Do you catch yourself barking when you should be smiling? Or do you catch yourself leaving the room with your tail between your legs when you should be standing up for yourself or someone else? When dealing with certain sticky situations, your own actions may be a little hard to understand right now. It seems that something is going on beneath the surface that you may not yet be able to unravel. You need to get in touch with your true feelings regarding another person’s actions.
Author: Cj B
I know, do you?
I know what my problem is, it’s that I don’t understand how someone can love me. I know how I can love someone else. I’m in love. But I can’t comprehend in my mind how they can love me. I look at myself and see everything that’s wrong. I see all the flaws and I see how I think, I see the way I look every morning and I know how I live. I see all these things and think how horrible of a person I am, and I think to myself, how can they love someone like me? How can they look at me and say that they love me, spend every day with me and say that they like being around me. I lay in bed at night looking back on my day, thinking how boring it was, I think about how rutine it was. I say to myself everynight that I’m going to get out and do things, that I’m going to change my routine. I just don’t understand, and that’s what I need to change. I need to learn.
Adam Annoying me.
Sometimes Adam just annoys the hell out of me. He’s to fucking arrogant and he doesn’t see when he hurts other people, and he doesn’t know when to shut his mouth and he doesn’t understand when to stop, and when to take it that he’s lost the conversation. Like with the zit things the other day. I said that I didn’t see why people needed to go to the dermotoligist to get that shit. I just don’t see a need for it unless you have acne that’s “health threatening” and I don’t see as how his acne is that bad, 90% of the time, you can’t even notice it and it’s just as bad as mine is. And he turned that into an all out argument about nothing. It was just annoying as hell. Because he doesn’t take other people’s opinions. And he just can’t accept that. Grrr.
I don’t want you annoyed with me. Adam, I do everything possible to avoid confrontaions with you because I don’t want them to fuck up our relationship. I lost you once and ever since we got back together I’ve been walking lightly on things, I know it probably doesn’t seem as that, but I have been and it’s little things like this that annoy me sometimes. You give to much information and always just asume that everyone else doesn’t know jack. You need to not be so arrogant in thinking that you know everything. Sometimes you should take the extra time to just find out what other people know before you start in with telling everyone everything.
So here I am at work. They’ve really annoyed me today though. Last Thursday I ordered some new stuff for my office. Well it came in yesterday, and instead of waiting for me to get here to put the damn stuff in, they decided that they would do it themselves. Now, these parts aren’t something that are critical to anything, it’s just a little box that makes it to that one keyboard and one mouse contolls all the computers in my office (A KVM switch for those more techincal people). I mean, we’ve been working on ordering one for months, it’s just that we never got around to it because we hadn’t ordered anything from somewhere that had them, and we didn’t want to pay shipping on just that. So we waited. But yeah, so I came in today, both my computers were pulled out, my laptop was on the floor, there were boxes and plastic wrapp just thrown on my desk, my picture of Adam had been knocked down behind my desk, everything was just a mess. And that really pissed me off. First because it’s my office, they should have just left it on my desk, second, they screwed everything up and didn’t even bother putting anything back, third they left thier trash on my desk, and fourth they didn’t even get it set upright. Grrr.
But now I’m working on my C++ hw and some other random stuff. It’s alright.
Monday Nights
Tonight was a ton of fun. My car was supposed to be done, so I called them after I got out of class and asked if it was. They said that it wasn’t because they didn’t have a relay switch, which is what I took out to make the horn stop, so they asked me to bring it to them, so that they wouldn’t have to wait for a replacement to get there. So I took it to them, thinking that it’d be like a pop it in turn it on and see if it works things. And if it works, I can have the car, if it doesn’t they keep it. But I get there, and they’re like no. It’ll take longer then that, cause they have to reset the computer and stuff. But it was so sad cause they were waching it and everything when I got there, it was so cute. It even still had the string from Adam’s Christmas ball on there. ::whines:: I want my car back.
But I got to go to the GLRC tonight and that was fun times. Even though kit or kat or whatever her name is annoyed the hell out of me and pissed Adam off, it was still good times to be able to go there, and hang out again. Good times. Julian and I also talked about doing something with the Alliance website. I guess he sent me an e-mail a while back. So eiter I didn’t get it, or it got lost in the masses of e-mail that I get, so I’m going to go find it now. Laters all.