Another Weekend.

Well this weekend is coming to a close, unfortunately it’s a three day weekend, so there’s one whole more day of it. I dunno if I can handle that.

Friday night I just went home and spent the night there. Nothing too exciting.

Saturday I got up about 9:30 and went to the mall about 10. Got my new glasses ordered and then walked around the mall for a while since I had time before I had to be at Beak’s. It took all my strength not to buy tons of clothes. I was feeling down, and that’s what I do, I spend money. Plus the Gap had some REALLY cute Cords and some UBER cute shirts! I wanted them all.

And then Express Men had the shirts that I love on sale. Though luckily they didn’t have any colors that I really wanted. So that’s good.

I got out of there without buying anything and then headed over to Beak’s. Hung out there all day. And I do mean ALL day. I finally left about 9:30 or so.

Though it was tons of fun. We went to Wal-Mart and the whole time I was there I was talking to Andrew, spent about an hour on the phone with him. Good to talk to him, though he seems to be taking things abit hard right now. All that for a private update.

After Wal-Mart, or was it before? I don’t remember, we went to IHop and had the WORST waitress in the WORLD! I swear to god. I must be cursed.

Went back to Beak’s and tried fixing her computer. It was being a whore bag. But eventually got it going, after they left to go back to Wal-Mart to get Beak’s new bike. That took them forever and by the time they got back I had it up and running agian. Got online and went to download all the patches, and within like 5 minutes she had the god damn worm AGAIN!

So yeah, that wasn’t good. Tried reformatting AGAIN! But it STILL didn’t work. Very annoying. So I finally left.

IN between there there was lots of random running around, we went to the half price book store and I found a book that I wanted to get Andrew, so maybe I’ll go back adn that’ll be his Christmas present. Though I have also found a few other things I want to get him for that.

After the book store, we went to the mall and I picked up my glasses and then we went to the Gap, and I just HAD to buy the cords. So I got them. Very amusing. I also REALLY wanted the shirts. I’ll have to keep an eye out to see when they go on Sale.

I wish I still had Gap Boy’s IM, I could ask him to watch for me.

Oh, we also ran into David #3 (From Coring) at the mall, we talked for a bit, though not long. I wanted to tell him to give me a call next time he was in DM, but I forgot too. It’d be fun to hang out with him again.

Anyways, on the way home from Beak’s I called Andrew and we talked for a bit. Again, he’s having problems. Also talked about Cort. I guess she’s having problems too. So sad, really.

Ended up talking for another hour or so. I really enjoy the weekends because we can talk whenever we want too.

I’ve been looking at new cell phone services and I think I may get sprint, because I can have the Sprint to Sprint unlimited calling, so we could talk whenever, for however long we wanted. Instead of having to wait tell the weekends to do that.

Got home, and just sat in my drive way talking to him and watching the fireworks.

Got to bed about midnight.

This morning I woke up about 10 and got ready, then went downstairs and just lounged around tell my PU’s got home so that they could pay me for my glasses. Got that taken care of then headed off to Ankeny to get some food.

It’s REALLY cold here in Iowa today, (IE, 64 according to my computer) so I though Chili sounded good. So I went and got some stuff for that, and come home. Made it and then called Andrew. We talked for like 40 minuies before someone came in and asked if he wanted to go tot he Beach. He did and we broke.

Hopefully he’ll call me back and say that he had a GREAT time there.

Anyways, time tob reak. Laters all!

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