I have to deal with so much fucking BS at my job every day. I can’t believe I don’t drink more. These people are so fucking retarded.
Two years ago I was demanded to put up Christmas music. At the time, we didn’t have control over the music we had so there was nothing I could do. I took a ton of heat and multiple demanding emails back and forth saying that we have to have holiday music.
This year, we have the control, so I put some up. “Baby, It’s cold out side”, “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch”, “The most wonderful day of the year.”. Nothing to crazy.
As soon as I put it up, they bitched. Bitch bitch bitch. “It’s too loud” (the same complaint they had about out hold music before). “You can’t understand it because it’s the middle of the song”. Blahb lah blah.
I ignored most of them. I don’t fucking care. If it’s too loud then fucking hold the ear piece out from your head or don’t put it at 100% volume.
I called it from my desk phone, my cell phone, aaron called it, matt called it. It wasn’t loud at all! It was just fucking fine.
So they CCed our CEO. I replied back. “Don’t you have better things to do? Like sell asparagus?” And removed all hold music. Now it’s just dead air. Fuck them.
Also remember I was down here a few months ago. Installed that fucking Driver check-in thing. Well guess who followed me down here. GLC’s Julio with HIS fucking driver check in system. Yep. That’s right, so now there are two of them siting there. I guarantee you we got billed back for that computer, monitor, printer, and his trip down here. Fucking assholes.
They are such fucking idiots here. I’m so fucking over this BS. I’m also really fucking pissed that our company holiday party is 5 fucking hours long on a fucking boat on saturday. I fly back to LA on Saturday morning and have to be at this fucking office party all night. I’m missing out on 4 other personal parties. This is so fucking redic.
I’m in such a bad mood today!
It’s been so difficult for me to even get out of bed recently. I dread going to the office every day and dealing with this BS. Dealing with all these stupid requests from idiots who have nothing but time apparently to bitch about shit like hold music or other SHIT! Yet they claim they are so fucking busy all the time that they just CANNOT get things done that I actually NEED to get my job done.
The same goes for our management team. I have all these projects that they want done in a very short amount of time and NO FUCKING MONEY or authority to actually MAKE the projects happen. How am I supposed to get my shit done if I can’t MAKE it happen. No funding or authority = useless IT teams.
David has been txting me a lot. I tried to ignore him, but he sent me all these messages. I replied, we chatted via txt for a bit, then a couple days went by, he’d text me again, couple days, txt again. Ugh. I need to just call him and tell him what’s up. But at the same time I feel that things would fall apart if I did.
Other things have been happening. Climbing, I’ve been getting better… Finally! Still no boys, no dates, etc. Been having feelings for a new boy though who’s in the climbing group. Not a good idea to have those though. We all saw how well that worked with Morgan and Davey. lol.
Invited some random to the last climbing night. He was creepy as all hell!
UGH! I want to just go home and drink and cry on my couch.
Who’s the new boy?
you wish it were that easy. 😛
Why not!