Well, everyone…
This is post number 2000!!!!
I was going to write something really long and boring about how things have changed so much, but alas.
Something more important
My baby died today!
My Zettta Bytes. 🙁 She’s dead.
I woke up this morning and turned her on, and she started making this HORRIBLE screeching sound. It was deathly ill.
I rushed her to the emergancy room, and plugged her into life suppport to try and save her memories.
But she died on the operating room table.
I was only able to save 3.03 Gigs of the 9Gigs of stuff I have on her.
Today is a sad sad sad day. :'( I dunno what I’m going to do to get that stuff back!
And just the other day I was trying to back her up and get a bunch of stuff off her… God damnit! Why did I give up so easily on that. :'(
Now I dunno if I should spend just the $500 to have her fixed, or if I should go with the $3k to just get the new Intel mac. Oh god, what to do!?
ugh i thought your cat died! but still so so sad…
get the new mac!
Ugh, I’d LOVE to buy a new one, but I just don’t think I can afford it right now.
I went and bought a 100Gig hard drive at Fry’s this morning and will be attempting to replace the drive before going home tonight.
We’ll see how well that goes!
Ugh why is this such a problem! 🙁
WHY Do apples hate me so much? I love them! This is the second time now I’ve hard to replace this HD!