june 15, #2 well todays been pretty cool. i got up about 11;15 or so and
got dressed and went to angies to have lunch, xak, ang, and i went to hardee’s
that was cool then we went to DQ and got ice cream. it was all good. then
i went to wal-mart to get my tire fixed and julian was working so i went to
talk to him. but then he got this big line and some other associate was standing
there, so i went over to the other isle and just wondered around some. but
when i looked up jules was gone, so i went and looked for him at the little
counter thingy, but he wasn’t there, so i just walked around the store, i
didn’t see him again, i was sad, i at least wanted to say bye to him. oh well.
it took them forever to fix my tire i didn’t get out of there tell 3:45 or
so. then i came home and i’m doing my laundry now. i’m going to leave and
go to DM here soon i think. i need to get my glasses fixed and i want to hit
the mall for a bit before i leave, so yeah. i think i’ll go rotate the laundry
and then leave.