One Year ago…

Grandpa Black and ChrisI can’t believe it’s already been a year. One year ago this week, I made an emergency trip home. I was hoping to make it in time to say one last good bye to grandpa, instead I was greeted at the airport by a tearful mother and bad news. The week was full of emotional roller coasters, good times and bad, seeing family, new memories and talking about old ones, laughter and crying, good food and lots of support from neighbors, friends and the community. I still think about and miss my grandfather every day. He was a huge inspiration to me and I only hope that I can become half the man that he was. I just wish he were there to continue to share in our families joys.

I still kick myself every day for not going home a day earlier. If only I had I could have seen him. I could have said goodbye and how much I loved him, how much I’d miss him. How much he meant to me. I hope that he knew that and I’m glad that the rest of the family was there to support him in his last moments on earth. I hope that he’s out there somewhere, in kind or in spirit watching over us and smiling.

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