So… Last night I was getting ready to take a shower, so that Adam and I could hang out here for my first night… I got the water to the temp that I wanted and turned the knob to go to the shower head. No water… So I turn it back and forth again and I got a little water… but not ANY WHERE near enough to take a shower… So I said “Fuck this” and was going to take a bath… turn the knob to plug the drains, and it fell off the wall..
So after much confusion we left to my house to swim. After swimming we spent the night at my house… Which I really didn’t want to do, since I now have my own damn apartment to sleep at. But we stayed there and hung out.
Today we got up and showered and shit… Then we went and got hair bleaching stuff… I required 5 opinions before I actually bleached it though, cause I didn’t know if it would be good or not. So we asked people… two of which we’re random people.
They all said it’d be cool. So we went off to do it. I was scared that it wouldn’t be good.
After it was done I freaked cause it’s totaly not what I’m used to… But everyone said it was good… Then we wend and got it cut.
The hair cutter guy was an ass.
After that I came back to Ames. I’ve been doing homework all night… It’s boring and I want someone else here…. You know though, even though I now have my own place, and shit… I’ve realized that I still close the door when I change and go to the bathroom. It’s wierd. lol.
So now I’m done with HW and I’m getting ready for bed. It’s lightening and thundering out and I’m scared…. Adam won’t come up and comfort me… ::sobs:: I want someone to spend my first night with me here. ::crys::
I’m going to go now before something bad happens to my computer…
Night all!!
PS go read ADAM’S new journal!