Sept 7, [Filter, Take A Picture"]
Last night was an odd night. I was laying in bed and thinking about alot
of things, and there was so much I wanted to write here about what was going
on in my head and what was going on in my life and such. But now I just
can’t remember any of it. I know it had something to do with Adam, Angie,
Nick, and I. But there were also other things, things about my childhood
and such. Whatever. Maybe I’ll remember it laters. But I realized alot last
Today’s going to be a good day, it’s only 8:00 AM and I’ve popped 2 No-Doz
already. I just felt that I needed them, lol. I get to go home tonight as
well, that’s going to be lots of fun and shit. Cause well I get to see Adam
I’m so excited about that. I miss him so much. I fell as though if I don’t
get home every weekend, I’m going to miss out on so much. But at the same
time I think it’d help for me to not see Adam for a while, that might help
me get over him. But then there’s also the aspect of I WANT TO FUCKING SEE
HIM. lol. I dunno, just being around him makes me so much happier. This
is a great time in my life.
I feel like newborn
and I feel like a newborn
awake on my airplane
awake on my airplane
I feel so real
could you take my picture
cause I won’t remembe