April 30, 2001

april 30, #3. so i was uninstalling a bunch of stuff off my computer today,

and Win2k has this thing that tells you if you’ve used the program, Frequently,

Rarley, or Occasionally. well it said that i used AIM rarely, which is incorrect

cause it’s up all the time that my computer is on, and it says i use MSN frequently

which is again wrong cause i use jabber, and it said that i used office frequently

which is wrong cause i _never_ use office i always use Abiword, and for abiword

it said i used it rarely, does anyone here see a pattern?

april 30, #4. i like this guys hair, i need to

get my hair cut, lol.

April 30, 2001

april 30, i’m glad this is the last day of the month, this journal was getting

a bit to big, it’s up to 92K now. lol. but ya know what i really, really love

about spring and summer, it’s that time right before and right after a big

thunderstorm, you know the air just has that smell to it, i love that smell.

and right after a thunderstorm, everything just smells so rejuvinated and

fresh. yeah, i love it. it could rain everyday and i wouldn’t mind. last night

i learned that Win2k doesn’t BSOD. it just reboots. cause after 17 and a half

days of uptime, last night i was watching tv, and i went to put it into fullscreen

mode. and the computer just went, <BEEP> and rebooted. the damn thing.

so it’s now been up for 10 hours. still it’s damn better then WinME, but not

anywhere near as good as Linux. oh well. i also learned that julian likes

sex so quote him "I know who I am; I like sex" roflol, the things

people tell you when you have an away message up, lol. umm, not that much

else going on yet today. it’s only 6:46 am. i’ve been up for 36 Minutes already

and i’m dressed and ready for the day. only one week of classes left, and

then it’s finals week. yay for that.

April 29, 2001

april 29 #2. can’t i just fucking shoot my roomie? so i left here about 4

or so, and went to the tc. i took my keys and my card and my shoes, so you

could easily tell that i was leaving for a long amount of time, well like

5 minutes after i get to the tc, i see my damn roomie walking by. i didn’t

really think anything about it. but now an hour and a hlaf later i come back

to the door, ro find my roomie still gone and the door standing WIDE open,

it’s been 20 minutes now since i got back and he’s still not here. so they

dumbfuck left the door standing wide open, and this isn’t the first time he’s

done this, like last night. i was in bed, granted i was still on the phone,

but i was in bed, and he came in, left the door standing wide open and went

to bed. didn’t even bother shutting it, and since i was in bed i wasn’t going

to get down, so i just left it. it stood open all night long. it was still

open when i got up this morning. i’m really sick and i’m all out of drugs.

i need more drugs.

April 29, 2001

april 29, so it’s 9:21 am and i’ve been up for about 30 minutes already.

yesterday actually turned out to be a very wonderfull day. about 10 minutes

after i wrote that, danny got on, and we talked on here for a bit bout stuff.

and then i called him at 11, and we talked for 5 and a half hours. i was so

happy, i really didn’t want to hang up i wanted to just keep talking to him

all night, but i knew that my dad would be really pissed about this phone

bill cause i think that makes like 6 hours or so this month. oh well screw

what he thinks. on a different topic. i feel much better this morning, my

nose is still all clogged up, but i can talk so that’s good. lol. it’s already

77 here, todays going to be one hell of a hot day. i really hope this isn’t

a sign for what we have in store for the summer. ok i’m going to go see if

i can find anything at the g-store, i have a craving for potatos and eggs.