june 26, [ joi cardwell, "run to you"] well tonight’s been another
one of those great nights. about noon mandy and i went to jules and woke him
up, then we finished watching QaF, that was great, jules sister was in the
other room and could hear it all. then we left and shit and went MHM for lunch
that was good, then everyone had to go to work. so i came home and zach called
me cause he was with ang and some other people, but the PU’s were bitching
at me about not being home much so i stayed home. then after they went to
bed i left and went to wal-mart to see jules and to fill out an app, which
i did. then i went to java joes there were a few cute guys there, but not
much so i left and went to the loop, there was nothing but child molesting
vans there, so i left there too and went to K&G to talk to mandy, by that
time it was 9:45 or so, and i just hung there tell she got off. we called
jules and dean was there, so they came over and we hung out, we ended up at
the west side, and yeah, that was cool, we just talked. i’d like to have some
personal time to talk with jules, but everytime we’re together there’s someone
else there. oh well, it’ll come. it’s now 1:40 am and i’m thinking i’m gonna
head to bed, so nighties all