Weekend == Boring.
I went and worked out again on Sunday. But I really need to be hitting the gym more. Just never really in the mood.
Went shopping sunday afternoon and bought a photo album. That was fun. haha. Andrew called me too for the first time in a long time. He’s been having a bad time back in Iowa. That sucks for him. 🙁
But I was kinda annoyed because he was all. “I just want to find a guy who does this and that and this and that” and I was all like, “HELLO, you had that! And threw it away!” Well, I didn’t really say that.
But it was really good to talk to him again. It’s been so long.
Blake just got online too, I missed talking to him this weekend. I guess they removed the tumors on his lungs. So that’s good news.
Maybe when you are feeling unmovated about going to the gym you should look at your old self when you were over weight? That seems to work for me, I look at your before photo and your after photo showing me that if someone like you and others can lose weight and workout, than I can do it too.
Of course I don’t have to look at photo, I just look down at my belly. lol.