Happy new year everyone!
So the new year was pretty boring for me, I sat at home, drank a bottle of champagne and had a boy come over. Fun stuff, no? I was in bed by 10pm! Woot, go me!
The next day I got up and went out and did some shopping and stuff, nothing to exciting, Nick got here at like 5ish and convinced me to go out and buy a Nikon D90. Hence the previous update about Best Buy sucking.
Friday morning we got up early and drove up to pick up JoEric and then off to Ventura for the weekend in Santa Cruz Island! When we first got to Ventura the weather SUCKED. It was overcast, cold, almost rainy feeling and it STUNK. We loaded up the boat with some other HOT boys and off we went to the Island. It took about 2 hours to get out there because we kept stopping for dolphins and whales and stuff. I really enjoyed seeing them, but we could have spent less time doing that.
So we got there and setup camp and then headed out on a quick trip over to Smugglers Cove. It was a pretty easy 6 mile round trip hike and the cove was very pretty. We hung out there for a while, did some hand stands, and just exploring the area. On the trip up we found some HUGE piles of rocks and were wondering what they are. Nick and I both guessed rock piles from clearing fields, but we didn’t think that was the right answer, so we came up with some more stories about aliens and what not. Very entertaining. Sadly on the way up there, I kept feeling like something was STABING my big toe. I found out once we got back to camp that I had two HUGE blisters on my toe already! NOT a good way to start the weekend!
Got back to camp and we made a delicious dinner and then hung out, played cards, talked and then went to bed!
Saturday morning we got up and putzed around the camp for a while then headed out to Manonon Peak. It was a pretty easy hike up, but with my blisters it sure was painful! We got up there around 1 or 2 because we had really taken our time and stopped a few places to enjoy the scenery. The day was much better then previous because the clouds had blown off and it was sunny! At the peak we met a Ranger and talked to her for a while about the foxes and bald eagles on the island, really learned a lot! Also found a GeoCache and signed it.
Hung out there for a while learning the Rubrix secrets and then headed down a ways, got to a nice grassy area and stopped to play frisbee for about an hour. Once the sun had set behind the mountain we headed the rest of the way down. Got back to camp around 6ish and made dinner, played some more cards and then went to bed!
Sunday was a really lazy day, we did a short hike to Potato Cove, watched the water and then went back to camp, napped, packed and then waited for the boat!
Overall it was a GREAT weekend!