april 20, #3. i so do love css, in case you didn’t notice (i sure hope to
god yo did notice, other wise you’re blind) i completly changed the color
scheme on here, and it only took me about 30 minutes, the hardest thing was
just getting the buttons and letters on the main page changed, cause i’ve
never changed those before so i had to start from scratch and get them to
look right, but i saved a .png of those, so now if i want to chnage something
it’ll only take like 5 minutes and i only have to upload 7 files, to change
all 238 html files that this site contains, i sooooo love this css shit, next
thing i’m going to work on is templates, so that if i want to change the overall
layout, all i have to change is just one file and then it changes everything
else to have a completely different yet uniform look 🙂 i’m just not sure
how well the templates work on dreamweaver, i’ve had some problems with them
before not changeing things that it was supposed to, and changeing other things
that it wasn’t supposed to. so we’ll test that before it’s emplimented.