I’m going to prom… After wondering for so long, he asked. I’m going. It’s in early April. I dunno, how’s this work? When do you get your tux… Do I get him a flower thing… I don’t even know what those things are called. lol. But I’m going. It’ll be fun.
In completely different news. I switched over my nameservers on the registrar. So I don’t know if my website will work tomorrow or not. I guess we’ll see won’t we.
I also got the following e-mail (A forward) from my Aunt…
(From Belinda to Sheila):
On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 18:17:29 -0600 “B. Lawson”
Talked to grandma said your mom was feeling pretty good still not going
out much. She said Jim’s came down last weekend to help her out. She
also said Chris and his boyfriend came down this weekend to help her
around the house and cook. I bet she was grateful for that. Well, I
better go, Talk to you later.
(From Shiela to Belinda):
Yeah, it was Jim’s turn last weekend. I was (along with Beckie) going to go down this weekend, but thew eather got bad, so stayed home. I talked to Chris and told him to change sheets on the beds. Glad he and Adam were there!!
(From Belinda to Sheila):
No, haven’t heard from him since I came home from grandma’s. Chris isn’t gay is he? It was just the way grandma said boyfriend? Just wondering
(From Sheila to Me):
Read this starting at the bottom with the message from Belinda to me and
then let me know how you would like for me to respond. Dwaine says that
GG is just using the old fashion term and doesn’t know anything. His
suggestion was to ask if Belinda didn’t run around with “girlfriends”
when she was your age.
Yes Dwaine knows, he guessed a long time ago.
It’s all crazyness. I dunno what to do about it all really.