can get it to work with Linux. We’ll see. But now I have to just get the site back up and working agian. That’s going to be a major hassle.
The Resons I Love You
I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put me down.
I love the fact that when I’m around you I can be myself and not worry about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.
I love being able to wake up with you by my side… It makes my days better
At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand… reality hits that you are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my family and friend, no matter how much you dislike them, or who they are.
And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.
But the main reason I love you is because…..
You are you!
–Carrie Sue
Busy shit.
Well, it’s like raining and shit, or snowing. I dunno I haven’t looked out side recenly to tell cause it’s depressing. It was funny though this morning watching everyone try and walk on the ice. Waddle-Waddle. hehe. But yeah. I dunno what to update about things are going good around here and shit.
I guess Adam was invited to talk at some Q&A thing at Drake or something. I’m really happy for him, but in a way it annoys me. (I know you’re all saying. “Here we go again….”) But yeah. I want to get involved damnit. There’s no way to get involved up here. And I want to go to the meetings at the GLRC I want to do this shit. It annoys the hell out of me damnit. I suggested to him just a few weeks ago about doing a Q&A at Ankeny and now he’s getting to be on one for some big thing. Gwar. . . But I am happy that he’s doing good. Don’t get me wrong on that.
I think at the end of this moth, like tomorrow I’m going to trach the current Greymatter shit and start over andsee if that works anybetter. And once I get it all set up, I’m not going to fuck with anything. Fucking greymatter. It hates me too.