
Hey y’all. Well, I’ve been kinda sucking at updating my photodump site. MyPhoto wasn’t being updated any more, so I had to find a new solution. I came across WiPhA so I’m using that now. You can go check it out at my Photodump site. Just click to log in as a guest and then you can view all the pics you want. 🙂 I suggest going and looking at the 2006-08-26 – Pirates of the Carb album, as I’ve added a few more shots of the ship and stuff.

This one will be much easier to keep up to date as well, because I don’t have to have anything on my local mac running, I just upload the changed files in my iPhoto Library. So hopefully I’ll keep things better this time! 🙂

All weekend Star 98.7 has been giving out free tickets to the DMB concert today. All evening Friday I tried winning them, but I kept missing the phone number. I thought it was 800-STAR-987. But everytime I called it, I got a message saying that the number wouldn’t accept calls from my area. Ugh! So then Saturday afternoon I finially got the number, which was right! Bastards, why can’t I call them! :'( Hopefully they might sitll be giving out tickets today, so I’m listening, and I now have a 949 number to call from!

Friday I hung out with Andrew, that was fun times. We went out to Panera and then just hung around the chapman. Also went to this amazing play thing called NWC. OMG, it was so great!

I ventured out Saturday and went to Target/Home Depot. Ended up spending way too much money there! Saturday afternoon/night I hung out with two different guys. The first one, James, was nice, and entertaining, but a little short.. Friends only there. lol

The second guy, Di, was really nice, and cool. And hot. 🙂 We just hung out at my place watching Dragnet. lol. He’s apparently on outrigger as well? haha. Oh well. He lives like right down the street from me, so we’ll see if we hang out any more.

Sunday I lounged around the house all day. I ventured out ONCE and almost got killed twice! Stupid fuckers don’t know how to drive. The first guy, clearly merged into my lane in the middle of an intersection and almost killed me. So I honked at him, then the jerk drove 15 mph in front of me and every time I tried to pass him, he kept swearving infront of me so I couldn’t get around him! JERK!

The second one was this Jag that clearly went through a red light… It was SO red for her that it was NEARLY red for me! She just blew right through it! OMG!

So yeah, that was my weekend. Adios!

Green Tape

So, last night sucked hard core for me… Most emotional night I’ve had in a long time, and I’m only working on about 4 hours of sleep now. Gah!

I watched Gilmore Girls last night, did anyone else notice the green tape on lor and suki during the flower shopping scene? WTF up with that? And what the hell happened there at the end! That was such a mess.

I found this picture on Digg yesterday:

Anyone notice anything wrong with it?!?!? WTF!?

I installed iLife ’06 and iWork ’06 last night, very exciting, iPhoto really does scroll like a knife through butter or whatever Jobs said… I haven’t played with the other things yet.

My Mac seems more sluggish since I installed 10.4.4, I dunno, maybe it’s just me.

Tomorrow I’m working a normal day (9-4) because I have a doc appointment at 4:30 in Newport Beach. I’m not sure if this is just a consultation or if they are actually going to do the surgery then… Who knows, like I said, it’s just out patient and the Doc said it shouldn’t take more then 30 minutes. I guess we’ll find out… Either way, I kinda wanna go out tonight, but at the same time, just sit at home and be a bitch some more.

Why can’t things just still be the way they were 2 years ago.. I was happy then, what happened?

I’m still really pissed about a lot of things. I’m out.