Ok, I have been having the time of my life lately. I am ANNOYED AF at my guests. But everything else out weights it.

I met this other boat a few weeks ago and we’re buddy boating south right now. The weather is fucking fantastic. Life is good!

Yesterday for new years we did some snorkeling in the mangroves, saw turtles and sharks.. We rode through the washing machine which was super fun. We did a beach bonfire, they all came over to the boat and we smoked weed, played board games.

Just fucking amazing.

I hope this is the way it keeps up for a while.

I will say though. I am looking forward to not having other people on my boat.

Parents and Christmas

So parents are gone and now Nathan and Kris are here…

Parents trip was fine. We had pretty good weather the whole time, we hung out with Another Summer which was fun. Nothing major to report. It was nice having them but I was ready for my brother specifically to leave. There were a few times that I wanted to punch him in the face.

First, he’s so fucking LAZY. He didn’t lift a finger to help out around here at all. There were two nights that we asked him to do the dishes and he didn’t fucking do shit. He just sat there and sat there. Eventually mom got up and did dishes. He’s also such a fat slob. When I went to go clean his toilet, he had SHIT on the fucking toilet seat somehow and just left it. He also left candy wrappers IN HIS BED.

Second, We were shopping in downtown Nassau and he said he knew of some store he wanted to go too he had found on Google. So we walked around and it wasn’t there. He said it was “back the way we came” so we all turned around and started walking BACK THE WAY WE CAME. We got to the end of where we started (IE where we had got out of the cab at) and said something like “this is the end” and he started screaming that he had told us it was the OTHER WAY. blah blah blah. Like just angry yelling. We all told him that’s NOT what he said and then he went on this whole “just fuck it, let’s just go home blah blah blah”. But mom said let’s walk back and try to find it the other direction. We never DID find the shop he was looking for.

Third, we were dingy back to the boat. WAVES were crazyyyyyy and so I asked Andy to scoot back. He like immediately responded in anger saying something like “I can’t fucking scoot back” and then jus went on and one. I asked him ONCE politely to scoot back. Then mom yelled at him to stop it. And he got more angry and started screaming that he wasn’t screaming. Mom and dad BOTH told him to shut up. Then he started back talking to them about how he wasn’t yelling. So then I told him to shut up and then mom smacked him in the face.

The new guy at work is getting worse. He had sent one of my vendors an email saying he wanted to have a meeting to discuss the “partnership”. The vendor was concerned about it so she reached out to me and my boss. We agreed that she should schedule the meeting but include myself in the invite. Well when he saw my name on the invite, he apparently cancelled the meeting and told the vendor he didn’t want me involved.

Another vendor reached out to me concerned because he doesn’t grasp basic concepts of IT. He can’t tell the difference between an android and windows computer. He keeps doing things that go against what they tell him too.

He’s also one of those people who replies “Thank you” to every email, but doesn’t actually do anything. Or another example. One of our users sent an email to the outsourced Helpdesk, CCed myself and him on it. He replied thank you to the email and then forwarded it to the Helpdesk. Dude, it was SENT TO THE HELPDESK. you were just CCed for information needs. WTF. Idiot

I also had a crazy ass dream about Charles the other day. We were at some fancy event for Jay & James. We were wearing suites and stuff. He was standing there talking to me, wearing the suit that I helped him pick out for the wedding he went to when we first me. I was getting dressed and he was talking about our relationship and getting back together. He was trying to convince me to get back. In the dream I was debating with myself about saying yes or saying no and just finally ending things between us. Then I went to put on my pants and it was covered in spiders. THat’s where I woke up…

Anyways, I’ve gotta go to another boat to discuss plans…

Parents are here

Parents arrived and we sailed down to Exuma’s yesterday. It was a beautiful sail. Was expecting to take 12 hours but made it in 10 which was super nice!

They use SO MUCH WATER though. Like every time I heard the water faucet turn on I wanted to yell and be like “TURN OFF THE WATER”. LOL

It’s good to have them here.

Met a group for drinks!

OMG. Last night was so fun! I was on grindr and this guy messaged me 1,000 feet away. Come to find out him and his friend just arrived on their sailboat from Baltimore. We started chatting, it was two gay guys and a straight couple. We all met up and walked around town, had drinks. They came back to the boat and hung out a little bit. So much fun.

The gays were super nice. One was this latino guy (the one I was chatting with) and the other one was this Asian guy, who of course I was way more into. Bu the didn’t talk to me too much 🙁

I’m hoping I’ll see them around more! But so glad I got to meet up with them.

Parents arrive today and I have a lot of stuff to do before they arrive.

Boat Projects

So yesterday was a nice day. Woke up and walked astra to this park near where I will be anchoring a lot in the coming weeks with people coming and going. That way I could scope out the beach/docking situation.

Came back to the boat and did some work… But nothing major. Again this new guy is an idiot. He’s got no clue what the fuck is going on. When I started at River Point Farms, it was a very similar situation (only he guy I was replacing didn’t know I was replacing him!). I spent EVERY SINGLE DAY side by side with him for the first month or so. Every email I was CCed on, every meeting I was included in. That way I could get a feel for how/what things are going on. How he resolved issues. Got in depth discussions about how systems worked together, etc.

This new guy is just cutting me out. According to Bryan he is saying he can “make it work”… I don’t think he can.

Other than that, I did a few boat projects. Finally got the fan installed in the guest cabin and also installed the second radio at the helm station. That way I can be on the radio and drive at the same time.

There’s some hot guys on grindr here with big ones. I want to hookup, but I’m scared of them robbing me or something.

I’ve been doing lots of planning for the people visiting which is getting me excited about things…. I’m still just not sure WTF to do with this boat after this season is over.